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Do you ever feel like Law enforcement in this state.....


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try driving I-75 through KY, TN, GA, FL:


If you're a speeder, it sucks everywhere.


I did that once in 2000 and got followed for 50 miles through GA at 3AM by two state troopers. Then again I was driving a stolen 1999 suburban with less than 5000 miles on the clock filled with 9 friends and a roof carrier filled with enough booze and cigarettes to start our own Indian nation trading post. And the Suburban wasn't really stolen, I just didn't ask my father for permission to take his car till we were already driving it through Washington DC.


I guess it does suck everywhere, but each state is a little different. I know California has laws against speed traps (marked measuring speed traps and unjustified speed traps), but most places don't have stuff like that. Knowing how LIDAR guns work there are a lot of things an officer can do to "cheat" a reading out of the gun, and there are many subconscious things they can do that would cause an inaccurate reading without them knowing.


I guess I just got used to how things operate in the northeast so that seeing what happens in Ohio just looks like all the counties are comically trying too hard.


The police don't control the speed limits. They just enforce them.


You can call them traps, hiding, whatever you want. Point is, people will continue to speed no matter what so they will always be out gladly enforcing it.


If people stopped speeding so much, the amount of effort spent enforcing it would drop. Pretty simple really.



Actually some of these smaller counties are so dependent on traffic enforcement revenue that if people stopped speeding they would just try harder to make up the loss of revenue up to the point where they get caught doing something illegal, so it is more complex than that.


And while I agree, police just enforce, the legislature sets the limit, they do work in conjunction. I suspect at lot of these officer's tactics are not creative officers taking initiative but rather the product of some higher up management with connections to the other parts of the local government determining these tactics. Police are usually just the enforcement face of what is a larger systemic government problem.

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If I was Highway Patrol, I would do all the speed trap stuff too. Let's face it, all Highway Patrol really does is write tickets; they rarely do any real policework. That shit probably gets boring day after day, so I would get creative and use whatever tactics I could to get speeders. I have no beef with that.


I wouldn't write a ticket for a 72 in a 65 or stupid BS like that, but I would have no problem hiding or setting up a "trap" to catch some idiots going 90. If that's my job, I'm gonna go all out. Fuck sitting around in plain sight all day.

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fuck it, doesn't stop me. mostly luck and timing really. the only thing really that's taking some major adaption time is the new silver cars. otherwise, I tend to drive 72-74 in 65 and 77 in 70mph zones and have yet to have any issues. Of course I do have my spurts of fun, but keep them short and fun and speed smart really. My last ticket was 2006 and it got knocked down to a simple 2pt bust.
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Don't want a ticket?


Don't speed!


It's really that simple. I know it's hard to believe.




I must be getting old, but speeding is way over-rated. I still do every now and then, but I'm not out to speed like before. But yes, I agreed with you, Ohio as a state is insane on speed enforcement.


I once drove from Boston to columbus. From Boston to youngtown I saw one speed trap in Connecticut. I crossed into Ohio right around midnight, guess how many speed trap I saw from youngtown to Columbus? Fucking fourteen speed traps, unfuckingbelievable.


You actually counted?


I just put a 820AM Catholic radio sticker on my car. That way the cops know I dont speed and I also wont even do the speed limit. They move on




I wouldn't write a ticket for a 72 in a 65 or stupid BS like that, but I would have no problem hiding or setting up a "trap" to catch some idiots going 90. If that's my job, I'm gonna go all out. Fuck sitting around in plain sight all day.


Go fishing a la Super Troopers style.


Because nowadays much more of the bikes do 200+ :)


Not for very long most times.


521 at the wheels on a fat tune, I give -0- fucks if it looks gay, it helps to lure in the unsuspecting.


10/10. Would drive.

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If I was Highway Patrol, I would do all the speed trap stuff too. Let's face it, all Highway Patrol really does is write tickets; they rarely do any real policework. That shit probably gets boring day after day, so I would get creative and use whatever tactics I could to get speeders. I have no beef with that.


Real police work? Really?


So 21,736 OVI's enforced, 3,392 felony arrests, 1,064 felony warrants served, 8,723 drug violations, 512 weapons violations, all in ONE year, isn't considered real police work?

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Real police work? Really?


So 21,736 OVI's enforced, 3,392 felony arrests, 1,064 felony warrants served, 8,723 drug violations, 512 weapons violations, all in ONE year, isn't considered real police work?


Nope. How often do you see the Highway Patrol on episodes of Cops (the TV show)? Never, because they are too busy writing tickets somewhere.

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fuck it, doesn't stop me. mostly luck and timing really. the only thing really that's taking some major adaption time is the new silver cars. otherwise, I tend to drive 72-74 in 65 and 77 in 70mph zones and have yet to have any issues. Of course I do have my spurts of fun, but keep them short and fun and speed smart really. My last ticket was 2006 and it got knocked down to a simple 2pt bust.

I'm the same way. I was told by morenthan one cop, that Ohio is a 9 you're fine,10 you're mine state. I always have the cruise set to 8 over on highways, and 5 over on most surface streets. Last time I was ticketed was 07 in Washington State.

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I'm the same way. I was told by morenthan one cop, that Ohio is a 9 you're fine,10 you're mine state. I always have the cruise set to 8 over on highways, and 5 over on most surface streets. Last time I was ticketed was 07 in Washington State.


Every cop has different rules on what they pull people over for. I know of a few cops who wont mess with you till 15 over, and on the flip side I know a OSHP that will bust at 5 over. Over is over, regardless of the shit you weave into it.

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