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Cheapest gym to join???


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I don't get the hatred with planet fitness. While it's not my primary gym, I use it for cardio when the weather is too shitty to run outside. I paid a one time fee of $99 for an entire years membership. Other than the fact that the dumbbells only go up to 75lbs, I really don't see an issue with the place.
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I don't get the hatred with planet fitness. While it's not my primary gym, I use it for cardio when the weather is too shitty to run outside. I paid a one time fee of $99 for an entire years membership. Other than the fact that the dumbbells only go up to 75lbs, I really don't see an issue with the place.



I never had a issue eathier, then again i dont yell, scream, and crap my pants when im working out so maybe i never got harassed because i wasent some annoying roid head?

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Funkin' LOL


Local area is saturated with Cheaper Gyms. For $10 a month ($50 up front, month to month) you can gave 24 access, shower, pool, and toss weight around like king kong.


My office pays for a great rec center, and has a gym on site. Did you look at/do you have a local rec center?

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I never had a issue eathier, then again i dont yell, scream, and crap my pants when im working out so maybe i never got harassed because i wasent some annoying roid head?


Yea probably. Even still, I never see those types of people. Most of the times its just chicks on the cardio machines and skinny guys doing curls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll admit I use Plant Fitness. And I secretly hate the "judgetment free zone" that attempts to discourage people from lifting heavy weights and working out how they want to work out. its a judgement free zone as long as they're not the ones being judged right? bullshit.


I don't ask for a lot when I work out. Free weights, a rack, a dip/pull up machine (b/c im weak) and a treadmill to finish it all off with but this place is a joke. I continue my membership there b/c its $10 a month.... 10 FUCKING DOLLARS. I live in dublin, the next option is $79+ at lifetime fitness (plus one time bullshit fees). Anything further and i wont be motivated to go when Im in a rush (which is always).


Anyway, to the OP, this is the cheapest you will find anywhere. They thrive on finding people who want to "lose a few lbs" but secretly know they will never go to the gym and continue their membership on the principal that "hey someday I might"... whatever.

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I don't get the hatred with planet fitness. While it's not my primary gym, I use it for cardio when the weather is too shitty to run outside. I paid a one time fee of $99 for an entire years membership. Other than the fact that the dumbbells only go up to 75lbs, I really don't see an issue with the place.


This exactly.


I do a lot of cycling in the summer, but can't get out as much with cold and shorter days.


Looked into it, would've been. $29 to start, $10/mo, and a $29 "annual membership fee" in Feb...so in 5 months, I'm at $100.


I paid the $100 this Monday and I'm good for a year. All I want is a place to go do some cardio and not be lazy this winter. I'm not trying to get enormous and need a top of the line gym. It's enough for most people.


Worst part? I joined, worked out, and on the way out, look over by the tables and see my ex. FML.

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This exactly.


I do a lot of cycling in the summer, but can't get out as much with cold and shorter days.


Looked into it, would've been. $29 to start, $10/mo, and a $29 "annual membership fee" in Feb...so in 5 months, I'm at $100.


I paid the $100 this Monday and I'm good for a year. All I want is a place to go do some cardio and not be lazy this winter. I'm not trying to get enormous and need a top of the line gym. It's enough for most people.


Worst part? I joined, worked out, and on the way out, look over by the tables and see my ex. FML.


My ex still goes to PF, just a different one. while we were dating we would go to the same PF, she would always wear these fucking yoga pants.... JESUS LORD THESE FUCKING YOGA PANTS.... and I would use whatever treadmill was behind her just to watch her ass bounce back and forth as she ran. I broke up with her but i'll always have a special place in my heart for those FUCKING YOGA PANTS. (dat ass doe)


I should go to her PF just to catch a glimpse of those yoga pants again.



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