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Bee Keepers?


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Personally, I like yellow jackets. If you leave them alone, they go about fucking up everything else bug-wise in my yard so I shall yield to my black and yellow overlords.


I oughta neg rep you...:p


Until science proves to me that other wasps are somehow beneficial to helping with CCD in the honeybee population and restore balance, I will go out of my way to destroy every paper- and ground-nest that may harbor yellow jackets and hornets. Long live the honeybee population, and may my family and loved ones be spared from errant stings.


When I go to Lowe's, I don't find any bee killer spray...I find spray that kills WASPS AND HORNETS from 20ft away.

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Can I get a fact-check on nomenclature?


Honeybees = the ones we like. They buzz around nicely, going to flowers and stuff, and they make honey. They stay close to the ground mostly. You accidentally stepped on some as a kid without shoes, and it stung, but then you felt sad because the honeybee died. Honeybees die with honor. Universally liked.


Yellow Jackets = fucking assholes. Are smaller and are yellow and black. These are the little jerks that are always hovering around outdoor trashcans and basically make fall a living nightmare. Want to go apple picking with your wife and kids? Yeah, right, not with these fucks anywhere in the vicinity. Fuckers will just attack you and your family relentlessly. They have a knack of flying into your car; if one does while you are driving, a horrendous crash follows. These little flying fucks also have a knack for just swarming your head as if they know it freaks you the fuck out.


Bumblebees = large, predominantly black, slow moving drones of impending doom. I've heard some people call them carpenter bees. They make nests in the ground. They always buzz your tower and make you duck dramatically and look like a fucking spastasitc moron in front of your friends. "Yes but they are harmless," said the zoologist hippy. They can fuck off, too.


Wasps - these are the fuckers that build the combed nests in the outdoor corners of your house and usually right around a high traffic area, like your garage or front door. They are skinnier than hornets. I wouldn't mind them so much if they didn't insist on trying to take over my shit.


Hornets - fuck these things. These are like the apex predators of the buzzing insect kingdom. These are bigger than wasps and build those big ass brown/dirt nests. I think you die if you get stung by more than one at once. I don't see these as often. I also don't run across many psychopaths or great white sharks, either. Fuck hornets.

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Can I get a fact-check on nomenclature?


Honeybees = the ones we like. They buzz around nicely, going to flowers and stuff, and they make honey. They stay close to the ground mostly. You accidentally stepped on some as a kid without shoes, and it stung, but then you felt sad because the honeybee died. Honeybees die with honor. Universally liked.


Yellow Jackets = fucking assholes. Are smaller and are yellow and black. These are the little jerks that are always hovering around outdoor trashcans and basically make fall a living nightmare. Want to go apple picking with your wife and kids? Yeah, right, not with these fucks anywhere in the vicinity. Fuckers will just attack you and your family relentlessly. They have a knack of flying into your car; if one does while you are driving, a horrendous crash follows. These little flying fucks also have a knack for just swarming your head as if they know it freaks you the fuck out.


Bumblebees = large, predominantly black, slow moving drones of impending doom. I've heard some people call them carpenter bees. They make nests in the ground. They always buzz your tower and make you duck dramatically and look like a fucking spastasitc moron in front of your friends. "Yes but they are harmless," said the zoologist hippy. They can fuck off, too.


Wasps - these are the fuckers that build the combed nests in the outdoor corners of your house and usually right around a high traffic area, like your garage or front door. They are skinnier than hornets. I wouldn't mind them so much if they didn't insist on trying to take over my shit.


Hornets - fuck these things. These are like the apex predators of the buzzing insect kingdom. These are bigger than wasps and build those big ass brown/dirt nests. I think you die if you get stung by more than one at once. I don't see these as often. I also don't run across many psychopaths or great white sharks, either. Fuck hornets.


Sounds about right by me...as I stifle laughter in my office. :lol:


I almost never saw where bumblebees nest until recently, when they've burrowed in my kids' Rainbow playground and nearly every other piece of wood furniture/support I have outside; convenient that I discover this after I invest in real estate. Someone said "Put a strip of duct tape over the opening of their nest", as if I needed a reason to get closer to their home and break the "cease-fire" I've quietly enjoyed for many years. CHUCK TESTA...fuckers chewed through duct tape and are now hungry for the taste of the flesh of the bish that pulled that trick.


Last year, I watched my 2yo son stand at the top of the squiggly slide as I saw a carpenter bee fly around his head, obviously pissed that HE was around HIS nest. (apparently didn't see the receipt that I HAD for the playground equipment the BEE was living in, rent free). I'm 10 feet away, gesturing wildly to come down the slide so the bee doesn't sting him. He's just staring at me with this cute look on his face.


