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Lost 160 Lbs. this past year. . . want to get into serious weightlifting


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Congrats on all your success. Sounds like you and I are on the same plan, I follow a mostly paleo diet mixed in with lifting and cardo. I myself lost 40 lbs last year. I have a buddy that is trainer at Fitness 19 in Westerville. He is the one that told me about the diet and writes my workouts. He comes from a power lifting background and is now certified trainer. At first, I met with him a couple times a week to go over the new workout. He took that time at first to teach my wife and I the correct form.


After we got the hang of the work out, we went on our own. Now I meet up with him every 6-8 weeks for him to change up our work out. As others have said, a work out buddy is the best to help push you and also to watch your form as you progress with more weight.


Good luck with your success and let me know if you want the contact information for the trainer I use.


Sure, shoot me the info!

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The most productive I have ever been at the gym was when I was at the westside world gym. A lot of guys who had knowledge in bodybuilding and power lifting worked out there. My intensity doesn't depend on being around that, but knowing that if anything went wrong I had people around who knew how to help out and would be more than able to.

It's easier to push yourself to the edge when you have a competent spotter/lifting partner.

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Holy shit dude i just want to say Congrats for losing all that weight and keeping with it! Im not a person who lifts weights or anything but the transformation youve done within the past year is shear amazing! I used to weigh 240lbs but im down to around 150 and i thought that was a huge transformation. What youve done is just amazing! Pretty inspirational if you ask me.


Keep it up man!

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I am running out of weights at my home so was looking to maybe meet up at someone else's home or get a gym membership. I think I need to be out of my house to really push myself with it. Too easy to take it easy in your domain.

that's what I was going to say... Check out Buckeye Crossfit, it's a life changer. The owner of the gym is a member here, but I don't think he gets on too much anymore.

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