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Evening hangout/Sonic


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I went to Sonic on Saturday night...glad to see a few good people from CR and CC&C out, but there were an awful lot of screw-ups. Sad to see what should be a solid formula always go to crap (HD, Circuit City, Sonic...).



I spoke to Scott, the older guy who set up Sonic through his commercial real estate contacts at Glimcher (he's the older guy with a 1963 Pontiac Grand Prix and a nice GTO). Of course he was lamenting the amount of trash/noise/trouble the event generates.


I want to have an evening spot that's as calm as CC&C is, but I also realize that given the hangout occurs at night, you're going to get freaks and failures in the mix. Not sure what changes that. QS&L had some great meets on Friday evenings when the weather was warmer, but it was also earlier in the evening...



Still glad to get out in the evenings when the weather and schedule allow it...just not as big of a fan of the vibe as it once was. You get a great spot, and within weeks you get crap that ruins it for everyone else. Maybe I'm just getting older.


I figured with all the members we have, maybe we can establish a new group (outside of any FB page) or go somewhere else for 2015...

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I want to have an evening spot that's as calm as CC&C is, but I also realize that given the hangout occurs at night, you're going to get freaks and failures in the mix. Not sure what changes that. QS&L had some great meets on Friday evenings when the weather was warmer, but it was also earlier in the evening...



Wanna know what really works? police writing tickets for stupid behavior. In NY they have a similar late night hangout at the Bellmore train station on Long Island. Has to be 1000 cars that show up every Friday night. When it started to get rowdy the cops came in and wrote tickets for shenanigans (but were otherwise generally pleasant and non-intrusive). After a few weeks the show got a reputation as a place you don't screw around when you are there and the attention died down.


The other way to handle it is when people are dipshits - confront them. Be nice, smile, be pleasant, and tell them to knock it off. You'd be surprised how many people think they can get away with stuff because nobody says anything to them.

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The other way to handle it is when people are dipshits - confront them. Be nice, smile, be pleasant, and tell them to knock it off. You'd be surprised how many people think they can get away with stuff because nobody says anything to them.


When Scott said something to someone who started to play their "system" on Friday there was a little bit of confrontation (I was standing right there talking to a buddy when it happened). I will say that I completely agree with Scott, but he did kind of come off as a dick to who he was asking to turn down their stereo. I agree with what is stated above, people in general will react better/do what you ask if you ask nicely (though I understand that there are a few dipshits out there that won't). All that said, I too wish there was somewhere we could go in 2015 and keep the dipshits who leave trash, do burnouts and want to be generally loud (stereo systems and rev and such). Alas, I don't think this is going to happen unless it is held on privately owned property.

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The less I go out at night to these car meets, the more I enjoy myself.




Last time I went with a car buddy of mine from out of town. I was horrendously embarrassed about what went on.

Obviously not if you are using hashtags.


When Scott said something to someone who started to play their "system" on Friday there was a little bit of confrontation (I was standing right there talking to a buddy when it happened). I will say that I completely agree with Scott, but he did kind of come off as a dick to who he was asking to turn down their stereo. I agree with what is stated above, people in general will react better/do what you ask if you ask nicely (though I understand that there are a few dipshits out there that won't). All that said, I too wish there was somewhere we could go in 2015 and keep the dipshits who leave trash, do burnouts and want to be generally loud (stereo systems and rev and such). Alas, I don't think this is going to happen unless it is held on privately owned property.


You and your brothers friend Martin is actually one of the worst offenders of being a dipshit at 99% of the meets he goes to. He constantly rides around in that POS while "laying it out" and throwing sparks and other bullshit while blaring his "system" and hitting the train horn. That is the exact sort of shit the dipshits find entertaining and interesting and is what draws them out in force, and keeps everyone else from having a good time while acting like a grown up. Asking nicely goes out the window when it should be a given that you shouldn't be blaring your Wal-Mart speakers for longer than 5 seconds one time each night. The guy set the spot up from my understanding, so if someone there is acting like an idiot I don't blame him one single bit for being a dick.

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Obviously not if you are using hashtags.




