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Free Red Bull or $10


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Have you bought a red bull after 2002? You are entitled to part of their settlement. I can't load the claim page though. It seems to be down from millions of people hopped up on red bull hitting F5.



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What happened?!


Just submitted mine, haha. Stuff like this is ridiculous. I can hardly wait for my $10 nine months from now.


Some asshat sued RedBull for false advertising because RedBull did not enhance his athletic ability or make him fly. No joke.


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Common sense obviously isn't a trait in your DNA


Your not understanding... As dumb as it sounds it is true..

There are multiple dumb cases that people win.. such as the lady who gets a hot coffee, spills it, sues because it didn't say hot... common sense right?

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Your not understanding... As dumb as it sounds it is true..

There are multiple dumb cases that people win.. such as the lady who gets a hot coffee, spills it, sues because it didn't say hot... common sense right?


The McDonalds coffee wasn't just hot. It was FAR beyond the limits of what heat it should be at causing life changing burns.


The trial took place from August 8–17, 1994, before New Mexico District Court Judge Robert H. Scott.[16] During the case, Liebeck's attorneys discovered that McDonald's required franchisees to hold coffee at 180–190 °F (82–88 °C). At 190 °F (88 °C), the coffee would cause a third-degree burn in two to seven seconds. Liebeck's attorney argued that coffee should never be served hotter than 140 °F (60 °C), and that a number of other establishments served coffee at a substantially lower temperature than McDonald's. Liebeck's lawyers presented the jury with evidence that 180 °F (82 °C) coffee like that McDonald’s served may produce third-degree burns (where skin grafting is necessary) in about 12 to 15 seconds. Lowering the temperature to 160 °F (71 °C) would increase the time for the coffee to produce such a burn to 20 seconds. Liebeck's attorneys argued that these extra seconds could provide adequate time to remove the coffee from exposed skin, thereby preventing many burns. McDonald's claimed that the reason for serving such hot coffee in its drive-through windows was that those who purchased the coffee typically were commuters who wanted to drive a distance with the coffee; the high initial temperature would keep the coffee hot during the trip.[2] However, the company's own research showed that some customers intend to consume the coffee immediately while driving/


There is a difference between using common sense (i.e. don't drink a Red Bull and leap off a building expecting to fly) and company negligence/ignorance causing life altering injuries. Yes, the coffee is hot. It usually is. It's NOT usually hotter than any other coffee. SOmeone has to intentionally make it that way.

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The McDonalds coffee wasn't just hot. It was FAR beyond the limits of what heat it should be at causing life changing burns.




There is a difference between using common sense (i.e. don't drink a Red Bull and leap off a building expecting to fly) and company negligence/ignorance causing life altering injuries. Yes, the coffee is hot. It usually is. It's NOT usually hotter than any other coffee. SOmeone has to intentionally make it that way.


STFU don't spill it on yourself and blame someone else. The world is not and never will be a perfect place.

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The McDonalds coffee wasn't just hot. It was FAR beyond the limits of what heat it should be at causing life changing burns.




There is a difference between using common sense (i.e. don't drink a Red Bull and leap off a building expecting to fly) and company negligence/ignorance causing life altering injuries. Yes, the coffee is hot. It usually is. It's NOT usually hotter than any other coffee. SOmeone has to intentionally make it that way.


IMO it still takes common sense to not spill hot coffee on you. No matter what the temperature. We live in a world where people are robbing stores, getting hurt, then suing the place they robbed. Kids are breaking in homes getting killed and the parents are suing.

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IMO it still takes common sense to not spill hot coffee on you. No matter what the temperature.


The world is not and never will be a perfect place.




We live in a world where people are robbing stores, getting hurt, then suing the place they robbed. Kids are breaking in homes getting killed and the parents are suing.


Understood and agree. Not saying the Red Bull case is valid, just saying the hot coffee case had more to it than people who fail to look at the facts realize. If I spill hot coffee on myself am I at fault? Absolutely. 100%. I've done it before and blamed nobody but myself.


Is the company at fault for excessive damages if they serve that coffee at extreme temperatures far past what coffee is served at literally everywhere else in the world? Absolutely. 100%.


You'd think someone at McBapies corpo would've stepped up and said, "ya know what? Maybe serving coffee at a bajillion degrees isn't so smart. After all, the world is not and never will be a perfect place. Maybe someday somebody might just spill it on themselves."

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" placed the cup between her knees" and attempted to remove the lid. And hot coffee spilled on her sweatpants. so her laziness,for not getting out of the car turns into the vendors problem because the coffee is too hot. Styrofoam cup BETWEEN her knees with hot liquid she has had experience with for years, and too lazy to get out of the car and mix her coffee, or too stupid to just pull the drinking tab and pouring the sugar and cream in there. Stupidity is clearly demonstrated by ones actions, but in this world others are responsible for these idiots.

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" placed the cup between her knees" and attempted to remove the lid. And hot coffee spilled on her sweatpants. so her laziness,for not getting out of the car turns into the vendors problem because the coffee is too hot. Styrofoam cup BETWEEN her knees with hot liquid she has had experience with for years, and too lazy to get out of the car and mix her coffee, or too stupid to just pull the drinking tab and pouring the sugar and cream in there. Stupidity is clearly demonstrated by ones actions, but in this world others are responsible for these idiots.


Sometimes it's demonstrated by ones words.

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" placed the cup between her knees" and attempted to remove the lid. And hot coffee spilled on her sweatpants. so her laziness,for not getting out of the car turns into the vendors problem because the coffee is too hot. Styrofoam cup BETWEEN her knees with hot liquid she has had experience with for years, and too lazy to get out of the car and mix her coffee, or too stupid to just pull the drinking tab and pouring the sugar and cream in there. Stupidity is clearly demonstrated by ones actions, but in this world others are responsible for these idiots.


third degree burns




It's reasonable to assume that spilling coffee on yourself would be hot and uncomfortable.


It's unreasonable to assume that the coffee would be so hot that it would cause 3rd degree burns and permanent nerve damage.


It is NEGLIGENT to have the FDA tell you multiple times over and over that your coffee is dangerously hot and to cool it the fuck down.

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