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Battery/Alarm issues


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Quick back story - Last Friday I drove my car around a little bit (95 Mustang Cobra 5spd), the more times I started it the weaker it seemed to start, as if the battery where going dead.


Fast forward to this week. I parked it in the garage, put the battery tender on it on Monday. Unhooked the tender Tuesday - started right up 3 times without issues. Put it back in the garage without the tender as I planned on moving it again the following day. Went to start it and it wouldn't start. It gave a half hearted attempted at turning the engine over once and then nothing. Typical dead battery... but then the check engine light came on and stayed on with the key out of the car. I assumed it was due to the battery but wasn't sure.


Today I go to jump start the car with the jump box so I could take it to get a new battery and I get 0. No sounds except fuel pump kicking on..... All of the gauges came on and went back and forth and the check engine light is on, but it won't start.


I removed the battery, went and bought another one..... Same deal. It gives no attempt at turning over.


I am going to try reading the codes later. It did have a check engine light prior to this though for other issues. Nothing that would cause it not to start. It does have an alarm system in it... Is there anything Alarm system related I should check that could cause a no-start?



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Have you tried to push start it to see what it does? This is a weird issue. Also, is that how your coolant temp and oil pressure gauges normally read when the key is off?


No, they did that when I tried to start it with the new battery. But all is fixed now, stupid alarm system.

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