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They can say the manor in which you are acting gives them probable cause or suspision. There are many gray areaa that allow them to do almost whatever they really want to when it comes to a stop, hence why if you dont have anything to hide it is much easier to just let them do whatever they want and go on your way.
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They can say the manor in which you are acting gives them probable cause or suspision. There are many gray areaa that allow them to do almost whatever they really want to when it comes to a stop, hence why if you dont have anything to hide it is much easier to just let them do whatever they want and go on your way.


"Sir, I detect a distinct odor of flatus. Because of this, I believe your gastrointestinal discomfort is because you are hiding drugs. This gives me reasonable suspicion to search your vehicle."

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"Sir, I detect a distinct odor of flatus. Because of this, I believe your gastrointestinal discomfort is because you are hiding drugs. This gives me reasonable suspicion to search your vehicle."




Officer: May I search your car?

Citizen: Sorry no.

Officer: You must be hiding something, I need to search it now.

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Well there goes my Saturday night....

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We all have smartphones. Record every police interaction, be polite, answer no questions beyond basic courtesy, give permission for nothing, follow any lawful orders/requirements.


The above linked story about the Ohio highway patrolman bartering sexual favors for torn up tickets should serve as a reminder that while the majority of police are decent folks, they are human beings and total pieces of shit are amongst them like they are amongst any large enough group of people. Sadly the union protected him previously, and even went out of their way to say how good of an officer that dirt bag was. That's a whole other conversation though.

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They can say the manor in which you are acting gives them probable cause or suspision. There are many gray areaa that allow them to do almost whatever they really want to when it comes to a stop, hence why if you dont have anything to hide it is much easier to just let them do whatever they want and go on your way.


This is why you get an attorney. Can I stop a cop from searching the car? Nope. But my lawyer will have a field day with the illegal search. I have nothing to hide and I'll still be damned if I'm letting some stranger, cop or not, rifle through my shit to satisfy his curiosity or power-lust.

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