All of a sudden, the bee wasn't watching where he was flying because it thonked right into the side of his head and bounced off. I could hear the "thump" from ground level. I swear my boy simultaneously - and instinctively, as God has not yet instilled the fear of flying stinging insects in him - kicks both feet in the air and wildly flaps his hands on the side of his face. He slides down like the first person bailing out the inflatible emergency exit of a plane on fire. I was proud of his reaction. Since then, even in the winter time, he's ducking around the upper playhouse, worried about the fuzzy helicopter that hit him nary a few monts before. Amazing he didn't actually get stung.


So...bumblebees do pollinate, which is good...but they are on my sh!tlist.

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Hornets - fuck these things. These are like the apex predators of the buzzing insect kingdom. These are bigger than wasps and build those big ass brown/dirt nests. I think you die if you get stung by more than one at once. I don't see these as often. I also don't run across many psychopaths or great white sharks, either. Fuck hornets.


True story, I played in a golf outing last year and on like 3 of the greens there were Hornet nests IN THE FUCKING GREEN. My whole squad was like "Looks like were taking a "1" on this whole. Good job, gents." Just straight left one of the balls ON THE GREEN on one of them, as it was about 5 feet from one of the nests.


In other news, I exacted some sweet, sweet vengeance when one of the fuckers landed on my ball as I was getting ready to hit my driver. It wasn't a great drive. My colleagues claim I may have "overswung". :-)

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Sounds about right by me...as I stifle laughter in my office. :lol:


I almost never saw where bumblebees nest until recently, when they've burrowed in my kids' Rainbow playground and nearly every other piece of wood furniture/support I have outside; convenient that I discover this after I invest in real estate. Someone said "Put a strip of duct tape over the opening of their nest", as if I needed a reason to get closer to their home and break the "cease-fire" I've quietly enjoyed for many years. CHUCK TESTA...fuckers chewed through duct tape and are now hungry for the taste of the flesh of the bish that pulled that trick.


Last year, I watched my 2yo son stand at the top of the squiggly slide as I saw a carpenter bee fly around his head, obviously pissed that HE was around HIS nest. (apparently didn't see the receipt that I HAD for the playground equipment the BEE was living in, rent free). I'm 10 feet away, gesturing wildly to come down the slide so the bee doesn't sting him. He's just staring at me with this cute look on his face.


All of a sudden, the bee wasn't watching where he was flying because it thonked right into the side of his head and bounced off. I could hear the "thump" from ground level. I swear my boy simultaneously - and instinctively, as God has not yet instilled the fear of flying stinging insects in him - kicks both feet in the air and wildly flaps his hands on the side of his face. He slides down like the first person bailing out the inflatible emergency exit of a plane on fire. I was proud of his reaction. Since then, even in the winter time, he's ducking around the upper playhouse, worried about the fuzzy helicopter that hit him nary a few monts before. Amazing he didn't actually get stung.


So...bumblebees do pollinate, which is good...but they are on my sh!tlist.



I wouldn't be to worried about carpenter bee's stinging anyone really.

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We have a terrible problem with horse flies here, and when the yellow jacket overlords start buzzing the back yard, the fucking horse flies disperse. Plus the yellow jackets nested in the weeping cherry tree I have in the front yard. That tree was infested with those damn Asian beetles but not anymore. :)


Like I said, they are a big bunch of giant assholes but they do have their benefits when they go about fucking up all the other insects. I'm ok with this and I try to avoid them. When they get near the kids or nest where I don't want them, that poses a big problem but i'll deal with it.

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I had a hornet fly up my sleeve, while I was on my motorcycle cruising down a country rode, i was going about 50mph.

6 stings later and what probably looked like a sudden fit of turrets to passing motorists, I killed the bastard.

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On this mtv episode of true life: I got stung 41 times by yellow jackets in the pataskala park before a soccer game (I was like 11)..........on team picture day. Me and my buddy ran across a log that was out in the open. He got stung 30 something times also. Didn't even know what happened but was about 5 seconds. They were under shinguards and in my shoes, crazy. 2 other kids got stung when soccer balls went down in the woods. 1 girls game, girl went to get the ball (kind of went down a hill towards the woods) she didn't come back up and was stung close to 300 times. She lived, but they closed the park down for awhile to kill those fuckers.
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Great thread. Everything said so very true.


My boss has hives and makes all kinds of shit with pollen, honey, and all that. I got some propolis oil from him. Been taking that nasty shit daily for 2 weeks hoping it would help with some aches and pains. I don't think it's working.


What all do you do with your bees?

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like a sudden fit of turrets


Come on man, you're already on the internet, you could at least expend the energy to look up the word.


I can't imagine having a fucking hornet in my shirt while riding a motorcycle, though. I probably would have just ended myself.

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Great thread. Everything said so very true.


My boss has hives and makes all kinds of shit with pollen, honey, and all that. I got some propolis oil from him. Been taking that nasty shit daily for 2 weeks hoping it would help with some aches and pains. I don't think it's working.


What all do you do with your bees?


I keep my bees for pollination. They make more apples, cherries, etc... I also draw off my own honey and eat it as often as I can.


I started keeping bees to get over my fear of bees.

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