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HR People, Head Hunters, and Hiring Managers HELP!


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I’m in need of some assistance finding a new career. The company I currently work for has no intentions of advancing me because they need me where I’m at. Basically I have become to good at what I do and if I leave this position it will cause some problems, so their solution is to just leave me where I’m at.


What I’m looking for is some help in making my resume and cover letter more appealing, along with some interviewing help. I want to become a polished job seeker that will be able to get some interviews and demonstrate my talents.


I know there are services out there for this, but I would rather pay someone within the car community for their help.


My situation is getting pretty bad so I want to get this rolling right now.


Please keep this on track and useful, because others might be able to benefit from this in the future.

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Brian, let's get together on this. My wife just landed her dream job, after a year trying to get in. She can help a lot. And, I interview people everyday. Her and I have been going over current do's and don't for quite some time. The resume' process sucks a lot, there's no way around it. But, we can have a look and help there too.


And it's a good reason to cook out and have a bon fire.

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Brian, let's get together on this. My wife just landed her dream job, after a year trying to get in. She can help a lot. And, I interview people everyday. Her and I have been going over current do's and don't for quite some time. The resume' process sucks a lot, there's no way around it. But, we can have a look and help there too.


And it's a good reason to cook out and have a bon fire.


Sounds like a plan. I'm out of town Saturday, the radial tire freakshow known as KoolRayz racing is gonig north, so I'm on crew/media duty :fuckyeah:

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On top of what was shared above, I VERY highly suggest given your skill set and background that you work to have a professional in the industry do your resume. Cost is around $700 but they will not only do the resume, cover letters, follow up letters, online posting at high end places like ladders.com, etc, but do a lot of personal coaching.


End of day, I did it and I feel it was 110% helpful and a strong reason why I landed the interviews I did. I had several very good opportunities and several comments on my layout and wording.


Alesia Benedict




I met her while working in NYC year ago and I knew it was going to be money well spent. Look into and feel free to PM me with any questions.

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On top of what was shared above, I VERY highly suggest given your skill set and background that you work to have a professional in the industry do your resume. Cost is around $700 but they will not only do the resume, cover letters, follow up letters, online posting at high end places like ladders.com, etc, but do a lot of personal coaching.


End of day, I did it and I feel it was 110% helpful and a strong reason why I landed the interviews I did. I had several very good opportunities and several comments on my layout and wording.


Alesia Benedict




I met her while working in NYC year ago and I knew it was going to be money well spent. Look into and feel free to PM me with any questions.


I will hit you up on this later too.

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I think in your line of work, it would be good to have a resume website built by a friend that is an IT guy. In Media/Writing I am sure your body of work is what is most important than that one sheet of paper that says "who" you worked for.



Here are 2 good examples-


In your field



More of a Marketing base



Takes you here



Simple yet well done things online impress people in your industry. Get on it!



Lastly, in this world 95% its not what you know, but who you know. Start reaching out to your industry network. Send out feelers to companies that may be hiring. Someone you have has contact with may not be in a position to hire/fire that they were not in before. Also poke around outside of your box. I work for a mortgage bank and we just hired a full time on site creative design team. That position did not exist besides contract work for us even 6 months ago, and none of the people hired had working in the mortgage industry at all before being hired.


Some people may take this the wrong way but if you are a talented person and mildly motivated, getting a job in any field is not difficult today. Companies want GOOD help, and will make room for you if you are a capable employee and can help them grow. Be aggressive, be a bit outside of the box, and you never be unemployed for very long.

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Lastly, in this world 95% its not what you know, but who you know. Start reaching out to your industry network. Send out feelers to companies that may be hiring. Someone you have has contact with may not be in a position to hire/fire that they were not in before. Also poke around outside of your box. I work for a mortgage bank and we just hired a full time on site creative design team. That position did not exist besides contract work for us even 6 months ago, and none of the people hired had working in the mortgage industry at all before being hired.


Some people may take this the wrong way but if you are a talented person and mildly motivated, getting a job in any field is not difficult today. Companies want GOOD help, and will make room for you if you are a capable employee and can help them grow. Be aggressive, be a bit outside of the box, and you never be unemployed for very long.


Best post in this thread. Perhaps the best JP's ever made ;)

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I’m in need of some assistance finding a new career. The company I currently work for has no intentions of advancing me because they need me where I’m at. Basically I have become to good at what I do and if I leave this position it will cause some problems, so their solution is to just leave me where I’m at.


What I’m looking for is some help in making my resume and cover letter more appealing, along with some interviewing help. I want to become a polished job seeker that will be able to get some interviews and demonstrate my talents.


I know there are services out there for this, but I would rather pay someone within the car community for their help.


