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Popping my cherry. (Intro)


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Hello all! Thank you for allowing me to join the forum. My name is Dan and I was lucky enough to finally capture my dream car recently. 02 ws6 Trans Am. I'm an electrician for a living. I've always been into cars but unfortunately my knowledge has gone down hill over the past 8 yrs or so. I've known about this forum for a long time (my brother is member) and have met a few of you in person on a couple different occasions. I'm joining to help revamp my knowledge and hopefully meet some more cool people who are into the same things cars and motorcycles. Looking forward to it!





Edited by Ws6Band1t2807
Didn't upload pics right.
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Idiot doesn't understand how to operate this forum on his iPhone. I know he actually tried to post from photo bucket but is a simpleton. I'll help until he learns how to fix it.


Here is his car recently purchased from a member here and from our for sale forumhttp://




I honestly think this guy is too stupid to be allowed to access this board. He is also most definitely a homosexual and into biker dudes. Unfortunately it is 2014 and he is my brother so we will have to accept him.

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I almost thought your awesome edit skills would make me look like the idiot but after seeing that picture of you doing a burnout on your bike and ruining the tire on your brand new Harley, I still win. Plus you just look like you have an extra chromosome doing so.
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