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Any doctors on this forum?


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Any doctors on this forum I can ask a medical question to? I don't have insurance and pay outta pocket for everything. I had a surgery 2.5 years ago and have a question relating to it. If you can help pm me or post here. Thanks
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Ins. doesn't cover the removal of Alabama tattoos anyway. You can hardly consider getting an "A" tattooed on your ass cheek "surgery".

J/k, I think I've seen a few docs in previous threads, I'm sure someone will chime in to help ya out.

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Its a medical question.


Ok I'll just type it out and doctors tell me what you think. I'm looking for some basic info and perhaps warning signs of a problem and if it requires me going and getting and MRI or Ultrasound or whatever test it is.


August 2012 I got into a car accident. No broken bones or internal bleeding. I tore my internal and exterior oblique on the right side. I had to had surgery and they sewed mesh to muscles and then drilled into my hip bone to reattach them.


I'm having a lot of discomfort on that area right now. I really started working my core a lot this year. I ayes a lot of golf and I'm fully back to teaching and competing professional in ballroom. I have done a few tricks as well helping ladies do back flips and what not.


Now I'm wondering if I might have torn the mesh ? Would I feel pain if I did? Am I just stressing that area and I'm not used to it? What should I look out for.


I figured it was best to ask someone their opinion before scheduling to go in and get a test. Any random doctor is not going to be able to see what's wrong without the needed imaging.


Doctors your thoughts?

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Ouch. Sorry to hear that.

So the mesh is structurally permanent, or is it just to hold the muscle in place until fully healed?

This may sound shitty, but would it be an option to pick up some kind of ins now that they can't deny preexisting conditions, then go to the doc?

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The mesh was sown to my muscles then the mesh was attached to my hip bone. Then three layers of mesh were placed on top of the area to prevent a lower quadrant hernia.


I have my wife and kids on insurance because they need it. As a small business owner it doesn't make sense to cover me as well. It was like $1,000 more a month to have me covered. I rarely get sick or go to hospital do I skipped it. I have no problem paying to see a doctor and the imaging of need be but thought I would save time and money and get an opinion here first.

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The mesh was sown to my muscles then the mesh was attached to my hip bone. Then three layers of mesh were placed on top of the area to prevent a lower quadrant hernia.


I have my wife and kids on insurance because they need it. As a small business owner it doesn't make sense to cover me as well. It was like $1,000 more a month to have me covered. I rarely get sick or go to hospital do I skipped it. I have no problem paying to see a doctor and the imaging of need be but thought I would save time and money and get an opinion here first.


Hmm, I thought in these cases, the muscle would eventually grow back and reattach itself, as well. The more therapy, the stronger the bond and muscle. However, I could be talking out my ass and none of what I say probably helps. :p Good luck, man.

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1)how do you not have health insurance?



2)how do you not have health insurance?



3)why the fuck don't you have health insurance?



You need to see a general surgeon to see if the mesh has become detached. Likely a ct scan or MRI. If you're wealthy and pay out of pocket for all medical expenses, that's great. Almost no one does that, though. With the abortion that is obamacare, theres really no excuse for not having insurance.

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I have an anchor in my heel for my Achilles tendon, I'm going to have the doc X-ray it when I go in because either it's just agitated or I messed something up.


You may have tendinitis at the repair site---inflammation of the tendon. Once the tendon heals, the anchor is simply along for the ride. If it's proud, it could cause some irritation, but I'd be surprised if it was coming from the suture anchor.

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You may have tendinitis at the repair site---inflammation of the tendon. Once the tendon heals, the anchor is simply along for the ride. If it's proud, it could cause some irritation, but I'd be surprised if it was coming from the suture anchor.


I'm ~8 weeks out from surgery, and I don't think anything is wrong but 3-4 days ago something happened. Got a very sharp pain while walking and my foot has been severely bruised and swollen since. It came on all of a sudden and basically stopped me in my tracks. I've been taking Advil to help with inflamation and keeping it elevated as much as possible while limiting any and all movement to see if it helps. So far nothing is working. It went from looking and feeling great to looking like it was battered with a ball bat seemingly with that one mis-step.

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I'm ~8 weeks out from surgery, and I don't think anything is wrong but 3-4 days ago something happened. Got a very sharp pain while walking and my foot has been severely bruised and swollen since. It came on all of a sudden and basically stopped me in my tracks. I've been taking Advil to help with inflamation and keeping it elevated as much as possible while limiting any and all movement to see if it helps. So far nothing is working. It went from looking and feeling great to looking like it was battered with a ball bat seemingly with that one mis-step.




I'm assuming you ruptured your Achilles???


There are 1000 ways to fix and rehab an Achilles, but when I fix one I don't use suture anchors (they usually tear 2-3 cm from the heel) and I put people in a boot for three months.

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Did you do your rehab to the "T" after surgery?


No rehab, doctor didn't see the need.




I'm assuming you ruptured your Achilles???


There are 1000 ways to fix and rehab an Achilles, but when I fix one I don't use suture anchors (they usually tear 2-3 cm from the heel) and I put people in a boot for three months.


Not ruptured, haglunds removal. It was pretty bad and I could hardly walk. Doc was surprised it didn't rupture and he told me it was a race between me coming in for surgery voluntarily and it rupturing.

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I hate suture anchors. I just don't trust them, but they are commonly used. I would get it checked out. Maybe an MRI just to make sure you didn't partially rupture the tendon. You can have a near complete rupture and still function surprisingly well. Until it goes pop with some exertion
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No rehab, doctor didn't see the need.




Not ruptured, haglunds removal. It was pretty bad and I could hardly walk. Doc was surprised it didn't rupture and he told me it was a race between me coming in for surgery voluntarily and it rupturing.


Seems weird you wouldn't rehab something like that. But I'm not a doctor so what do I know.

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I'm I had PT while in the hospital. All I was instructed to do was not lift weights more then like 30/50lbs. I didn't loft any weights or do any core excercises for over a year and didn't swing a golf club. I walked a lot and taught without straining for a good year and a half.


This past year I have really started to love my life again. I wasn't instructed on any special PT or follow up appointments other then a 4 or 6 week post check up after surgery.

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I'm I had PT while in the hospital. All I was instructed to do was not lift weights more then like 30/50lbs. I didn't loft any weights or do any core excercises for over a year and didn't swing a golf club. I walked a lot and taught without straining for a good year and a half.


This past year I have really started to love my life again. I wasn't instructed on any special PT or follow up appointments other then a 4 or 6 week post check up after surgery.



I don't know why, but this seems mindblowingly wrong to me.

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I have noticed that it is starting to "hurt" ( more like discomfort or noticeable, no actual pain) when I am in plank position and doing anything from plank. There is no bruising or swelling. No pain to the touch. I have started to get full feeling on that side on my body though so maybe it's just nerve pain I'm feeling.
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