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Duck Dynasty Drama


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Do you have an opinion on the matter? Are you currently employed? This is seriously funny to me that some people think this way.


Scenario: Phil is gay instead of a conservative. He is asked his opinion. He says a penis is hawt to him and that guys that like the vag are "wrong". Does he get fired? Do we even see the story?


I sure do.



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If you find gay pride parades gross, than you should cease to attend gay pride parades.


I'm not sure what you're getting at? Gay people shouldn't be allowed to kiss? Or that ChickFilA should be allowed to not serve gays? For the record, I find straight and gay PDA, kind of gross if it's like a make-out session.

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If you find gay pride parades gross, than you cease to attend gay pride parades.


That's it! Precisely! If the show offends you, use the remote. ;)


I'm not sure what you're getting at?

How exactly are they "shoving their beliefs down your throat?"


Um...yeah. Tons of people marching up to CFA for the sole purpose of "shoving their beliefs down throats" is, well, "shoving their beliefs down throats." They didn't go there for waffle fries. They went with the intention of nothing more than ticking people off. I didn't say anything though. Not in person, not on social media, nowhere. If they want to take that stance, fine. It's their right. Don't tell me that "bible thumpers" (who also drive me nuts) are the only ones trying to "shove beliefs down throats" though.


Equality. For all.



Gay people shouldn't be allowed to kiss? Or that ChickFilA should be allowed to not serve gays? For the record, I find straight and gay PDA, kind of gross if it's like a make-out session.


1) Never said anyone shouldn't be allowed to kiss.

2) Never said anything about who CFA should or shouldn't serve.

3) Answered your question.

4) Agree about the whole PDA thing. A small goodbye kiss at the airport is one thing. Full on making out is another. I don't like it but whatever. To each their own. If you want to make out with your wife, gay lover, or in CRs case donkey, in public I won't yell at ya. Good for you.

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So people protesting in public (actual free speech within certain boundaries), is akin to someone being booted off a TV show for making public statements the creators/producers do not wish to represent (not free speech)?


Also a pride parade, with the proper permits and what have you, is another form of free speech. You may have your "straight parade" if you should so pursue such a thing.

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I guess im just not tracking as to why Gays can march down main st and its fine. And if you disagree with it, then your bashing. But a white man cant do the same thing? Be gay, fine, just quit making it a point to tell me about it.
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So people protesting in public (actual free speech within certain boundaries), is akin to someone being booted off a TV show for making public statements the creators/producers do not wish to represent (not free speech).


Grasping at straws. I didn't compare the two, I used an example to answer your question regarding beliefs being shoved down peoples throats. I didn't say the "kiss in day" was akin to Phil's situation.

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I guess im just not tracking as to why Gays can march down main st and its fine. And if you disagree with it, then your bashing. But a white man cant do the same thing? Be gay, fine, just quit making it a point to tell me about it.


You can do that if you want. The KKK has "white pride marches". They're not very popular, but they're allowed to have them.

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I've been forced to read up on this more and find to be a really neat case of finding where people stand.


-Free speech ain't free for famous people, the people that control them have bills to pay so don't piss those people.


-People are scared of gays like they acid in their blood and will try to rape you at the drop of a hat.


There is just so much to this its kind of neat to me to see people freak the fuck out. Somebody wants to be gay, let them. Somebody wants to talk about how they don't like gay people, let them.


The key is to get your point across without sounding like a hate filled idiot.

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You can do that if you want. The KKK has "white pride marches". They're not very popular, but they're allowed to have them.


So...equality for all? Do people with lifestyles, race, and religions that the KKK speaks out against accept their (the KKK's) beliefs?


Not saying they're right. Def don't agree with the KKK. Again, if you're gonna preach acceptance you'd better practice it.


I like these photos. Truly warms my heart and gives me hope.





Doesn't mean anyone agrees or disagrees with anything. Simply shows love and acceptance.

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Right, equality for all. However that has absolutely nothing to do with the situation at hand. Dude said what he said, TV folks didn't like the potential backlash, done deal.


Again, that was all in response to your "when has anyone shoved anything down your throat?" comment. No correlation to the DD drama.


You're right, I'm wrong. Are we good now? Can I go get some lunch? :lol:

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Go grab some grub, this will be here when you're well and fed.


My point is simply this, if you consider someone exercising their free speech in public as "shoving beliefs down throat", you may choose to not go out in public, as their right to "actual free speech" trumps your discomfort. They in turn can't come onto your private property, and continue.

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I'm not gay. Oh I just ruined my chances of being a reality star? Shoot...


Guy has big balls for speaking his opinion when it's going to have a massive backlash. He didn't speak hatefully, he didn't outright attack anyone really, his statement was what he felt. I can see if it were threatening or hateful that people would react. We're living in a country of shielded children. Can't wait to see how much Gen Y &Z screw up the country when they're in leadership roles.

Edited by Miller
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You don't agree that a vagina is more enjoyable than a dry dirty butt hole?


No, I don't agree with people that choose to use god as a crutch to throw gay people under the bus.


People want to be homophobic, that's great, be what you want, but don't push that on me. Same can go for the gays, thats great you like to be gay, i'm not gay, and i'm not shocked nor do I care if you are.


Freedom is great, but some people take it to far and in bad taste.

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