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Target CC Security Breach


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I haven't used my card there in months, but this week my number was stolen and they tried to use it in the UK. I'm suspicious that this was the source, since they store your data for a very long time. Check your statements if you shop there, and be very cautious if you ever paid with a debit and PIN.

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Why is this news? It should be news when this hasn't happened for a few months. Not knocing you for posting it, I know you are posting it becuase you are upset about getting false charges, which you should be. It's pretty clear that none of these companies take the security of these systems seriously or this wouldn't happen as often as it does.


It seems like about once a year we get a call from one of our CCs or bank card that there was a possible breach and they need to replace our card.

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Lol, just my luck,I never go there but I'll have to check receipts because I think I was there on that day.


I don't think you had to be there on those days, but they do save your information and track your purchases for a very long time. I haven't used my card there in months but my number was stolen this past week. I'm just guessing it was there, since it seems like a high possibility.

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