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Medical Update


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Well still stuck at Riverside. Been here since saturday and as it stands I'll be here till Tuesday at least. Neurologist is pretty sure its either MS or Adems. Both of which are autoimmune diseases and are attacking my lower spine and brain. Currently have pic lines into my Corotid Artery in my neck and they're doing three rounds of plasmapheresis every other day.


After all the hospital stuff is taken care of I'll be off to inpatient therapy for a nice little stay there. Docs saying I could be on disability for up to 12 months. However the shorter the better. During to get back to work.

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Glad to hear things are moving forward, And you're getting some positive plans in place! Wish you the best possible diagnosis/ results, and let us know if there's anything your cr friends can do to help.
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Is there anything you need? 20 random CR guys to show up at once and wheelchair race down the halls? Just someone to stop by and tell fart jokes and hang for a few?


I spent 4 days in the hospital once and woke up to a hot redheaded nurse I'd been talking to at the club for a few weeks. I took it as a win. Hope your stay is going the best it can.

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Is there anything you need? 20 random CR guys to show up at once and wheelchair race down the halls? Just someone to stop by and tell fart jokes and hang for a few?


I spent 4 days in the hospital once and woke up to a hot redheaded nurse I'd been talking to at the club for a few weeks. I took it as a win. Hope your stay is going the best it can.


As much fun as that would be they'd all hate me for it lol. Had a lot of emotional friend and family support so that's really helping out. Basically been dealing with all the boring stuff now

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I still shocked, and can't imagine dealing with something like that. Don't feel like there's much I can do but send my well wishes, but if you want someone to come make fun of you in a really lame way to cheer you up just let me know.
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