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Medical insurance cancelled without notice!

6 Speed S4

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Hey guys & gals,


So I have medical coverage through my employer. The premiums have been taken out of each paycheck. I started work 2/3/14 with this company and insurance kicked in 3/1/14. I got all the paper work in the mail with explanation of benefits and so forth. So fast forward to today.


I go to my doctor and get my prescription, go to the pharmacy to fill the script. The pharmacy tells me I have no insurance. I was like wtf? So I called the insurance carrier (blue cross blue shield) and they tell me my policy ended 4/30/14. I didn't get why. I called my boss he said hes not sure. I call the HR director in Louisiana and she doesn't know why and says she will get back with me.


Has anyone had this happen before? Was this a weird glitch? Shouldn't I have gotten a notice in the mail explaining that my insurance was not going to be in effect?

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BCBS is a little bitch. I've had this happen multiple times. It's a clerical error and sometimes the BCBS rep on the phone could fix it and other times it had to go through HR/benefits.
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I work in HR and do the benefits for ~700 people, and unfortunately this is a common issue. As fate would have it, we have Anthem BC/BS.


Others are correct, somewhere along the line, there was a clerical issue.

If that issue wasn't corrected (sometimes they send it to HR, sometimes they send it to the user), it is terminated within 30 days. So, it sounds like there was an enrollment issue, and somewhere someone didn't follow procedure, and you're the recipient of the fall out.


Rest assured- it can be back dated to cover whatever issues occurred during this, up to 30 days. Don't let them tell you it can't be fixed.

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As further evidence of how ridiculous BCBS is, I'm on hold with them right now because they continually reactivate my wife's old coverage, even though she denied coverage with her employer and moved to my plan. So occasionally the doctor will bill our policy and it will come back saying it's not her primary coverage so they won't pay anything. This is the second time this year that it has happened and it really screws up what goes against our deductible, since her old plan was actually paying some of the claims.
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