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WTB Musical Instrument - French Horn


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My kids have to learn to play a musical instrument in school this year and one of them has selected the French Horn.


Wondering if by chance anyone here has had to go through this and perhaps has a nice one for sale or could provide insight on buying/renting to own, etc....


School me or sell me.



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They are expensive. Go to Colonial Music (used to be on High St, not sure where they moved) and see about renting one short term. Once your kids have decided they like it, see about buying it, or finding one used. They are very knowledgeable about instruments.
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  • 2 weeks later...

CR is such a great place and this thread is proof. Came here not knowing for sure if I'd find a musical instrument for my son and within hours if not minutes I got a PM and today sealed the deal.


As someone here said.....poor nieghbors....and me! ;)

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