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Powerwashing a house...recommendations?


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The exterior of my house is a bit dirty and needs a good powerwash. I'm wondering if there are any reputable companies that provide this service. . . perhaps someone here would do it for a fee. . . or alternatively maybe all I need is advice on what to buy to to it myself??? I'm not looking to spend a ton either way if at all possible. It's a 2 story home with vinyl siding.


Thanks in advance!

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a good 2500psi power washer with a variable tip wand will do the job for ya. You can rent them from Home Depot or Sherwin Williams. I'm sure there's other places too but those two are the only ones I have experience with. You could also buy a decent power washer for ~$300. I've power washed many homes and buildings and have not needed to use a cleaning solution. If I was going to simple green would be my first choice. Spray it on, let it sit for a couple minutes them blast it off. If you do choose to use something like simple green to clean it, do a test spot somewhere not noticeable that way if the solution fades or streaks the siding it won't be an eyesore. Most likely you won't need the solution.
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Definitely do it yourself. I spray mine every year. I climb out my bedroom window onto top level and have GF hand the gun up to me from the ground and I'm able to spray the 2nd level. There's a house/siding cleaner you can get from Lowes. What I use.
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