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How to mass email?


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I'm looking to mass email my customers, from one of my businesses. Does anyone know of the easiest way to do this? Any free examples? Just want to send out something basic, nothing fancy. Roughly 10k emails...... I've never had to do this, but it's the easiest way to get what I want accomplished.
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excel spreadsheet with all the email address. then write a macro to automatically send out all the emails with custom fields and what not.




I converted them over to a spreadsheet, but have no idea how to do what you suggested... Is there some type of service where I can just import the spreadsheet?

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I'm looking to mass email my customers, from one of my businesses. Does anyone know of the easiest way to do this? Any free examples? Just want to send out something basic, nothing fancy. Roughly 10k emails...... I've never had to do this, but it's the easiest way to get what I want accomplished.


Mail Chimp or something similar.

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I am doing a similar project and decided to go with MailChimp. I'm emailing about 2600 contacts. You need to use a service because too many bounces from your email or too much stuff marked as spam and you get blacklisted. Mass email should always take place using some other SMTP.


If you're mass emailing 50 people you know (like maybe they're fellow country club members :D ), it's one thing, if you are actually trying to market to a list of leads, it's risky.


Use a service....my .02

Edited by bmwohio
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+1 for mailchimp.




if you have scraped emails from over the years you will probably need to send out an opt-in email to "legitimize" your list.



They all belong to a service I own.


I am doing a similar project and decided to go with MailChimp. I'm emailing about 2600 contacts. You need to use a service because too many bounces from your email or too much stuff marked as spam and you get blacklisted. Mass email should always take place using some other SMTP.


If you're mass emailing 50 people you know (like maybe they're fellow country club members :D ), it's one thing, if you are actually trying to market to a list of leads, it's risky.


Use a service....my .02




Yeah you're right, going to look into Mailchimp today.



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MailChimp is great, but they will be absolute sticklers to the quality of your list and my guess is they probably won't let you send unless you prove that everyone on the list has opted in.


Constant Contact is not as easy to use as MailChimp, but they're more... relaxed about list quality.


Either way, send your email from an email other than the main one you use for business. If you send to the list directly through a mail merge/Outlook from your primary email as suggested, you run a high risk of having your email address blacklisted for spam. This is automated now, it doesn't even take a lot of spam flags/reports to land on a list, then most folks you email won't get your mail or it will go to their spam folders. I'd highly suggest against sending to a list that large from your actual email address.

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MailChimp is great, but they will be absolute sticklers to the quality of your list and my guess is they probably won't let you send unless you prove that everyone on the list has opted in.


Constant Contact is not as easy to use as MailChimp, but they're more... relaxed about list quality.


Either way, send your email from an email other than the main one you use for business. If you send to the list directly through a mail merge/Outlook from your primary email as suggested, you run a high risk of having your email address blacklisted for spam. This is automated now, it doesn't even take a lot of spam flags/reports to land on a list, then most folks you email won't get your mail or it will go to their spam folders. I'd highly suggest against sending to a list that large from your actual email address.


I believe with MailChimp, when you send out the emails it is required to have an opt-in function (its built in i think?) I am in the process of setting up one as well.

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