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good home defense gun


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I want to thank all of you for the information. We will be looking at all options and definitely look into the home security systems. Mojoe, a major thanks for offering your services for free. when we decide what were doing we will for sure get ahold of you. Which will be after she graduates, in spring, as our schedules are full and when shes home I'm at work and vice-versa. For now we will hope for the best as was pointed out our financial situation. Which is very true and I'm not upset at anyone. This thread was mainly to get info for us to process. The police station is technically 4 streets away I believe.
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A guy at work said a shotgun, but I was thinking something less messy/ deadly if that makes sense.


Any gun is messy/deadly.


Thanks for the info. I'm sure/hoping that if it came down to it I could shoot to kill. But that being said, I couldn't kill a rabbit that was 5 feet from me the one and only time I went hunting, and I was 15... :( I can kill mice and small annoying birds but that's about it.


Get trained in firearms AND self defense. If you can't see an intruder/threat for what it is, please don't buy a firearm.


The noise from racking the slide will be enough to make most intruders run the other way. And the ones that don't run are crazy and are there to hurt you or your family. Shotgun does the most damage with the least skill needed.


PLEASE disregard this. Someone has listened to too many gun shop employees who have ZERO self defense training.


The racking is the worst thing you can do. Give away your're position in a heart beat. Surprise is the best tactic you have against an intruder.


1) Avoid.

2) Run.

3) De-escalte.

4) Fight.

5) Die.


In that order. PLEASE don't assume you're Bruce Lee and try to ambush an intruder/attacker, ESPECIALLY without proper training.


An extremely powerful light is also a great defense weapon. Buying yourself a few seconds by blinding the intruder could be life or death.


Flash them...then what?


Not true, the .22 round is extremely deadly. Also 10 well placed .22 rds are better than spraying .45 ammo everywhere. No worries about over penetration, on top of that no one likes to be shot. So getting peppered with .22 cal rds will quickly make someones flight instinct kick in.


Why does everyone assume they can place 10 straight immaculately placed shots of any round into a moving target in the middle of the night?


I want to thank all of you for the information. We will be looking at all options and definitely look into the home security systems. Mojoe, a major thanks for offering your services for free. when we decide what were doing we will for sure get ahold of you. Which will be after she graduates, in spring, as our schedules are full and when shes home I'm at work and vice-versa. For now we will hope for the best as was pointed out our financial situation.


Let me get this straight: you have concern over your guys safety and you're choosing to wait and "hope for the best"? Everyone hopes for the best every day. People still get attacked/killed. Don't wait.


The police station is technically 4 streets away I believe.


That's good. It will hopefully only take them until after you're both dead to get to your place.


Talk to Mojoe NOW. Don't wait. Also, I offer self defense/Krav Maga training. I'd be more than willing to work with you.

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Hornady has a new one out that looks pretty sweet. It's got a proximity bracelet that you wear (I'm assuming it uses RF) that opens when your hand gets near it.


I have no experience with it nor have I heard how well it works, but I like the concept.

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