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Angry Nitro Race Cars


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I've been around pretty much every kind of racing there is and nothing is as loud or as angry as a nitro car with a blower. The experience of being around one of these cars is something that is very hard to describe.


I got to shoot one on the starting line at Indy while they were testing before the NMCA finals and it was one of the coolest things ever. I was ready for the noise, but not the sheer blast of the thing launching, totally unreal.


The cackle sounds like something from another planet, the fumes make your eyes water, and the thumping hits your chest like a hammer.


Make sure to check out around the 3:50 mark when they are burping the throttle to seat the clutch, its pretty bad ass .


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I worked at NTR the last year of Spring Nationals selling pretzels and lemonade at a little portable stand. We asked our boss if we could put the stand between the stands and the burger grill so we could watch as well. During one run we put a quarter on the lemonade stand and it bounced about 8 inches in the air while the car went in front of us. Coolest job I have had.
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