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Any sense in fighting this?


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Was driving down 5th home tonight and saw a cop blocking the wrong side of the road with his lights on just sitting there, I wasn't close enough to tell if there was an accident, but I knew that there were no streets before him to turn on to. So I waited a minute or two while traffic piled up behind me and some cars were just doing uturns in the middle of the street so I decided to take a one way on my right a block and turn onto smith place to bypass whatever was going on. Next thing I know, the lights are flashing and I get a ticket for the obvious (Driving down a one way)


I asked the cop why he was blocking the road and he said "I was talking to a cab driver" Offence 2131.30A


I could care less about the fine, but would rather not incur points for this. Worth appearing or should I just deal with it?

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You still broke a law... what stand do you have to take against that?


Common sense, if it was not wanting to get in the way of the cop doing his duties, and he can plead that the area was fairly deserted. He can plead no contest for no points or something.

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