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Minor accident need CR advice


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On November 15 I was on 270 and there was an older lady in a Buick going slow in the fast lane. I tried to pass her on the right and she decided that would be a good time to change lanes. She just managed to hit the front left corner of my car. However she did not stop. I caught up to her and she flicked me off and floored it. I took pictures of her and her car and she finally decided to pull over. She then tried to deny she hit me until I pointed out the damage. She scraped the front corner where the bumper meets the fender. Not a huge deal especially on my acura but it was still her fault. She was driving her dads car. I recorded the entire conversation on a voice recorder and have her admitting to hitting my car when she changed lanes. Now both her insurance company and her dads company (since it was her dads car) are saying the other should cover it and she is denying it ever happened. At the scene after she saw the damage she became apologetic and promised to take care of it so I did not call the police. Now what to do? I am more pissed off about her being a cunt than the damage on my car.
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That being said, how is her ins denying it if you have a recording of her admitting to it?


She was driving her dad's car. Both companies are pointing at the other.


Hmm isn't passing on the right illegal?


I suppose a voice recording could leave reasonable doubt that it wasn't actually her talking.


I say throw bologna on her car when shes sleeping.


If there was a cop around at that point he would have had lots of cars to choose from. Old lady going slow in the fast lane meant a mass migration to the right lanes.

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I like it all, David. Good job.


My question is this; if I'm in the center lane and come up on a low car in the right lane, by law am I suppose to slow down?


I honestly don't know. But I know you should look before you change lanes. If I had not hit my brakes VERY hard I could have PIT her and this would be a different thread. Next time I will.

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I honestly don't know. But I know you should look before you change lanes. If I had not hit my brakes VERY hard I could have PIT her and this would be a different thread. Next time I will.




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Call your insurance. See what they say. Let them deal with the bullshit.


^^ This


I would have been on the phone with law enforcement the moment she didn't stop.


^^ This


Bingo. This is why you have insurance, so you can get your car fixed when it gets fucked up. They have lawyers who know how to get the money out of the other insurance companies.


and ^^ this

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