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running: holster?


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Running for exercise and holstered gun are just tough to get to work together. My biggest dislike over all is you are going to be in a soft holster, to avoid getting friction issues. With that said, you are going to sweat. Soaking the holster and then the gun. Within a month of running, I know I'm not going to want to run with a gun anymore. I would pick a safer place to run rather than invest in a set up to try and run in. The sweat is the deal breaker for me.


If you don't care about the sweat issue, I would consider one of these, with a t-shirt over it.


Edited by Mojoe
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While I find it very strange that people worry about arming themselves while going out for a run, I asked my friend who does adventure races what he carries in when he runs and he sent me this link:




He said he usually doesn't bother, but when he does that's what he uses.

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Fanny pack? :p


I wouldn't bother but if I did maybe these? The bags they make are very sturdy. I have a few other ones I love them. They would be difficult to run long distances with but the straps are secure and it won't budge.







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I find it very strange that people worry about arming themselves while going out for a run


^^ this.



  • Crack heads aren't going to "work" to rob you. They can't run and keep up.
  • You're a dude so rape is unlikely
  • Robbers want cash/wallets, etc. Leave the Rolex at home and unless they are blind you won't likely have a wallet.
  • Thugs don't want to fuck with someone in-shape and capable of a fight, etc.

Other insight:

  • If you do get confronted, run faster....think Forest Gump. They will move on.
  • Don't run in the hood
  • Phone wise, carry a cheap $10 Pay as you go for emergencies
  • My final thought is Carry Fox Pepper Spray on your hip and be done with it. I'd rather get sprayed in the mouth by a skunk than get hit with Fox.

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While I find it very strange that people worry about arming themselves while going out for a run, I asked my friend who does adventure races what he carries in when he runs and he sent me this link:




He said he usually doesn't bother, but when he does that's what he uses.


i am going to check this out. most likely buy it.





as for the rest...


im not trying to put a long life story on here, but i live in the middle of nowhere. been a known drug head that has people traveling out around the house. blah blah blah you know the rest. while i can appreciate the whole pepper spray thing, but a guy jacked up on meth, isnt going to give two shits about no fox. not even the 5.1 but he will care about the .40 SR40C. i dont give a shit what i look like running. And i dont even really give two shits that i have people asking why do i want a running holster. i simply asked. Im prior military, and it makes me feel better. thats why. so when me and my wife are minding our own damn business and some jackass that decides to get a wild hair up his ass...thats why. Im not out looking for trouble. trying the whole quitting smoking thing. wife wants to get into shape :fuuuu: With everything going on in our little farm land eff ville, i would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. was just looking for something that fit snug and didnt know if anyone had any ideas.




And FYI: Ive trained with FOX 5.1 yes it is a deterrent. But myself along with a couple others was able to fully function being hit with it.


I have had a room contaminated with it. swabbed with it, and then sprayed right across the eyes with it. Although this is off topic from what the original conversation is about, but just thought that i would throw that out there.

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With everything going on in our little farm land eff ville, i would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


An older member here came from near by Chillicothe. He always referred to it as Chillicompton, and for good reason. No need to explain yourself.


There's a lot more good advice at this link:


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as for the rest... And i dont even really give two shits that i have people asking why do i want a running holster. i simply asked. Im prior military, and it makes me feel better. thats why. so when me and my wife are minding our own damn business and some jackass that decides to get a wild hair up his ass...thats why. Im not out looking for trouble. trying the whole quitting smoking thing. wife wants to get into shape :fuuuu: With everything going on in our little farm land eff ville, i would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. was just looking for something that fit snug and didnt know if anyone had any ideas.


And FYI: Ive trained with FOX 5.1 yes it is a deterrent. But myself along with a couple others was able to fully function being hit with it.


I have had a room contaminated with it. swabbed with it, and then sprayed right across the eyes with it. Although this is off topic from what the original conversation is about, but just thought that i would throw that out there.


74 post and you live up to your screen name.


IMO you're more likely to be a victim of a hit-run out there. Fuck, if I saw you in the middle of a country road and wanted to rob you, I'd just bump your ass down with a 3,500lb weapon and pick up what I wanted from you. Gun, Fox, or training ain't gonna matter when your back is broken.


Good luck with the smoking thing.

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^^ this.



  • Crack heads aren't going to "work" to rob you. They can't run and keep up.
  • You're a dude so rape is unlikely
  • Robbers want cash/wallets, etc. Leave the Rolex at home and unless they are blind you won't likely have a wallet.
  • Thugs don't want to fuck with someone in-shape and capable of a fight, etc.

Other insight:

  • If you do get confronted, run faster....think Forest Gump. They will move on.
  • Don't run in the hood
  • Phone wise, carry a cheap $10 Pay as you go for emergencies
  • My final thought is Carry Fox Pepper Spray on your hip and be done with it. I'd rather get sprayed in the mouth by a skunk than get hit with Fox.





If everyone knew when and where crime was going to happen no one would have to carry.


Should you need to carry while jogging? No, but it's still a great idea as you never know when something is going to go down.


You would never think that you need to carry in a movie theater either and look what happened....


Always be prepared. Period.

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If everyone knew when and where crime was going to happen no one would have to carry.


Should you need to carry while jogging? No, but it's still a great idea as you never know when something is going to go down.


You would never think that you need to carry in a movie theater either and look what happened....


Always be prepared. Period.


hey, like i said. I am not no bad ass. People dont even know i carry. In my honest opinion, thats the whole purpose of the whole conceal part.


Despite all of the negative comments and the judgmental comments from a few although i still could really care less, I appreciate those who have submitted links. i have been checking links. In the parts where im from there are no strangers. neighbors know each other. we know what each other drive. Dead end roads, and nothing but tractors and combines. So there is no reason why one couldnt walk/run/exercise if one chose too. If you cannot walk down one of these roads without looking over your shoulder, im here to tell you that nothing is getting safe, and im here looking for something to hide a sidearm in, so times are def changing as all are aware anyways. I am not that strange.

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Without knowing your area; as you have now better described it, for the vast majority we probably assumed you were running trails or in a park. I can see your point now. You have to go with what you are comfortable with. Congrats on the new fitness venture.
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Without knowing your area; as you have now better described it, for the vast majority we probably assumed you were running trails or in a park. I can see your point now. You have to go with what you are comfortable with. Congrats on the new fitness venture.


Thank you sir. I guess thats the whole point. This is my area. If strange cars see people out maybe they are less likely to make illegal transactions? i dont know... i doubt it. I dont even care about that. Im not a narc. Just too much stupid stuff going on.

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I'm a marathon runner myself and do a lot of my long runs out in the country. Never even remotely considered carrying anything. It seems like it would be difficult to secure tightly and it the extra weight bouncing around would drive me nuts.


Curious to see what you figure out. Keep us update with what you go with. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

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I'm a marathon runner myself and do a lot of my long runs out in the country. Never even remotely considered carrying anything. It seems like it would be difficult to secure tightly and it the extra weight bouncing around would drive me nuts.


Curious to see what you figure out. Keep us update with what you go with. Maybe I'll give it a shot.


From everything ive been reading im going to give this a shot. only negative i have read from it which has been very few complaints due to it being adjustable is it riding the sternum. But im sure i could slide some padding or something in there to take that rubbing out. I will just have to get it and find out. Not only that but i figured i could use it for other things too. Wife bitches when i wear my sidearm on the harley. So i can wear this as well. Safely accessible from a sitting position.


While I find it very strange that people worry about arming themselves while going out for a run, I asked my friend who does adventure races what he carries in when he runs and he sent me this link:




He said he usually doesn't bother, but when he does that's what he uses.

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