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Eye Vision - glasses out of pocket


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  yenner said:

So what you're saying is, if you want something that just simply works pay the $10 instead of having a Bugatti as a DD? Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel about it.




I get it, you MIGHT get a better quality optic from a DO. How can YOU verify what my DO is selling? For all I know, they get my RX and order from zenni then hand em over after a 10x markup.

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  gillbot said:
Quality doesn't mean high price. If the item performs it's function properly and can do so at a lower price, why is it inferior?


In the world of lenses, the lower end ones are equiv. to standard definition whereas the more costly but better ones are equiv. to high def. That's about as simple of a difference I can say. Vision will have a wider field of view, far less distortion, aberrations and generally is much better. The difference increases noticeably once you go above a +/- 2.00 Rx.


The reason for the differences are based on the lens design and how they are produced. Go one step further and you can have lenses customized to your frame and how you where them. Done correctly it's like having wheels designed specifically for each corner of your car taking into account the suspension and more. That's about the best way to explain it.


I adjust my glasses myself since after going to the OD, they never fit right and always sit crooked. Am I a pro? Hell no. Do they fit after I tweak them and can I see? Yep. Good enough. (I await the excuses here)

Properly fitting glasses is like performing a quality 4 wheel alignment. I suppose I could do one at home and my car would track straight, but honestly the eyeglass business is a business of millimeters and whether you choose to treat your eyes like a old Civic on K-Mart Rubber balanced by a guy who flipped burgers last week, is up to you. You will see better than without them, but the difference between your pair and mine is night and day and I'm speaking just about the lenses and how they were fit/measured for each of us. Think custom suite vs one off the rack from Burlington.


My OD top tier frames broke while sitting on my dresser. When I took them to my OD, they informed me the lens was incorrectly fitted and the frame failed. Great, the OD should have them replaced right! Nope, I was informed that It was MY responsibility to take up the issue with the place that did the lenses.
Your OD Is correct. The lab or store that fitted your glasses will likely have a policy on Patients Own Frames (POF) but they are indeed likely where the fault was caused. Again, spend one day in a lab that produced 4-6k pairs per day and I'll show you breakage on frames that are brand new. It happens.


Guess the OD either didn't want to deal with it, or just thought it would be an easy sale of a 2nd pair. I informed them I'd never be back and then they wanted to make it right. Too late.
No, POF's are not warrantied at my lab nor many others. Old brittle frames adjusted improperly by their owners during their day to day use are not something I would expect a store to cover. New frames that were not fitted by the office....ie you took your Rx online....are not covered either and rightfully so. Chances are the lab that fitted your glasses didn't properly trace the frame and the lenses were too big thus the frame was "adjusted" to make them work. Thing VW's streeeeched wheels and sidewall issues.


I'll rock my low quality cheap ass glasses all the way to the bank.
As long as you're happy, knock yourself out. I'll try and hook up Jackson and depending on his Rx, I'm sure he'll see a pretty big difference.
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  gillbot said:
How can YOU verify what my DO is selling?


You educate yourself and go in prepared. You have two guys in this thread that have tried to help you.....


Buy the right product, namely digitial, and you'll get a compensated Rx Card that looks like a credit card noting all the detail of the lens, it's topography verification and authenticity of the actual product. I'll gladly explain more if you PM me. I'll even talk live via phone if you'd like.


For all I know, they get my RX and order from zenni then hand em over after a 10x markup.


Doubtful. Zenni likely just pulls the $1.50 blank off the shelf and provides you a cheap-ass spin-coat Antiglare. About as Ghetto as you get and it happens tens of thousands of times per day to unsuspecting people everywhere.


Another analogy is it's the equiv. to a steak from Bobs Big Boy and a dry aged steak from the finest steakhouse around.

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  Pntbll309 said:
Can't argue with ignorance. Enjoy the info, maybe one day when you want to talk logically we can cross paths again.


^^ This.....and a triple play for shits and giggles.



PM Trey Latham aka IVRings here on CR and ask him about what I'm sharing with you. PM Anthony and ask him if I don't have one of the most advanced and fucking kick ass labs he's seen :)

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  yenner said:
Hi. Welcome to CR. You'll do well here.


Kinda why I stopped being a member on most forums. When I go to my dentist I don't argue with him about teeth, some people just need to pound their chests and win an argument they know 0 about. If anybody has any questions and is logical I will respond but outside of that I'll just sit back.

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  Pntbll309 said:
Kinda why I stopped being a member on most forums. When I go to my dentist I don't argue with him about teeth, some people just need to pound their chests and win an argument they know 0 about. If anybody has any questions and is logical I will respond but outside of that I'll just sit back.


