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Blue ray players


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So long story short i need another blue ray player. This time i will be buying one.


Whats a good player with built in wifi mainly using it for dvd blue rays/netflix/amazon instant.


Looking for 100$ and under, router is in basement and player wll be 2 floors above that so picking up a great signal is a must!


Ready go!

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Clearance PS3?


Not looking for that, this is for the bed room .


Clearance ps3


Clearancestors PS3





...not looking for a ps3, not looking at keeping the roku. Just want sugestions on a good blue ray player. If you have specific models u have or can recommend I would appreciate it.

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Did end up getting a other sony thanks for some useful posts.


And for all the useless ps3 junk :finger:


Congrats. I have to laugh a little as with all the streaming content and digital downloads, we've not rented or bought a blue ray disc in the last 12 months or so. I may be sacrificing a bit of IQ but it's really splitting hairs for the most part. Not to say I don't enjoy a good blue ray up-scaled on a 4k TV though. Once more true 4k content is out things will change for a short bit.....and then I'm sure that too will be streaming.

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Congrats. I have to laugh a little as with all the streaming content and digital downloads, we've not rented or bought a blue ray disc in the last 12 months or so. I may be sacrificing a bit of IQ but it's really splitting hairs for the most part. Not to say I don't enjoy a good blue ray up-scaled on a 4k TV though. Once more true 4k content is out things will change for a short bit.....and then I'm sure that too will be streaming.


The only reason I pay the ~$.50 more is Blu-rays have a significantly less chance of being scratched as they're a lot harder to scratch than a DVD. When you're getting something from RedBox, the DVD's have a high chance of being fucked up.

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