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ahhh vandalism...

sounds like a bunch of amateurs, who breaks a window? srsly?

I used to be an artist... vandalism that is an annoyance, but does no serious damage.

Walking around the neighborhood at night, stealing "house for sale" signs, putting them in your neighbors yards...

good times!

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I think when I buy a house, I'm gonna get a motion detection sprinkler system activated at night and have it spew out permanent dye or skunk juice... don't know what its called... but its smelly.

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That was funny the way you started your post. :lol:

Seriously though, sorry about your vehicle man. Fucking punks.

I remember years ago on this date I went on, me and the girl went walking at the end of our date and I decided to buy some erase markers that parents use on their vehicles for cheering for their kids in sports.

Late at night we wrote shit all over peoples vehicles and even drew penis' and sexual shit to get a laugh out of it. We knew they'd flip the next morning not knowing it just washes off. .........ahhhh....yep, I enjoyed that. :D Yeah I was 25 at the time. :p

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:lol: Yeah, no way I'd vandalize man. We knew those do no harm and that we just wanted to get a laugh knowing they'd freak out until they rub their finger across it and realized it comes off EASILY. :cool: Plus it was kind of a rush trying not to get caught.
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JRMMiii, I don't like talking about this because it's a sensitive subject, but I will since it's you. I was out and about on my 14 when one day this bastard pulled up on a Nitrous powered 14. I ignored him because he was intimitating with his spikes all over his jacket and helmet. He pulled up next to me and we both cracked the throttle wide open. I looked over and he was about to hit the nitrous button and I realized there was no way I was going to beat this guy. So to finally let him know there can only be one of us around these parts, I pulled out my 10lb chain from my jacket and knocked him off the bike at 150mph shattering his nose and orbitals to pieces while the bike itself went out in a fiery fireball. I pulled over and saw he was still breathing and straddled his head and lightly picked it up in my hands and then snapped that motherfucker clean off. I then emptied some of my bikes gas on his body and then lit him ablaze. I hopped back onto my bike and rode off into the night while the full moon illuminated the sky above me.

Edited by NinjaNick
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Lol wut? O_o

Just kidding man, that blows. Damn kids these days. What did they do, throw a rock?

It looks like they keyed it, and then tossed a rock through the window. Luckily Wirthman's had a nissan torn down and gave me a sweet deal for the window. An hour of work and it's all back in and as good as can be.

Edited by dorifto240
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JRMMiii, I don't like talking about this because it's a sensitive subject, but I will since it's you. I was out and about on my 14 when one day this bastard pulled up on a Nitrous powered 14. I ignored him because he was intimitating with his spikes all over his jacket and helmet. He pulled up next to me and we both cracked the throttle wide open. I looked over and he was about to hit the nitrous button and I realized there was no way I was going to beat this guy. So to finally let him know there can only be one of us around these parts, I pulled out my 10lb chain from my jacket and knocked him off the bike at 150mph shattering his nose and orbitals to pieces while the bike itself went out in a fiery fireball. I pulled over and saw he was still breathing and straddled his head and lightly picked it up in my hands and then snapped that motherfucker clean off. I then emptied some of my bikes gas on his body and then lit him ablaze. I hopped back onto my bike and rode off into the night while the full moon illuminated the sky above me.

That's tits and thoroughly entertaining. I never cared for that guy anyway. :p

When's the next story time?

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