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Why do you buy the sport version of some new car...


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and then drive 10 under the speed limit forcing everyone to drive around you? :fuuuu:


Hat trick this morning down Morse road: Acura TSX, Corolla S, Cooper S. Two of the three with phones stuck to their faces. Really?

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I took a road trip to IL last weekend. I was somewhere in the middle of IL in BFE. I saw nothing but windmills on each side of the highway as far as my eyes could see. Some corolla s super speed edition idiot with an ohio plate COMP SC2 was in the left lane of the 2 lane highway. I get behind him going 75 on cruise control. He slows down to 70-65. I get over to right to pass and he speeds up. He boxes me in with traffic in front of me in the right lane. I get back in the left lane behind him and he speeds up. We do this for 20 minutes. I finally see an opening with no traffic or semis and I pass him in the right lane going 90+ and the VTEC JUST KICKED IN YO. Of course the idiot tried to keep me from passing but I overtook him and got in the left lane. It took almost all of my willpower to not roll down my window and throw my 44oz Mt Dew at him. He didn't catch up with me after that and I never saw him on the rest of my trip. What an asshole. coolstorybro.jpg
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I took a road trip to IL last weekend. I was somewhere in the middle of IL in BFE. I saw nothing but windmills on each side of the highway as far as my eyes could see. Some corolla s super speed edition idiot with an ohio plate COMP SC2 was in the left lane of the 2 lane highway. I get behind him going 75 on cruise control. He slows down to 70-65. I get over to right to pass and he speeds up. He boxes me in with traffic in front of me in the right lane. I get back in the left lane behind him and he speeds up. We do this for 20 minutes. I finally see an opening with no traffic or semis and I pass him in the right lane going 90+ and the VTEC JUST KICKED IN YO. Of course the idiot tried to keep me from passing but I overtook him and got in the left lane. It took almost all of my willpower to not roll down my window and throw my 44oz Mt Dew at him. He didn't catch up with me after that and I never saw him on the rest of my trip. What an asshole. coolstorybro.jpg


Ya, there are a lot of dickholes in this city. If you don't like their driving then they will passive aggresively screw with you like that.

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Ya, there are a lot of dickholes in this city. If you don't like their driving then they will passive aggresively screw with you like that.


Sometimes I think a good old fist beating is justified. I bet if I got him to pull over he would never do this shit in the future.

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