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CR Snowboard / Ski club?


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Was reading through the snow playing thread brought to mind to ask who all on here hits the slopes? With my schedule I don't get out as much as I'de like but there will be several opportunities for me to get out this year (I hope).


Typically I'm at Snowtrails/Mad River at least once a week in the evening sometimes on the weekends..

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Well sounds like everyone here is a Mad River fan, can definitely make that treck! My shop is on 23 in Powell but I can get to either MR or Snowtrails pretty easily. Most often I keep my board and gear in my truck so an evening trip is pretty simply done after work.
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Headed there as soon as I get ready. Hope to be there by 9:30~10. Will be there until around 3. Ask anyone on the patrol for me and they should be able to radio for me.


Did you end up going? I was going to go Saturday afternoon but the shit turned to rain and i wasnt feeling like riding in the rain. How was the snow?

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I've got from now till 1900 on wednesday off so im kicking around going up and back to snowshoe WV tmr. They're supposed to get a few inches between now and then. planning on leaving early & getting back not too late (the runs close at 4-5ish). Anyone interested?
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So sad, got a half day today and off all day Sunday and what do I get? Mid 50s and raining all weekend :( Board tuned up waxed ready to go, snow gear cleaned and not smelling like funk, ice cold 4 Lokos ready for the journey and no where to go...put off the fun for another week I guess.
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I was just there earlier this week... holiday pricing has started and only 1/3 the lifts are open. 7 springs has only 800ft of gain where snowshoe has 1600ft, is maybe an hour further drive is equal cost with a much better experience. The only reason I did 7 springs this week was 1. Time constraints 2. They got 3" while I was there.


If both were fully open and both were forecasted to get the same amount of snow i'd do snowshoe all day erry day.


Other places "worth a drive" could be perfect north and holiday valley.

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