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Need help convincing my wife...


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Or you could be a man and just tell her you are buying it and not have to convince her of anything.


I have never understood this whole, ask my wife's permission or convince her, or hopefully she lets me, crap.


Because the purchase of said vehicle with out permission could end up you with dick in hand living in car and half yo shit (more if kids involved) not yo shit anymore.


I'm too happy gettin to spend the rest of my lif with a woman who's my best friend to be a DBag and tell her she's gotta deal with something.

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Because the purchase of said vehicle with out permission could end up you with dick in hand living in car and half yo shit (more if kids involved) not yo shit anymore.


I'm too happy gettin to spend the rest of my lif with a woman who's my best friend to be a DBag and tell her she's gotta deal with something.

Exactly. And she makes half of our income and we have 2 kids, so it's only right to discuss big purchases. This was meant as a fun thread, like the guy that made his wife a PowerPoint presentation about why he should get a Corvette a few months ago.

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Half the time? You single now? I think you win with either one of those cars.


soon to be single.



when i was married, we discussed any major purchases. i never had any issues buying whatever i wanted---neither did she. i bought all the cars in my sig. she had a MAJOR addition put on what is now, my house. money wasn't the issue. all the money in the world couldn't have solved our issues. she didn't work outside of the home, and i was ok with that. as long as she was as good with taking care of our three kids as i was earning a living. i could go on and on. part of me misses being married (not to her, but just the idea of having someone there 100% of the time to support you), and part of me loves being able to do whatever i want when i don't have the kids.


plenty of married people are miserable, plenty of single people are miserable to be around and hence, are not marriage material. society, in general, has completely devalued the concept of being married "for better or worse". its much more acceptible to give up these days. if you have kids, they are the ones that truly suffer---and i can tell you personally, that's what sucks when it comes to my situation.

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I will continue to enjoy using my money I work for how I please, without having to ask if I can purchase something :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:


Not that I (or most of us who are married) have to ask, I do it out of respect for my wife.


Also, Kirk, that sucks to hear. Hope things get better for ya.

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Not that I (or most of us who are married) have to ask, I do it out of respect for my wife.


Also, Kirk, that sucks to hear. Hope things get better for ya.


Everyone I've been around that is married, I always hear my wife won't let me do this, she would never allow me to purchase that, etc.


I don't get the concept of marriage, maybe it's because I'm not religious but being in a serious relationship and being married to me are the same thing besides a piece of paper.

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soon to be single.



when i was married, we discussed any major purchases. i never had any issues buying whatever i wanted---neither did she. i bought all the cars in my sig. she had a MAJOR addition put on what is now, my house. money wasn't the issue. all the money in the world couldn't have solved our issues. she didn't work outside of the home, and i was ok with that. as long as she was as good with taking care of our three kids as i was earning a living. i could go on and on. part of me misses being married (not to her, but just the idea of having someone there 100% of the time to support you), and part of me loves being able to do whatever i want when i don't have the kids.


plenty of married people are miserable, plenty of single people are miserable to be around and hence, are not marriage material. society, in general, has completely devalued the concept of being married "for better or worse". its much more acceptible to give up these days. if you have kids, they are the ones that truly suffer---and i can tell you personally, that's what sucks when it comes to my situation.


I've been looking for a sugar daddy. A/L?

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I've been looking for a sugar daddy. A/L?


Already have a girlfriend. Thanks for the offer though, I'm flattered. Lol.


It's crazy. When I have the kids, I don't have time to even piss, let alone have a girlfriend, between work and all their activities. When I don't have them, it's like being in college again--only I have money. :fuckyeah:

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I tend to agree with the guys that sya it should be discussed with the wife. I'm in the fortunate position, being retired military, that my wife and I make a good living. She says I can drive whatever my retirement check can pay for. She had no problem when I bought my CTS-V.
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Fixed for all you cuckolds and marriage haters out there


I have to agree with Rustle on this. I love my wife dearly, and have NEVER regretted marrying her. Marriage CAN be a great thing, if everyone understands what their role within that unit is.


I also don't ask permission to do anything and I never will. I ask her opinion, take her thoughts into account, then make my decision.

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