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Are we ready for Sawmill yet?


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I gave it 6 good Saturdays before it gets shut down. Then, the truck with the lights/sirens went off as if on cue and I cut it down to 4.


Reality is the place will get shutdown for littering as much as the noise/racing. :fa:


Sorry clay, the correct answer was 7 Saturdays.

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Yep, 4-5 cruisers came in and the cops were making rounds telling everyone to leave.


Well, guess I'm glad I changed my mind at the last minute. :(


And whether Sawmill may've not provided the greatest night meets of all time, it still provided a destination with car people and entertainment; some good, some bad.


Maybe it's time for a new southside or westside or sw side meeting place?


Anyone noticing the location trend in that last sentence? ;)

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Somewhere other than sawmill road so the entire group doesnt know where its moving to.


This. Also less chatter on the Sawmill page about the location will help keep out at least some of the unwanted people ruining it for the rest of us. Polaris maybe?

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Something around campus would be ideal, and I'm not saying that because I live there. It is central without being in a total shit spot of town, not to mention it can still not draw a lot of attention since nights are usually loud down there anyways on weekends. If you move it to one side of town or the other people will still gripe. At least if its in the middle we all can bitch together :gabe:
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This. Also less chatter on the Sawmill page about the location will help keep out at least some of the unwanted people ruining it for the rest of us. Polaris maybe?


Polaris is full of monitored cameras, and the police get called by the monitoring companies quicker then any place in town. Trust me any place up there will not last long. I also would not suggest the old Jeg's in Reynoldsburg since the rumor has been Reynoldsburg PD booting people. I have no interest what so ever in going down on campus, that area has more idiots and bullshit non-car drama then I'm going to deal with.


Some of us used to meet a the Giant Eagle on Hamilton Rd near 33 on the south east side, and we never got kicked out of there.

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Polaris is full of monitored cameras, and the police get called by the monitoring companies quicker then any place in town. Trust me any place up there will not last long. I also would not suggest the old Jeg's in Reynoldsburg since the rumor has been Reynoldsburg PD booting people. I have no interest what so ever in going down on campus, that area has more idiots and bullshit non-car drama then I'm going to deal with.




Some of us used to meet a the Giant Eagle on Hamilton Rd near 33 on the south east side, and we never got kicked out of there.



I'd be in for Hamilton Rd, that sounds like a pretty secure place

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Polaris isn't a bad spot and occassionally you get a decent group together however drama can and does come down hard when it comes down. You DO however have quite a lot of parking up here as well as nice On/Off interstate ramps as long as it's not anywhere near "Normal Work Hours".


I'm not 100% on this but I imagine I can work something out with my old store, where we had the show, about allowing meets in the parking lot if that were something people would be interested in.

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