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Ebola hits the US


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Meh its not as bad as people make it out to be, most dont even comprehend how you can contract it. We have much better sanitation and supplies here to combat it, this isnt out in the middle of nowhere poor africa.




Cliffs.....Stay the fuck out of Africa!


Just certain parts...Africa is a big ass place.



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Like 20mi from me. yay. I'm not giving into this whole panic because ebola is here now mentality; however, it certainly is something that needs addressed. I absolutely agree with what Tim said above. I thought about this yesterday. Why in the world are we letting people from infected countries back into the US without some kind of quarantine? He welcome back! Now go infect 300mil people.
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^^ my jury is still not in full belief of that. If that was the case, they wouldn't fucking be transporting those people in Atlanta in hermetically sealed suites, bubble tents, ambulances and planes then putting them in such air-tight/controlled isolation wards.


My gut tells me they know better. Just because it hasn't been documented in humans yet, doesn't mean it's not transmitted that way.




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^^ my jury is still not in full belief of that. If that was the case, they wouldn't fucking be transporting those people in Atlanta in hermetically sealed suites, bubble tents, ambulances and planes then putting them in such air-tight/controlled isolation wards.


My gut tells me they know better. Just because it hasn't been documented in humans yet, doesn't mean it's not transmitted that way.





I disagree the protocol is the same for all quarantined personal regardless of what infectious disease they have. Its better to have a set of standards the prepare for the worse case scenario and make that the standard to follow then to have different standards and something be missed.

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I disagree the protocol is the same for all quarantined personal regardless of what infectious disease they have. Its better to have a set of standards the prepare for the worse case scenario and make that the standard to follow then to have different standards and something be missed.


So if someone has full blown Aids which is also transmitted through similar contact means would be transported in that same manner? Do we transport those patients in the same manner just because of high protocols?

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You guys realize that MILLIONs of people die every year from the one strain or another of the flu virus (which is airborne vs. Ebola, which is Contact) every single year, right? Thousands of those are right here in the US. And are you worried you'll get the flu?


The news stations need something new to talk about this week. Relax.

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I think at least part of the concern is that it could always mutate and become airborne, although hasn't at this time.


^^ and that's my point. The scientists and power that be do not know for sure. There's already proof that Ebola strains are famous for replicating differently when entering one person genetically differently from when it enters another. Each new infection is a whole new roll of the dice as to what mutation will develop.


That's exactly what happened when H1N1 when crazy 5 years ago. With Ebola, it was the Canadians that found the Ebola Zaire virus was able to be transmitted via respiratory route from pigs to monkeys, both whose lungs are very similar to those of humans. (see my previous links.)


Thus what I'm saying is to state that if you've not touch a bodily secretion then you're safe is complete bullshit talk-track and the Gov'ts way of preventing people from freaking out.


THAT'S why they have these people hermetically sealed and so highly protected. It's completely possible and likely that it can and will be spread by more than just bodily fluid contact.

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You guys realize that MILLIONs of people die every year from the one strain or another of the flu virus (which is airborne vs. Ebola, which is Contact) every single year, right?


Ebola's mortality rate is 50-90% depending on the strain.


are you worried you'll get the flu?


No but then it has a much lower mortality rate.


The news stations need something new to talk about this week. Relax.


totally relaxed here, but not buying the BS about it not being capable of transmission through means other than direct bodily fluid contact.

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So if someone has full blown Aids which is also transmitted through similar contact means would be transported in that same manner? Do we transport those patients in the same manner just because of high protocols?


LOL, since when is Aids of the same scale as Ebola.

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This guy was a dumb fuck. Before he boarded the plane to come back to the US, he had been with a person with Ebola. Took that very person to the hospital where they died. Just like the other two idiots that had it....why the fuck did you think you wouldn't get it!!?
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This guy was a dumb fuck. Before he boarded the plane to come back to the US, he had been with a person with Ebola. Took that very person to the hospital where they died. Just like the other two idiots that had it....why the fuck did you think you wouldn't get it!!?


Well...you're dealing with a group of people who believe that if you take a shower after having sex with someone with AIDS, you're in the clear. Or that having sex with a virgin cures AIDS.



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