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Prescription Insurance Question


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I've probably only had 5 prescriptions given to me in my life so I rarely ever deal with them. I tried to look up other cases of this happening and I wasn't really getting any good info so I thought I'd ask if others have ran into this issue before.


Have others ever had issues with your prescription drug coverage telling you you can't use medicine A you have to use medicine C instead first?


Basically, wife was prescribed a drug, we went to fill it, insurance company says they won't cover that drug or its generics until she tries a different drug first and if that doesn't work, and her doctor confirms it isn't working for her, then they will allow the original drug her doctor prescribed.


To me, this didn't pass the BS test what-so-ever but then again these industries are so messed anyways it wouldn't shock me if this was common practice.



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Yep used to see this all the time. I was a pharmacy tech for three years.


Unfortunately like stated above insurance companies have more say than doctors do.


However look at the manufacturer's site and see if they offer discounts.


If you want PM me the name of the med and either my wife (current pharmacy tech) or me can see what we can find as far as discounts

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