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Family memorabilia thread.


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I was in town this past week and spent some time with my Grandma who has photos and drawings dating back to my great, great, great, great, great grandparents. Turns out that our family actually fought in the revolutionary war.


All that is interesting to me but not so much to you. So i've got some picture of more "recent" items. The following are a mix things my great grandfather brought back from WWI and things my grandfather brought back from WWII.


Various medals; some from the army, some received upon returning home, some off german soldiers. On the back of a few it says "Presented to _______ for serving in the world war"




"gott mit uns" meaning "God with us" Looks like a belt buckle and match box covers? Also note the WWI style dog tag attached




A list of common french sayings. This will be framed. Also note the pineapple guava orange juice that my grandma always has in her fridge












Apparently a Karabiner 43 from WWII








Edited by Sturg
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I think family history is very cool, although I do not have anything to post pictures of at the moment (family issues from when my grandfather passed away), I will see what I can find to post. All I really remember that my father has of his fathers was a couple old army ammo tins (idk what era though) and some old WW2 or Korean war era windproof lighters (one was made out of a mortar shell I believe). I will see if he still has them around so I can get some pictures.
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I'll have to get pictures next time I'm at my dads. He has my grandpa's japanese rifle with some notch marks in the butt, and a lot of items from over there. He was in the south pacific and went ashore after they bombed japan, not the nukes I don't think, and said there was money everywhere. He was a mechanic in the army, and usually went ashore in the beginning to help set up communication.
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This stuff is awesome. I have little to no military background in my family, so keep it coming! I really enjoy these kind of things.


OK, i'll share the story of my grandfather's heroism as it was explained to me.


Again, I have no technical knowledge, only the story... and the silver star (mom has it).


They were off shore running a torpedo route and fired upon the enemy. In some instances a torpedo could actually about-face and come back to your own ship (assume it starts tracking you instead of the enemy). As the torpedo was coming back to their own ship the "guy who calls out the orders, and maneuvers away from the danger" froze up and could not speak. My grandfather yelled out a command "right, full rudder, all ahead flank" and the "people that make the ship do stuff" made it do what he yelled out and averted the torpedo.


As I can recall (and a tear comes to my eye). My grandfather received letters from his shipmates every holiday season describing their thanks and friendship to him for the greater part of 50 years. And, as the years progressed, less and less letters came, as those mates had died off. Though, some remaining family members continued the cards/letters in thanks. And... once my grandfather passed (who had lived with my parents at their house for his last 4 years) I can remember my parents still receiving those cards in thanks and honor for what he had done for his crew.


At his funeral (at Arlington Cemetery) I will not forget the pride I felt for what my grandfather had done for so many. Following that, we had a memorial in Youngstown where he was born/raised/lived and many of those shipmates who were still alive showed up to celebrate his life. I will never forget that day.


here is the writeup that was made for the Ohio Military Hall of Fame.






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I'll have to dig up what I have. Dad had a few things left over from Vietnam, he was originally a Diesel tech, but from what my uncle has told me is that he was quickly moved to infantry after being in country for a week. I've got a few cools pictures from him in country in 'Nam as well as him in Okinawa and some medals he earned along the way.
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Great Great Great (you get the point) Uncle was Ulysses S. Grant. Grandmother had an oil portrait of him from the 1800's up until she passed away. Not sure who in the family has it now, has to be worth a significant amount of money.
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I found this album in my parents basement rotting away. Decided to scan it in before it disintegrated.


The lady who took all of the photos was my grandfathers first wife. These were all taken down near the ohio river. She had the nickname "River Rat" as all she did was run up and down the ohio river. There were more pages including a guest log but for some reason i cant seem to find it.



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I always find this stuff interesting.


What I have isn't necessarily memorabilia but, one thing my Grandad did was have his friend record all his life stories and put them on a CD. There are two CD's in total of just him talking, crying and laughing. He made them about 4 years ago, he passed away last year.


Everything from his childhood memories, Friel Coal Business, WWII stories, the fail of his sip-n-stuff business, the start of Green Vally Golf course and everything in between.


So anyone with an older family member that has a lot of knowledge on family history, this might be an idea.

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My great grand parents owned a lot of what is now Grandview and parts of Upper Arlington. The old Tri Village Studio building on 5th was a great relitive's.


According to my grand father, his father's second wife "acquired" all the land and sold it off keeping the money for her side. Considering good corners have sold for $500,000 an acre.....I wonder what if a lot.

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My son's great-great grandfather was the first person to ever complete a loop on a bicycle. He was famous stuntman, basically an Evil Knieval of his time. There was actually a special on PBS on the University district. Until last year their family owned one of the oldest houses in Columbus, near the corner of Lane and High. They have photos of it when the house is the only thing in sight, the rest farm land.




His great grandma still has a lot of the memorbilia, circus ads, his luggage, all kinds of neat stuff.

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