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Ebola hits the US


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Ebola is airborne on water particles and has up to a 21day incubation period, in which you can be conatgious with no symptoms.

Symptoms start similiar to a seasonal flu, and we are just starting fall.


No it can't float through the air, but if someone sneezes on you you got ebola. Wipes their nose/mouth then touches something else that you later touch, you got ebola. That dollar bill you got back as change, yep you got ebola.

Basically everything you've touched in the last 21 days could've given you ebola.



1 guy has ebola in TX.

They are already testing 114 people who could've come into contact with him.


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Ebola is airborne on water particles and has up to a 21day incubation period, in which you can be conatgious with no symptoms.

Symptoms start similiar to a seasonal flu, and we are just starting fall.


No it can't float through the air, but if someone sneezes on you you got ebola. Wipes their nose/mouth then touches something else that you later touch, you got ebola. That dollar bill you got back as change, yep you got ebola.

Basically everything you've touched in the last 21 days could've given you ebola.



1 guy has ebola in TX.

They are already testing 114 people who could've come into contact with him.



Its not the Ebola that will be the biggest problem, the civil unrest and panic that could happen will be the issue.


I'm sure our super smart elected officials will stay in front of this. Locking down the borders to anybody who has been around the places infected would not be any fun now would it?


Elect stupid people, get stupid outcomes...

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Its not the Ebola that will be the biggest problem, the civil unrest and panic that could happen will be the issue.


I'm sure our super smart elected officials will stay in front of this. Locking down the borders to anybody who has been around the places infected would not be any fun now would it?


Elect stupid people, get stupid outcomes...


How many pluses can I give this?

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Its not the Ebola that will be the biggest problem, the civil unrest and panic that could happen will be the issue.


I'm sure our super smart elected officials will stay in front of this. Locking down the borders to anybody who has been around the places infected would not be any fun now would it?


Elect stupid people, get stupid outcomes...


Wouldnt travel agencies be to blame for a world wide pandemic, not the gvt? Sure, the government(s) could step in and mandate flight restrictions to and from problematic countries, but airline companies should be the first to step up and take action. Of course, that would cut profits which is bad. Profits>human existence.

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Wouldnt travel agencies be to blame for a world wide pandemic, not the gvt? Sure, the government(s) could step in and mandate flight restrictions to and from problematic countries, but airline companies should be the first to step up and take action. Of course, that would cut profits which is bad. Profits>human existence.


Last time I checked travel agencies have to follow laws and rules, so of the government and CDC locked things down, that would solve this problem.


Its a lot like playing fort when you were a kid, you don't want certain people to come into your fort, you lock the door and blast whoever tries to get in with a NERF gun.

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I'm willing to bet that a lot of you who suggest the government putting restrictions on travel would be the first ones to bitch about Obama and his "socialist" ways. I for one would not be too happy if the government told me where I'm allowed to travel. What if I had family in west Africa? Or I do business there and my income relies on it? It's up to me to make that decision.


And then there's this: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119710/ebola-outreak-public-health-officials-oppose-travel-bans-quaranitine


No travel ban or quarantine will seal a country completely. Even if travel could be reduced by eighty per cent—itself a feat—models predict that new transmissions would be delayed only a few weeks. Worse, it would only drive an increase in the number of cases at the source. Health-care workers who have fallen ill would not be able to get out for treatment, and the international health personnel needed to quell the outbreak would no longer be able to go in. The local economy and health infrastructure would further collapse, causing a far wider spread of the disease. For months, Doctors Without Borders—almost the lone group providing treatment services—has been crying out for help. The international response was contemptible.

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I'm willing to bet that a lot of you who suggest the government putting restrictions on travel would be the first ones to bitch about Obama and his "socialist" ways. I for one would not be too happy if the government told me where I'm allowed to travel. What if I had family in west Africa? Or I do business there and my income relies on it? It's up to me to make that decision.


And then there's this: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119710/ebola-outreak-public-health-officials-oppose-travel-bans-quaranitine


So what is the fix for this problem? My solution is to lock stuff down and stop allowing the spread. I've been seeing a lot of news reports from all over that officials in this country are not prepared or educated on what to do.


