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Missing Plane


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someone has to know the truth at this point...not to be a conspiracy promoter, but it makes little sense that a plane was lost with all of the satellites, and onboard tracking.


Except that tracking was turned off and satellites don't track your position, they let you track your own.


The engine data link satellites don't carry any positioning information.

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I have better odds of winning the mega millions twice in a row than being killed or becoming a lost cast member when my plane disappears.


Everytime a plane has so much as a engine fire, it's worldwide news.... More people die in 1 day in cars that will die in plain crashes in my lifetime.


I'll take my chances when I fly for vacation. :gabe:


You are 100% correct but if something does happen the odds are MUCH higher on one of those carriers.


If you saw the stuff I see daily from some of these foreign airlines, trust me, you would question which overseas carriers you use... ;)

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You are 100% correct but if something does happen the odds are MUCH higher on one of those carriers.


If you saw the stuff I see daily from some of these foreign airlines, trust me, you would question which overseas carriers you use... ;)


Please share. I prefer travel on foreign airlines because they are nicer, the food better, and generally you get more bang for your buck. I usually use japan airline and Singapore air. Are they on you radar?

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Please share. I prefer travel on foreign airlines because they are nicer, the food better, and generally you get more bang for your buck. I usually use japan airline and Singapore air. Are they on you radar?


It just depends I'm sure. I also prefer to fly on non-US airlines, they are much nicer. British Airways, Virgin Atlantic and Swiss Air are all very nice, and Lufthansa is just way above the rest, I love their seats. South African Airways is pretty good too.

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The more I hear and read about this I'm convinced it was the older pilot. The one with the Flight Simulator in his house. Really? I can't wait to find out his "practice" runs done on that thing. He had a shit-ton of hours in real planes so why would he need a simulator unless he was "practicing" for such an event?


Conspiracy I know.....

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Now it all makes sense!!


CTD Lambo is not finish because all the NASA engineers are working for Boeing. That's why now Boeing plane can travel to the moon. I need to call CTD and let them know about this.

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The more I hear and read about this I'm convinced it was the older pilot. The one with the Flight Simulator in his house. Really? I can't wait to find out his "practice" runs done on that thing. He had a shit-ton of hours in real planes so why would he need a simulator unless he was "practicing" for such an event?


Conspiracy I know.....


Maybe he just likes flying, or he flies planes on his simulator that he doesn't get to fly in real life or to places he doesn't get to fly too or he tests his abilities in situations or weather that he doesn't normally get to fly in or maybe he gets online with other online pilots and flies with his friends who knows but it's certainly not illegal or suspicious. If your really that paranoid of flight sims please do not come to my house and look at my flight logs, I'm sure I've got some questionable flight activities saved on there somewhere.

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Maybe he just likes flying, or he flies planes on his simulator that he doesn't get to fly in real life or to places he doesn't get to fly too or he tests his abilities in situations or weather that he doesn't normally get to fly in or maybe he gets online with other online pilots and flies with his friends who knows but it's certainly not illegal or suspicious. If your really that paranoid of flight sims please do not come to my house and look at my flight logs, I'm sure I've got some questionable flight activities saved on there somewhere.


Exactly. I used to have Microsoft Flight Simulator on my parent's computer back in the 90s. I know for sure I was flying shit into buildings and who knows what other "questionable activities". I'm sure football players still play Madden, even though they play football in real life.

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If your really that paranoid of flight sims please do not come to my house and look at my flight logs, I'm sure I've got some questionable flight activities saved on there somewhere.


His set up didn't look like one you or other guys having fun playing around would have. Not paranoid, just keeping it real.

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Exactly. I used to have Microsoft Flight Simulator on my parent's computer back in the 90s. I know for sure I was flying shit into buildings and who knows what other "questionable activities".

......but it's certainly not illegal or suspicious

If you assembled one like his that would be impressive and IMO a bit more than even the guy who's really into it. Would doing so make me suspicious all by itself no.


However, if down the road you flew a massive commercial airliner and it disappeared with all the circumstances that occurred like this guys plane did then one would be blind and stupid for such a set up not to raise suspicions.

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If you assembled one like his that would be impressive and IMO a bit more than even the guy who's really into it. Would doing so make me suspicious all by itself no.


However, if down the road you flew a massive commercial airliner and it disappeared with all the circumstances that occurred like this guys plane did then one would be blind and stupid for such a set up not to raise suspicions.


I don't disagree.




Meanwhile, another highly-placed source told the NST that initial forensics checks on Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's flight simulator showed that it was "clean".

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Meanwhile, another highly-placed source told the NST that initial forensics checks on Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's flight simulator showed that it was "clean".

" However, experts are probing deeper into the footprint of the homemade simulator, which he had at his home in Shah Alam."

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