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PSA: Lost pets- PetFBI.org


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Hey Guys,

As some of you may or may not not, i volunteer for PetPromise.org and am an advocate for helping lost animals find their way home.


One of the GREATEST tools other than getting out there and looking yourselves is the PetFBI.org Database and Facebook page. This group has a VERY active sharing community and has been integral in finding many lost dogs and cats. (you may recall Jasmine the dog sent home with the wrong family from Camp Bow Wow in hiliard)


The larger their Facebook sharing group is, the better chances you, your friends or family's lost pets will find their way home.





One of hte other great tools is Franklin County animal Shelter. While FCAS has received some bad press lately they are still the place to take found dogs. Notify them and check thier IN PERSON daily. (i believe you can also email them a photo, but they will not be able to monitor these as closely as you will by just going and checking daily for your lost pet)


Please please please microchip your pets. Its stupid cheap and IT WORKS. First thing every dog/cat group i belong to says to anyone who finds a pet is "DO THEY HAVE A CHIP?" Any vet can scan for them.



Here are some guidelines for posting a lost pet to PetFBI Facebook page- This also will apply to your own facebook page. (make post public too, so it can be shared by your friends and family) - Realize thoug this is a guideline, so edit as you need.



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I agree...it's a great site and I don't think a lot of people know about it, we didn't when our cat went missing. But the site was very active and the people were very nice. Even though we had a lot of ridiculous calls and "sightings" (I know people were just trying to help, but my cat is not in another county).


In the end the chip was what brought her home. Nice little old couple took her to PetsMart before deciding to keep her...she was gone 8 weeks and was maybe 1/2 a mile from my house.

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When our Boxer got loose a couple years ago, it was the MicroChip that allowed for her to be reunited with us. It won't prevent someone from taking your dog but if they do bring her to the vet and the vet scans for a chip (lots of vets scan even their regular clients) it will likely trigger an alert that your dog address doesn't match whoever has them now.
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