I usually don't worry about stuff like this, but I've got a bad feeling the stupid of America is about to get exposed in a big way. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm going to be prepared just in case things get crazy for a week or 2.


Here is the thing about life, it ain't fair, that's just how it is. If the .gov needs to lock shit down for the greater good and it screws a few people, oh well. I've been on the shit end of the stick and that's how things go. Put down your sense of entitlement and deal with it.

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I'm willing to bet that a lot of you who suggest the government putting restrictions on travel would be the first ones to bitch about Obama and his "socialist" ways.


Nope. I for one think the US has way too laxed policies when it comes to just anyone coming and going across our borders and does little about it. The gov't needs to put the screws to anyone coming from infected areas and if they aren't needed here, tell them NO. Have family over there, visit them when Ebola isn't such a threat. Until then, send emails. Have a business, figure out another way. I can't imagine much in the way of business there is happening anyway.


What if I had family in west Africa? Or I do business there and my income relies on it? It's up to me to make that decision.

You're welcome to make those decisions but in this situation, I'd say you'll have to stay over there if you choose to go. At least until this shit calms down.
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My favorite thing about that is the butthurt from Texas people in the comments.


Without having read it yet, I will say this, the egos are so big down here...that when anything challenges that in any way, shape, or form...the butthurt is very strong.

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Nope. I for one think the US has way too laxed policies when it comes to just anyone coming and going across our borders and does little about it. The gov't needs to put the screws to anyone coming from infected areas and if they aren't needed here, tell them NO. Have family over there, visit them when Ebola isn't such a threat. Until then, send emails. Have a business, figure out another way. I can't imagine much in the way of business there is happening anyway.


You're welcome to make those decisions but in this situation, I'd say you'll have to stay over there if you choose to go. At least until this shit calms down.


Couldn't have said it better. This is an epidemic. Yes, we may be better suited to fight it than countries in Africa, but can we combat it on a mass level? I don't think so yet. I don't give a damn if you have family in Ebola hot zones. You want to go over there? Fine, but you're sure as shit not coming back until we've got a cure in a pill/shot. Obama needs to nut up about this before it gets out of control.

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Ive flown once in my life, and probably wont for a while. No care here.


I fly all the time and I don't care what people say about how you catch it. I'm not at all interested in being around people coughs and sneezes if someone has Ebola. Bullshit it's not catchy or that it's more difficult to get Ebola than the common flu. Again, if it was they wouldn't hazmat suit everyone involved.

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I fly all the time and I don't care what people say about how you catch it. I'm not at all interested in being around people coughs and sneezes if someone has Ebola. Bullshit it's not catchy or that it's more difficult to get Ebola than the common flu. Again, if it was they wouldn't hazmat suit everyone involved.


They hazmat suit everyone because of how deadly it is if contracted, not necessarily because it's easy to contract. Obviously we've seen that healthcare workers are particularly at risk. Though I mostly agree with the sentiments in this thread. Stay the fuck out of Africa unless you're willing to be treated in African hospitals.

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So what is the fix for this problem?


Find a cure/vaccine for Ebola :p


Look, people with all kinds of viruses and diseases travel all over the world daily. Yes, there's an outbreak going on in west Africa right now so don't go there if you don't have to, most people don't so no worries there. No need for government restrictions, it won't work. It just needs to be fought at the source, so these people in west Africa need to be treated.


You can't keep people locked in west Africa either. They'll go to some neighboring country where there is no restriction and catch the next flight over.

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They'll go to some neighboring country where there is no restriction and catch the next flight over.


and the above is why I said the US is way too laxed about who they let come here. there's no reason some Joe-Nobody from West Africa should just be allowed over here.

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Ebola is airborne on water particles and has up to a 21day incubation period, in which you can be conatgious with no symptoms.

Symptoms start similiar to a seasonal flu, and we are just starting fall.


No it can't float through the air, but if someone sneezes on you you got ebola. Wipes their nose/mouth then touches something else that you later touch, you got ebola. That dollar bill you got back as change, yep you got ebola.

