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Cell phone issue


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Ok so recently switched from samsung galexy s3 with tmobile to the note 3 with verizion. when i got the note 3 my pics were there ( not sure if they were saved via my sd card or something on google) for the last few days i have had them awesome. Fast forward to today they a huge folder of pics are gone and some off my camera that i had taken. Normally i would just say what ever and chalk it up as a loss but there wer3 like 300 Pictures of my daugther on there that i dont want to lose.


Any one know why it randomly deleted these and some recent camera pics, also any one know how to get the old pictures that got lost?



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what is ifttt?


Also pelple are having this issue as well online some that dont even have sd cards so not sure thats the issue.


Of course all the people that have the issues when they get it fixed they just say hey i fixed it and not tell the world how they did it, TOOLS!

Edited by Paul
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Did they go to your Google + account? My phone did this also, and the pics are all in folders online in my google account. Even though I didn't use it.


No there not there eathier. So im to to the point where i dont think im going to get these back, any one know how to prevent this in the future.


I will do the auto back up but if im not with in wifi it wont back it up so i need to make sure i dont lose them in the mean time. Its pretty flippen dumb i lost them in the first place. So pissed going to this new phone so far!



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