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I'm Back Kinda/Sorta...Maybe...MSF?


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Hi to everyone again. I know alot of you probably have no idea who i am. I started with the site about 2 months ago i think. Haven't been on in over 4 weeks. I posted a while back about possibly having a hernia and to get some info on it.. Turns out that's not what it was. Just a large benign tumor. I had a pump attached to me for some time, and still have a bullet sized hole in my thigh. Fun times! lol.

Due to recovery and not having a bike at the present time, i decided it was probably best that i stay away from the site for a while. It's been miserable to say the least. I hear motorcycles roar around town all day. Sometimes...i cant take it. My original goal was to get a fairly descent bike and see if i could meet up with all the great people here. I think finally...possibly i might be in position to land a bike. Who knows? I'm trying my damndest. It will have to be financed. If dealers are still giving out loans that is :(

If anyone knows where i can find bikes for under 5k let me know. I found a few, but not too many.

I've had my permit a while now. Almost a year. I've been looking at taking a MSF course and have some questions. I've looked at the website and just wanted to clear some things up to be sure.

1- If you pass the Basic Rider Course you are granted the paperwork to obtain your motorycle endorsement?

2- What gear is required? If i don't bring gloves, or what have you..will there be an issue?

3- If im using the course's motorcycle, will i still have to show proof of insurance?

At this time. I think thats it. Thanks to anyone in advance who has more info than i do. I look forward to hanging out around the site more often, it's just hard listening to you bastards tell tales of your amazing rides of the day. :D

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1. Yes

2. This is minimum coverage/gear.

Long sleeve shirt



Over the ankle footwear.

Helmet. DOT Approved.

Eye protection if you wear an open face helmet. If a wear a full face you must wear the shield in the closed position if you don't wear eye protection.

3. No to insurance.

I would suggest wearing more protection than a long sleeve shirt.

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Thanks for the info Jagr. Obviously when it gets dark and the temps drop, i..like most people will wear a jacket. I have a leather one, but...i don't see myself wearing it in 80-90 degree weather. Maybe even the 70's. When i ride. I strap my boots on, my helmet, wear jeans and a t-shirt. Granted...i know that's bare minimum...if i were to wreck obviously my hands, forearms, would be the most messed up.

I know they make breathable jackets for hot weather, but then again...most look like crap to me. Does everyone here wear a jacket in hot weather? Gloves?

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JAGR nailed it. A few extra points though based on my own very limited experience so far.

If you don't have a helmet, they'll loan you one, they have plenty and my wife used one of theirs to pass the course.

Also, the guys that run these are very cool, very experienced riders. One of ours was a veteran motorcycle cop - good guy. If you have any questions, they'll give you good insight.

Finally, if you want a bike at a good price, seems to me that there's plenty nearby and people that'll help you out. If you want something specific, you might need to hit the road. e.g. - I've been drooling over a 1990 Honda VFR in NJ that's clean for $2,750. If I didn't have my '03 version, it'd be road trip time.

Good luck. Heal up quick and get out there!

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