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Duck Dynasty Drama


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So if your employer asks your opinion and what you believe, and they disagree and fire you, that's constitutional? Wrong. That's discrimination.


Depends on where you live. Ohio is an at will state, you have to prove that they fired you b/c of discrimination. This looks like a case where it is conduct unbecoming, bad for the brand. Not nessicarily b/c they disagree or are discriminating him.


I have read all responses and see where you guys are saying he should be fired for this. Yes, he's employed by A&E and yes they have the right to fire him. I was simply saying it's ridiculous IMO. IMO. Let me say that again: IMO. He has the right to state what he believes yet is scorned for it, not just by A&E, but by many others who are not his employer.


I wouldn't say he needs to be fired, but I can understand why the company is doing it. Same reason I don't eat at Chik-Fil-A ever.

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Lol at dude with Duck Dynasty avatar getting mad.


TV is paid for by ads. The companies that buy those ads are often child companies of much larger organizations that are beholden to prohibit perceived intolerant speech or action. Targeted demographics (i.e. people that think fake TV is real) are often only a small slice of the larger organizations piece of the ad pie. Freedom of speech has absolutely nothing to do with TV, nor does having freedom of speech absolve you of any negative consequences that occur as result of.


This guy gets it.

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This guy gets it.


No, it's a little deeper. Certain advertisers buy advertisements for certain timeslots based on the viewers of the program. Walmart, for example, has TONS of Duck Dynasty stuff that rural folks, who are their target demographic, eat up (as Walmart is likely the only major retailer in their area), what do you think is going to happen to retail sales?


The only one who fucked up in this situation is A&E. I defend their right to fire him based on comments he made as a representative, but they made a very dumb decision and it will financially burn them. A&E has no other popular programming.

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Depends on where you live. Ohio is an at will state, you have to prove that they fired you b/c of discrimination. This looks like a case where it is conduct unbecoming, bad for the brand. Not nessicarily b/c they disagree or are discriminating him.


Pretty easy to prove in this instance I believe.


I wouldn't say he needs to be fired, but I can understand why the company is doing it. Same reason I don't eat at Chik-Fil-A ever.


Chik-Fil-A is delicious.


Lol at dude with Duck Dynasty avatar getting mad.


LOL at dude thinking I'm mad. :lol:


I'm not mad at all. I fully respect everyone's thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. I just think this is a gross media blow up over a minor issue. If you were asked what you believed and stated it I would say the same: you shouldn't be banished or scorned for your thoughts that were asked of you.


Not mad at all. Not even remotely jimmy-rustled. I can change my avatar, that's no biggie. I just looked for a dude with a gnarly beard when I first put it up and had only seen a little bit of the show. Now I'm just too lazy to change it. Maybe someday I'll get the notion to "stomp out bigotry in the world" by changing it to a care bear or something that doesn't offend anyone. Wait...what are your guys thoughts on care bears? :lolguy:


Carry on. :)

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The only one who fucked up in this situation is A&E. I defend their right to fire him based on comments he made as a representative, but they made a very dumb decision and it will financially burn them. A&E has no other popular programming.


Also, as I said before, the part that makes me LOL at A&E is that THEY chose to make the Robertsons a household name KNOWING what they believed. Now they're all of the sudden against them? I dunno, just talking here I guess.

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No, it's a little deeper. Certain advertisers buy advertisements for certain timeslots based on the viewers of the program. Walmart, for example, has TONS of Duck Dynasty stuff that rural folks eat up (as Walmart is likely the only major retailer in their area), what do you think is going to happen to retail sales?


The only one who fucked up in this situation is A&E. I defend their right to fire him based on comments he made as a representative, but they made a very dumb decision and it will financially burn them. A&E has no other popular programming.


Walmart is not the only advertiser buying those time slots - many advertisers either support LGBT, or at least do not have an anti-gay stance. If advertisers are threatening to pull out, A&E had to react in order to keep everyone (advertisers) happy. He is at fault for not keeping his trap shut about a highly controversial subject that, like it or not, is tilted toward LGBT support.