It wasn't a dig on you. Please don't take it personally.


You're on a car forum where members who have known each other for over a decade still debate which car is better than (fill in the blank) or which is the best at (fill in the blank). Stands to serve that everything else will be debated. Opinions will vary. It's the nature of the beast.


PS - chest pounding goes both ways. From the professional opinion to the pundit, a lot of people like to think they're right, and in some circumstances and situations what they feel/believe IS right for THEM. No point in trying to persuade someone who isn't looking to be persuaded.


Seriously, welcome. :)

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  yenner said:
Zenni also no offers TONS of lens upgrades that don't add the $150 difference to the total.


The difference is you have no idea what design they are selling you and know that not all designs are equal.


Is it top secret? :ninja:
details about my employment aren't something I share with everyone. Call me silly.


That helps your professional arguement. :lolguy:
The McD's comment is true. Lots of people eat there and are happy feeling full afterwards as that's all they are after. No thanks.


Why haven't you gotten laser eye surgery then?
I'm 45 and an emerging presbyope. Laser surgery isn't capable of addressing that. Also note that even laser surgery won't keep you from needing reading glasses as you age and it may even introduce more problems as you age.


So what you're saying is, if you want something that just simply works pay the $10 instead of having a Bugatti as a DD? Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel about it.
What I'm saying is if you want to see better than without anything, buy $10 lenses. If you want to see what you've been missing for all those years, get a real pair of eye wear.


Glasses are a personalized medical device, not just a fashion statement. They are the most valuable and used device any of us use in life and yet people spend more on phones without thinking and will argue all day about saving a few bucks on glasses.


CR...where everyone is a race car driver that bangs supermodels and knows more about health care than those working in the field and feel the there's a conspiracy around every corner.

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  pdqgp said:
The difference is you have no idea what design they are selling you and know that no all designs are equal.


I agree. You're trying to sell a Bugatti to people who just need to get to work. I think I said that before. ;)


The McD's comment is true. Lots of people eat there and are happy feeling full afterwards as that's all they are after.


I hate McD's. I use zenni. Not sure where I fall now.


They are the most valuable and used device any of us use in life and yet people spend more on phones without thinking and will argue all day about saving a few bucks on glasses.


Kind of presumptuous of many peoples personal lives, but ok.


FWIW, I don't think I've ever spent more than $1.00 on a phone. It's a tool that needs to do a job. If it does that, I'm happy. If my $1 phone breaks I'm cool with it.


Obv myself and the other gentlemen have had bad experiences with expensive glasses being broken. Mine at the fault of my own. His, not. Neither one received help from our local dealer.


CR...where everyone is a race car driver that bangs supermodels and knows more about health care than those working in the field.


CR: where someone offers an opinion but you know more about what they need, their finances, and their desires because you work in that field (...or watched a youtube video about it...or drive an LSx) and it's your duty to make sure they feel inadequate and eventually agree with you :lol:




Have a nice evening all, no matter your profession. :)

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  yenner said:
I agree. You're trying to sell a Bugatti to people who just need to get to work. I think I said that before. ;)


I'm just sharing facts that there are indeed quality differences and as per the request outlining where those differences are. Mainly I don't want any mis-information about a subject I'm more than familiar with to be put out there.


Obv myself and the other gentlemen have had bad experiences with expensive glasses being broken. Mine at the fault of my own. His, not. Neither one received help from our local dealer.


There's a difference with being mad that you broke a frame or had a frame break and taking that frustration out on yourself by using a sub-par quality medical device to correct your vision. That's like refusing to eat healthy because you didn't like the fact that a restaurant served your veggies undercooked one time while you were out to dinner with your wife.


CR: where someone offers an opinion but you know more about what they need, their finances, and their desires because you work in that field


CR...where an expert in the field knows the differences between cheap crap and the real-deal and that pinching pennies on your vision is about as ridiculous as it gets. Besides, any MOFO on this site can afford a great well made pair of glasses....I don't give shit if they make $8hr. they can afford it; they just have to prioritize their vision. That I can't make them do.

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I get that their are quality differences, I'm not a moron. I deal with quality differences every day and see tiers of quality constantly. I just think it's funny when someone tries to sell a top tier product to someone who doesn't need it.


FWIW, the doctor supplied the frames for my RX and had the lenses fitted. How is that MY responsibility? For the several private DOs I've dealt with, I'll stick to zenni. Are they great? No. Is there better? Yes. I'm not going to the Private DOs here when they sell (imho) shit quality products that are comparable to zenni with the only difference being a 10x+ higher price.


No offense to the "experts" posting here but I fail to see info that is convincing enough to make me change my mind. When one comes in insinuating and whining more than my 5 year old, I simply can't take them serious.