Basically everything you've touched in the last 21 days could've given you ebola.



1 guy has ebola in TX.

They are already testing 114 people who could've come into contact with him.



Not quite accurate. Ebola does not require airborne precautions, only droplet at best. Ebola isn't known to cause coughing or sneezing, but should someone who has it sneeze directly in your face, you could catch it.


Incubation period in the body is not the same as survival outside the body. Virus particles can survive for a couple hours outside the body by themselves, and 3-4 days if in a MOIST body fluid. Most dry up fairly quickly.


The best thing you can do for yourself (and you should be doing this anyways) is wash your hands frequently. Touch money? Wash your hands. Shake someone's hand? Wash your hands. Scratch your ass? Wash your hands.


These outbreaks all start in Africa for a reason. Not because Ebola isn't here, but because our hygiene is so much better.


They hazmat suit everyone because of how deadly it is if contracted, not necessarily because it's easy to contract. Obviously we've seen that healthcare workers are particularly at risk. Though I mostly agree with the sentiments in this thread. Stay the fuck out of Africa unless you're willing to be treated in African hospitals.


Again, if it was they wouldn't hazmat suit everyone involved.


See above. It's a precautionary measure because they are literally touching everything. I would have no worries about walking my happy ass right through the middle of that Ebola guys apartment without a suit on. Don't touch anything, don't worry about anything. And wash my hands when I'm done.



Again, Ebola requires Contact precautions for those around the infected and Droplet precautions at best if you're up close and personal with them. It is not Airborne.


We live in the U.S. We have one of the best healthcare systems in the world. We also have some of the best sanitation services and hygiene in the world. West Africa does not. We don't drink our shit-infested water and we don't tend to fuck every infected prostitute in town before coming home to bang our wives. West Africa does. Take a look at AIDS.


Ebola symptoms are fairly easy to treat and Americans tend to be a bunch of pussies when it comes to getting sick. They go to the hospital for every little hiccup. It would be most likely be caught. And even if it wasn't, they would still treat your symptoms, which is the exact same thing they would do even if they knew you had Ebola seeing as how Ebola itself doesn't have a 'cure'. Natural buildup of antibodies is what 'cures' it.


If you went to the hospital, they'd:

-Give Fluids

-Correct electrolyte imbalances

-Treat fever

-Provide hemodynamic support if required (I'd suspect you'd have to be pretty far along to require this)

-Correct any coagulopathy


This is all pretty basic shit. The only issue I could see cropping up would be if they start giving blood products (platelets, FFP, Cryo, etc.) to every person with a coagulopathy. Supplies might start getting a bit thin in that case.



Again, quit watching the news. This shit is sensationalized like you wouldn't believe.

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See above. It's a precautionary measure because they are literally touching everything. I would have no worries about walking my happy ass right through the middle of that Ebola guys apartment without a suit on. Don't touch anything, don't worry about anything. And wash my hands when I'm done.


I get that, but then everyone touches everything. Dude with Ebola gets on a subway and you bet your ass someone is likely to touch the same shit he touched and getting the creeping crud. I don't care of you can get the flu by simply airborne breathing of crud and with Ebola it requires a touch....still not as "safe" of an issue as the media makes it out to be by stating there's nothing to worry about. I call BS.

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I get that, but then everyone touches everything. Dude with Ebola gets on a subway and you bet your ass someone is likely to touch the same shit he touched and getting the creeping crud. I don't care of you can get the flu by simply airborne breathing of crud and with Ebola it requires a touch....still not as "safe" of an issue as the media makes it out to be by stating there's nothing to worry about. I call BS.


Do you worry about all the other bacteria and viruses that you can get by simply touching something? Because Ebola isn't the only one nor is it anywhere close to the most prevalent. MRSA, ESBL, Strep, E. Coli, C. Difficile, etc. are all quite abundant and will wreck your shit just the same.


Ebola is known because the media has latched onto it. Wait until another plane crashes or disappears and you'll forget all about it.

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