You and your brothers friend Martin is actually one of the worst offenders of being a dipshit at 99% of the meets he goes to. He constantly rides around in that POS while "laying it out" and throwing sparks and other bullshit while blaring his "system" and hitting the train horn. That is the exact sort of shit the dipshits find entertaining and interesting and is what draws them out in force, and keeps everyone else from having a good time while acting like a grown up. Asking nicely goes out the window when it should be a given that you shouldn't be blaring your Wal-Mart speakers for longer than 5 seconds one time each night. The guy set the spot up from my understanding, so if someone there is acting like an idiot I don't blame him one single bit for being a dick.


I have known Martin for years, yes he is one of the dipshits (matter of fact I don't think he should have said anything to Scott personally, also the reason I believe we got kicked from HD because he was always bouncing his old crx off the 2 step), however the dude whom he was a dick to had his system hit for a half a second then Scott rushed over to tell him "you need to turn that shit off right now before I call the police". Again, while I agree with Scott, there was a better way he could have gone about it. Also the friend I was referring to talking to in the first post was not Martin, it was my buddy Ray I was over there talking to.

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I have known Martin for years, yes he is one of the dipshits (matter of fact I don't think he should have said anything to Scott personally, also the reason I believe we got kicked from HD because he was always bouncing his old crx off the 2 step), however the dude whom he was a dick to had his system hit for a half a second then Scott rushed over to tell him "you need to turn that shit off right now before I call the police". Again, while I agree with Scott, there was a better way he could have gone about it. Also the friend I was referring to talking to in the first post was not Martin, it was my buddy Ray I was over there talking to.


I have to disagree. If your a known offender of that shit, you deserve what you get. He is not just bringing attention to himself, but to everyone and potentially getting everyone kicked.

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I went to Sonic on Saturday night...glad to see a few good people from CR and CC&C out, but there were an awful lot of screw-ups. Sad to see what should be a solid formula always go to crap (HD, Circuit City, Sonic...).



I spoke to Scott, the older guy who set up Sonic through his commercial real estate contacts at Glimcher (he's the older guy with a 1963 Pontiac Grand Prix and a nice GTO). Of course he was lamenting the amount of trash/noise/trouble the event generates.


I want to have an evening spot that's as calm as CC&C is, but I also realize that given the hangout occurs at night, you're going to get freaks and failures in the mix. Not sure what changes that. QS&L had some great meets on Friday evenings when the weather was warmer, but it was also earlier in the evening...



Still glad to get out in the evenings when the weather and schedule allow it...just not as big of a fan of the vibe as it once was. You get a great spot, and within weeks you get crap that ruins it for everyone else. Maybe I'm just getting older.


I figured with all the members we have, maybe we can establish a new group (outside of any FB page) or go somewhere else for 2015...


Clay, I hate to burst your dreamer bubble but this is not possible. The freaks and failures find it through the internet. The only way you might have a chance is to not have a facebook group, have it a private place of business so you have the option to throw people out, and have a "leader" who can keep things together.


We used to meet at the sonic over by Easton, it was nice, chill, mostly CR people and never an issue. The problem was that for some reason people bitched about the food at sonic and they did not want to drive to a car meet :dumb:


Long story short: The freaks, failures and tards come out at night and tend to ruin things.

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Clay, I hate to burst your dreamer bubble but this is not possible. The freaks and failures find it through the internet. The only way you might have a chance is to not have a facebook group, have it a private place of business so you have the option to throw people out, and have a "leader" who can keep things together.


We used to meet at the sonic over by Easton, it was nice, chill, mostly CR people and never an issue. The problem was that for some reason people bitched about the food at sonic and they did not want to drive to a car meet :dumb:


Long story short: The freaks, failures and tards come out at night and tend to ruin things.


I miss the quiet Easton Sonic meets.

Some chili cheese tots, a route 44 slushy and good times.

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I have to disagree. If your a known offender of that shit, you deserve what you get. He is not just bringing attention to himself, but to everyone and potentially getting everyone kicked.


Correct, for repeat offenders. The guy he said something to I had never seen there before.