I do thank you Tim (I'm assuming your profile name is correct) for at least attempting to explain it in layman's terms. I get that there are quality differences and the absolute best would be a top tier lens, frame and fitment at a top tier DO. However, when my local DOs all sell zenni quality junk at remarkably higher prices, can you honestly tell me that I would be better off overpaying at the DO? Personally, I'd rather be giving my money to zenni and saving anyway.

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  gillbot said:
I get that their are quality differences, I'm not a moron. I deal with quality differences every day and see tiers of quality constantly. I just think it's funny when someone tries to sell a top tier product to someone who doesn't need it.


Not sure who was trying to sell you what :confused: Personally when it comes to vision, which I take seriously, if anyone tries to skimp on quality with my family I'd bitch slap them as again, vision and the quality of is a pretty high priority for most or at least for me it is.


FWIW, the doctor supplied the frames for my RX and had the lenses fitted. How is that MY responsibility?


If they broke at the lab while being fitted they would likely have replaced them. If it was purchased through managed care, most carry a 6mo to 1yr warranty but again, that will also vary depending on the plan your employer set up. If it was a private pay no managed care deal, that warranty will depend on your office and their policy that hopefully they covered and you were aware of at the time of purchase. Hell most electronics today only have a 90 day warranty. Overall however, most are good about covering issues related non customer caused issues as their labs and vendors will cover any manufacturer defects.


For the several private DOs I've dealt with, I'll stick to zenni. Are they great? No. Is there better? Yes. I'm not going to the Private DOs here when they sell (imho) shit quality products that are comparable to zenni with the only difference being a 10x+ higher price.


Meh....most private OD's don't sell crap product unless a customer pushes them much as you are doing in this thread to go cheap. In that case, you get cheap.


No offense to the "experts" posting here but I fail to see info that is convincing enough to make me change my mind.


Would be happy to cover it but and offered to do so via phone where it's much easier. If you think this thread is long and I'm long winded, just ask me to type out all there is in terms of quality differences. You're the one who said no thanks.


I do thank you Tim (I'm assuming your profile name is correct) for at least attempting to explain it in layman's terms. I get that there are quality differences and the absolute best would be a top tier lens, frame and fitment at a top tier DO.


You're welcome. Yes, it's Tim. Just sharing the straight facts and no BS.


However, when my local DOs all sell zenni quality junk at remarkably higher prices, can you honestly tell me that I would be better off overpaying at the DO? Personally, I'd rather be giving my money to zenni and saving anyway.


If you're good with Zenni and what they are providing, who am I or anyone to tell you differently. There is a value difference for sure. Some would call it over-paying others would call it getting more value as the product is indeed better. The question them boils down to is it better to you? Only you can answer that.


I'm the kinda guy that typically targets most purchases at the high end of average or low end of high-end. I don't go crazy expensive or low end cheap. YMMV.


Good chatting.

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  pdqgp said:

Meh....most private OD's don't sell crap product unless a customer pushes them much as you are doing in this thread to go cheap. In that case, you get cheap.


Now you are making assumptions just as the previous gentleman did. Not once did I ever say I was cheap at the DO. I would typically spend 200-300 for EACH pair of glasses and I always listened to (and often purchased) their recommendations on frames and lenses/coatings/etc. After several bad experiences with their suggestions and in a pinch, I bought from zenni to replace the pair the DO refused to replace. One would think that if you make a recommendation as a professional, and the customer has an issue that you admit was not the customers fault, you would own up to it and make it right. They chose not to. I needed to see, and for $10 or whatever they were at zenni, I got a pair in a pinch. I'm still wearing that pair without issue. I decided to give zenni a second shot and ordered a pair with tinted lenses. That second pair has treated me well in my truck so I decided (for the price) I'd order a few pair of tinted and keep one in each vehicle. I also ordered a second regular pair for if and when my current pair breaks. So far they have yet to be used since pair one has far outlasted what the DO provided.

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  pdqgp said:
just going by what I've seen here man....no offense. I wasn't at the OD's office with you.


No harm no foul. I'm a cheap bastard, but when it comes to my eyes I historically have not been until getting burnt by the DO. Now I'm mcds cheap everywhere. :lolguy:

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  Big A said:
So, other than walmart and Americas best, did anyone else recommend where to go? My wife needs to go and she is currently looking at Costco. Should she not go there? Feel free to pm me if that is easier or don't want to post it.


I'll PM you.

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  Big A said:
So, other than walmart and Americas best, did anyone else recommend where to go? My wife needs to go and she is currently looking at Costco. Should she not go there? Feel free to pm me if that is easier or don't want to post it.



Do you guys have vision insurance? That could dictate a lot.

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