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Walmart is not the only advertiser buying those time slots - many advertisers either support LGBT, or at least do not have an anti-gay stance. If advertisers are threatening to pull out, A&E had to react in order to keep everyone (advertisers) happy. He is at fault for not keeping his trap shut about a highly controversial subject that, like it or not, is tilted toward LGBT support.


So what effect does it have on the advertisers if the networks highest ranking show, by far, ceases to exist. How does that help the network or advertisers?


Not trying to be a cock, genuine question.

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So what effect does it have on the advertisers if the networks highest ranking show, by far, ceases to exist. How does that help the network or advertisers?


Not trying to be a cock, genuine question.


My guess is that the show will go on without Phil-billy, they will continue to sell duck calls, and life will go on.

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its a churchy show and he said things that align with churchy "values". I dont see the problem? People should have more problems with all church/bible related things/people/shows.


Also, i have yet to see any lgbt groups/people actually upset? mostly just slacktavist on fb/forums.

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its a churchy show and he said things that align with churchy "values". I dont see the problem? People should have more problems with all church/bible related things/people/shows.


Also, i have yet to see any lgbt groups/people actually upset? mostly just slacktavist on fb/forums.


In a statement, GLAAD said: “Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil’s lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe. He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans – and Americans – who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil’s decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to reexamine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families.”

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In a statement, GLAAD said: “Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil’s lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe. He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans – and Americans – who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil’s decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to reexamine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families.”


wouldnt "true christians" believe what the bible says?


Also, does GLAAD buy advertising or influence advertisers for a&e? They didnt even ask for him to be pulled and infact called the whole show into question. From what i can tell, the bible seems to say much worse things about gay people.

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See, this passage is the current circlejerk on Reddit, but what I don't understand is why people are getting offended by it. Is it because of the link to bestiality? Why does that offend (ambiguous) you? Getting upset makes you just as much as a bigot towards those who partake in bestiality as it does him toward gays, for making the negative connotation towards those who choose to fuck animals. If we're a society who accepts people for who they are, even though we may not agree with it, then we need to accept the weirdos too, not just whatever Hollywood wants us to accept.





You're not really drawing comparisons between fully consenting gay people, and some guy that fucks an animal, are you?

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The Bible also says similar damnings about eating shellfish, and to stone your wife to death in front of her dad if she cheats on you, or it turns out she's not a virgin. That's because the Bible is a mishmashed collection of superstitions that otherwise intelligent people seem to take seriously, and pick and choose the parts that are convenient. Free speech strikes again, but if my employer was a church, they might fire me for saying that. Regardless, follow your beliefs, live your beliefs, and leave the judging for your imaginary friend to do in the afterlife, it says that right there in the Bible, let he who is without sin cast blah blah blah.


I'm pretty sure he wants to fuck his donkey (legally) and will use any chance to make an argument for it.



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1. Some redneck offers some fairly moronic views about homosexuality.


2. Christianity is used to defend homophobia.


3. Some people on CR get mad because some redneck got called out for saying something publically that he should only say privately.


Is anyone really surprised by any of this?

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You're not really drawing comparisons between fully consenting gay people, and some guy that fucks an animal, are you?


If someone WANTS to do that, who are you to judge (rape aside, for sake of simplicity let's say the animal initiates it)? You're just as much of a bigot as those condemning gays. But my point isn't so much that, but rather, the text I quoted is the bit that's going around getting people riled up, and that quoted text is just as ignorant. People should be made about the comments he made about blacks, and about gays not getting into heaven, NOT the bit comparing gays to sheep fuckers. That's hypocrisy. If these people (those 'offended') want to preach acceptance, then they need to accept everyone, even the weirdos.


I'm pretty sure he wants to fuck his donkey (legally) and will use any chance to make an argument for it.


You really had to bring your mom into this?

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Rape aside? Did you just type that? Who is and is not a bigot is subjective, I'm sure someone thinks I'm bigoted against religious folks, I'm not, I just ask for people to be as skeptical of their beliefs as they are someone else's. I find consent to be a crucial part of a legitimate sexual relationship. An animal cannot consent, therefore it is NEVER ok. It's also gross, but that's subjective.
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Rape aside? Did you just type that? Who is and is not a bigot is subjective, I'm sure someone thinks I'm bigoted against religious folks, I'm not, I just ask for people to be as skeptical of their beliefs as they are someone else's. I find consent to be a crucial part of a legitimate sexual relationship. An animal cannot consent, therefore it is NEVER ok. It's also gross, but that's subjective.