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A big issue is what Wagner said. Everyone wants a meet but no one wants to leave their backyard to see it. In Dayton I drove almost an hour weekly for a good meet. Get a group of cars together and it is fun, even without racing the whole way. People are too picky about it.

" It's all the way on the other side of town? But, but, but, I have to get away from the keyboard and drive 30 minutes!!!"

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We used to meet at the sonic over by Easton, it was nice, chill, mostly CR people and never an issue. The problem was that for some reason people bitched about the food at sonic and they did not want to drive to a car meet :dumb:


I miss the quiet Easton Sonic meets.

Some chili cheese tots, a route 44 slushy and good times.


They can always be started again, those meets were a lot of fun. If people want to bitch about having to drive to an event centralized around cars, or that Sonic doesn't serve caviar, fuck 'em.

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The fastest way to get rid of the Dbags is have 10-15 guys who confront whoever acts like an ass. Everyone has to drop what their doing and confront these people as a group and make them leave. Or change the spot every week so they can't keep up with where it goes.
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When Scott said something to someone who started to play their "system" on Friday there was a little bit of confrontation (I was standing right there talking to a buddy when it happened). I will say that I completely agree with Scott, but he did kind of come off as a dick to who he was asking to turn down their stereo. I agree with what is stated above, people in general will react better/do what you ask if you ask nicely (though I understand that there are a few dipshits out there that won't). All that said, I too wish there was somewhere we could go in 2015 and keep the dipshits who leave trash, do burnouts and want to be generally loud (stereo systems and rev and such). Alas, I don't think this is going to happen unless it is held on privately owned property.


I was talking to Scott and he left mid sentence to go talk to that guy. To be fair the guy had already blasted his system 2 or 3 times before Scott said anything to him, all with in the span of 20 minutes. I could see his ire rising each time it happened so it is no wonder he was terse when he finally walked over. Based on just how he walked over (I've seen some angry walks in my life and that was one you could see from space) I knew there would be confrontation so I just walked away from the scene.


So did he handle it wrong? yeah probably. Although he set up the event I don't think the is the appropriate face of it in every situation. A younger guy with a way better attitude probably could have handled it better, and make people less likely to react like their angry dad is yelling at them.


I used to do bike events in NY and the way we used to handle this issue is we got a few of the regulars together to act as "volunteer" fun police. It goes over real well when someone in your age/peer group comes over and says "come on man, don't be 'THAT' guy" in a nice calm tone with a smile.


But the real question is "how much do the participants care about the event?" From the looks of it most do or they wouldn't bother to show up, so why let your buddies be jackasses?


and maybe we should redefine what constitutes dipshit behavior. Aside from burnouts, donuts, and loud stereos, and loud other noises there isn't much there (I mean I suppose I shouldn't have to say illegal/dangerous behavior but...). I don't even know if I have a problem with "throwing sparks" so long as it doesn't sound like a garbage truck falling off the empire state building.

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The fastest way to get rid of the Dbags is have 10-15 guys who confront whoever acts like an ass. Everyone has to drop what their doing and confront these people as a group and make them leave. Or change the spot every week so they can't keep up with where it goes.


I think that is just asking for a fight to break out. There is always one dipshit who values his life less than yours and won't back down no matter how large the threat of force. Could it be a last resort? sure there is always someone who doesn't respond to the nice approach and needs to see people mean business, but if you do that with everyone then you are just spinning the roulette wheel that you will run into the guy who wants to start shit.


If you change the spot every week then you cripple attendance. you want more people/cars, just less shenanigans.

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First of all, why does it ever have to leave that side lot at QS&L? Could we not hang out there until midnight???


I think whatever happens next year (Sonic, QS&L, ...) it needs to get off of Facebook and stay on CR. We're all on here talking anyway...

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First of all, why does it ever have to leave that side lot at QS&L? Could we not hang out there until midnight???


I think whatever happens next year (Sonic, QS&L, ...) it needs to get off of Facebook and stay on CR. We're all on here talking anyway...


Word will still spread.. Keeping it off FB might delay it for a week or two but it's just a matter of time before the same crowd finds out about it.


I think the only way to effectively "police" the event will be to have it on private property.

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