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School Shooting Article


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This article was very interesting and worth the read, and I appreciate a lot of the view points. However the very end of the article oversimplifies the idea that 'paying attention' to these quacks may actually solve something.


It won't, and it didn't. In many of the cases he cited, he specifically went over just exactly how much attention these pieces of shit received. Mental health evaluations, friends, girlfriends, parents that didn't want to see the truth (which I can almost understand), and the list goes on. Though I do agree with him wholly when he goes over that they already desire to kill, and find convenient reasons to do so.


The sad fact of the matter is if we desire to live in a society with individual rights, such as freedom of speech, expression, or religion, we have to allow scary speech/ideas, and we can't just lock people up for crimes we're afraid they may commit. That's the rub, they actually have to go through with something horrible before we can act.


Also circling back to paying someone mentally ill, possibly psychotic, more attention, having been targeted in my professional life, by someone who was highly delusional, if not full-on schizo, receiving late night calls, messages, finding this person in my office before I got in, all in response to a perceived slight, is enough to make you want to treat every person who may have similar issues like they have the fucking plague. Do not take notice of me, do not fixate on me, I never want to see or talk to you, or I might end up being first on the 'list'. It's a genuinely unsettling thing, and I carry a gun almost every day.


Lastly I won't say that the solution is 'everybody needs to be armed', as much as I am in full favor of one having the ability to defend oneself, if most people carried firearms, we'd see more bombs, or gas, or whatever, because these people exist, and they will find a way to do what they will.

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because these people exist, and they will find a way to do what they will.


I think this is the key to it all. They are out there and they will do it regardless of what we try to do to stop them. People just have a hard time accepting there are truly mad people out there like this.

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