Good riddance, you are missing the point. I'm not defending bestiality, I'm saying these people who are so offended by what Phil said have absolutely no right to be pissed off about being compared to folks who engage in bestiality, as that's judging people just the fucking same. Something something glass houses. Acceptance is acceptance, not just what's "hip" (LGBT, right now).

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This has really gotten out of hand. Its a simple as being discriminated against because of his beliefs. He was asked a question, and answered it. But because it goes against what most of society now thinks is ok because "its 2013 man", hes being criticized and labeled a gay basher. Its pretty ate up to me. Like previous posts have said before, if he had been in support of the LGBT community, this wouldnt even be an issue, but because hes actually sticking to his beliefs as opposed to selling out, hes now being punished. I consider myself a Christian, but have multiple family and friends who are gay, and im fine with that. The thing im not ok with is how they can shove their beliefs down our throats without it being hateful to my beliefs, but i cant speak my mind on it without being labeled. Same thing goes for race, religion, etc. Just a shame that America is as soft as it is now.
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Good riddance, you are missing the point. I'm not defending bestiality, I'm saying these people who are so offended by what Phil said have absolutely no right to be pissed off about being compared to folks who engage in bestiality, as that's judging people just the fucking same. Something something glass houses. Acceptance is acceptance, not just what's "hip" (LGBT, right now).


You are not making any kind of relevant point. If your argument is that because someone finds bestiality gross, than it's also ok for someone else to find being gay gross, than I find that line of reasoning specious at best. For the reasons previously listed. Ya know, the rape part.

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This has really gotten out of hand. Its a simple as being discriminated against because of his beliefs. He was asked a question, and answered it. But because it goes against what most of society now thinks is ok because "its 2013 man", hes being criticized and labeled a gay basher. Its pretty ate up to me. Like previous posts have said before, if he had been in support of the LGBT community, this wouldnt even be an issue, but because hes actually sticking to his beliefs as opposed to selling out, hes now being punished. I consider myself a Christian, but have multiple family and friends who are gay, and im fine with that. The thing im not ok with is how they can shove their beliefs down our throats without it being hateful to my beliefs, but i cant speak my mind on it without being labeled. Same thing goes for race, religion, etc. Just a shame that America is as soft as it is now.


How exactly are they "shoving their beliefs down your throat?" Seriously, I'm asking for an example. Are they marching their gay-parades right into your church service, and fucking each other homo-style on the altar?


For gods sake, being fired for violating an employers policy, isn't fucking DISCRIMINATION. I'm glad he's "sticking to his guns", good for him. His "guns" ran antithetical to his TV shows source of revenue. Too bad, so sad.

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How exactly are they "shoving their beliefs down your throat?" Seriously, I'm asking for an example. Are they marching their gay-parades right into your church service, and fucking each other homo-style on the altar?


Doesn't pertain to his particular situation, but nobody seemed to care if this bothered anyone.


I'd just like to see "equality for all" truly mean what it says. Regardless of beliefs, religion, race, gender, creed, etc. If you preach acceptance you'd better practice it.

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How exactly are they "shoving their beliefs down your throat?" Seriously, I'm asking for an example. Are they marching their gay-parades right into your church service, and fucking each other homo-style on the altar?


For gods sake, being fired for violating an employers policy, isn't fucking DISCRIMINATION. I'm glad he's "sticking to his guns", good for him. His "guns" ran antithetical to his TV shows source of revenue. Too bad, so sad.


Yea, i would say that Gay Pride parades are shoving it down my throat. I mean, theres no straight pride parade.


Doesn't pertain to his particular situation, but nobody seemed to care if this bothered anyone.


I'd just like to see "equality for all" truly mean what it says. Regardless of beliefs, religion, race, gender, creed, etc. If you preach acceptance you'd better practice it.


This exactly.

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