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Comcast to buy Time Warner Cable


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Since I don't use either, this isn't a real problem. We live in a rural area, if I get cable I get channels 1-99 with no digital and no internet.


If Comcast changes that I would be shocked.


If you were to get Comcast, they would change that because they switched everything to digital as part of their Xfinity shit. You'd have to have a device on any TV you wanted cable on.

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I worked for Comcast when I loved in Florida. I would MUCH rather have Time Warner. Comcast finds ways to charge for everything. Any TV in your house will have to have some sort of device on it, no more plugging cable into other TVs and getting basic cable. You have to get shitty little box things, only 2 are "free" any others are like $7.50/month and they charge for to service to each one and don't tell you that at first. You are forced to get their DVR, most TiVos, or the similar, will not work. If they are compatible, you still have to get a card to put in it that they will charge you monthly to use. And so many more things...

This ^


Comcast sucks but they are the only game in town.....

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Do you live in some third world country?


No I don't, but I could live without cable just fine. In fact I wouldn't have it right now if it weren't for us getting it free due to my wife being a TWC employee haha. I just think it's funny how everyone bitches about something as simple as cable, if it's so horrible don't have it or go satelite and bitch about their issues, because trust me when I had Dish there was issues that arose from them just as often if not more than TWC. I also laugh at people who blame TWC for channels no longer being on their programming, when in reality channels like Speed are gone because Fox bought them out, no provider has Speed anymore.


I hear both sides to this due to being married to an employee, she bitches about customers bitching and I have friends who bitch about their services.

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