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Anyone live or drive on Africa Rd?


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It's not bad at all depending on what you are comparing it to.


I drive both ways to work but for me it is faster to take Cheshire over the lake to Old State and down to Orange Rd to get to work (Corner of 23 and Powell Rd) then it is to go Africa down to Lewis Center Rd and then across Orange.


That Africa / Big Walnut intersection can get pretty congested in the mornings/evenings but that is it for traffic through there. There were a couple times last year I sat at the dam trying to turn north on Africa for what seemed like forever (That intersection is just a 4-way stop now) but I was comparing it to no delays at all going up Old State.


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Between Plumb and Lewis Center Rd


Where can you buy land on Africa in that segment? More curious then anything, I know there are two houses on the corner of Plumb and Africa.


I will say I grew up on South 3bs and K, and Africa now is like a freeway, cars are going to travel at 60 MPH and all the time. I try to avoid it riding my bike now for the most part as the traffic has increased a fair amount. Its a great area there with all the state land, the lake, and the trails with in 1 mile.

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I drive by there all the time. Between Plumb and Lewis Center I thought would of been mostly owned by alum creek. There are no houses other than on the corner of Plumb and Africa so you wouldn't have much for neighbors unless they are parceling out lots and selling them. And if you have a boat you are about 5 sec from a ramp to put it in alum.
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