My situation is getting pretty bad so I want to get this rolling right now.


Please keep this on track and useful, because others might be able to benefit from this in the future.



Are you looking to do something automotive like with your publishing?


I'm doing a few months of contract work for SEMA/PRI in California right now and would be pleased to forward on a resume via their project managers.


Hit me up in a PM

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Wife and I have been job hunting since we moved to the Charlotte area. I picked up a quick job for cash while I'm looking. I paid a pro to write my resume, cover letter, etc. Its very worth it though expensive.


I'm having two problems finding what I want. First I need a creative way to get noticed, second I have huge experience in IT, but I find it hard to get hiring people to understand that. I've been in field service and want to move into a dept as say a desktop support or sys admin role (IT geek) for a smaller company around 50-300 employees. The desktop support roles want to pay nothing so they assume I am over qualified. I've seen everything IT related in my 17yrs and would be perfect for a sys admin in that size company, but I think I gotta know someone to get me set up.

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I think in your line of work, it would be good to have a resume website built by a friend that is an IT guy. In Media/Writing I am sure your body of work is what is most important than that one sheet of paper that says "who" you worked for.



Here are 2 good examples-


In your field



More of a Marketing base



Takes you here



Simple yet well done things online impress people in your industry. Get on it!



Lastly, in this world 95% its not what you know, but who you know. Start reaching out to your industry network. Send out feelers to companies that may be hiring. Someone you have has contact with may not be in a position to hire/fire that they were not in before. Also poke around outside of your box. I work for a mortgage bank and we just hired a full time on site creative design team. That position did not exist besides contract work for us even 6 months ago, and none of the people hired had working in the mortgage industry at all before being hired.


Some people may take this the wrong way but if you are a talented person and mildly motivated, getting a job in any field is not difficult today. Companies want GOOD help, and will make room for you if you are a capable employee and can help them grow. Be aggressive, be a bit outside of the box, and you never be unemployed for very long.




In the past when it was hard for me I was just going to take out a billboard with some skills and in big letters "HIRE ME" but in the end I spent hours researching resume building and different formats. Once I reworked my resume Interviews starting flying in. Now I write all my friends resumes lol

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Funny we'd be talking about this today and just after I posted a recruiter called me up. He seemed like a much better one than those who usually call. Seemed to know the business and IT and says he can place me and probably has something permanent coming up in a few weeks.


He didn't seem to suck like most do and we talked for about an hour about possibilities.

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I think in your line of work, it would be good to have a resume website built by a friend that is an IT guy. In Media/Writing I am sure your body of work is what is most important than that one sheet of paper that says "who" you worked for.



Here are 2 good examples-


In your field



More of a Marketing base



Takes you here



Simple yet well done things online impress people in your industry. Get on it!



Lastly, in this world 95% its not what you know, but who you know. Start reaching out to your industry network. Send out feelers to companies that may be hiring. Someone you have has contact with may not be in a position to hire/fire that they were not in before. Also poke around outside of your box. I work for a mortgage bank and we just hired a full time on site creative design team. That position did not exist besides contract work for us even 6 months ago, and none of the people hired had working in the mortgage industry at all before being hired.


Some people may take this the wrong way but if you are a talented person and mildly motivated, getting a job in any field is not difficult today. Companies want GOOD help, and will make room for you if you are a capable employee and can help them grow. Be aggressive, be a bit outside of the box, and you never be unemployed for very long.


I'm not looking to make the media stuff my full time gig, it really is just to fickle.


I also agree with pretty much everything you said above.

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I'm not good at these types of questions (hence this thread) but I will give it a shot.


What do you want to do?


I would like to do something outside the legal industry. I'm open to pretty much anything that will challenge me and allow me to grow. I've thought I would be a good fit for anything from an account manager to being some type of analyst.


I just looking to try something new and get a new start.


What can you do?


Customer service, sales, account management, train employees, lead a team, work on cross functional teams, develop strategies, service recovery. I pretty much have to keep a pretty large skill toolbox ready because I never know what kind of situation I will get tossed into on any day :)


What are you good at doing?


Addressing customer issues, identifying opportunities for business, solving problems, managing customer expectations, helping develop products, thinking quickly on the fly, assisting others in their workflow.


I feel that my talents are being grossly underused right now. I'm willing to learn and do just about anything.


Opportunity is not knocking in my professional life right now so I'm going to build a door to kick in :fuckyeah:

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Wagner, I will do yours for free. I am an HR manager at an 800 person company and have written all of my friends resumes, my personal, etc. I will even send you mine to show you an example.


I didn't see yours come through. Again, feel free to send to clariziob@gmail.com


Thanks! I will hit you up tonight.

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