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Damn - not flying south east asia any time soon


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I'm wondering what happened. Turbo prop planes are not as bad as jets when it comes to stall speed. Are we witnessing an example of loss of control due to stray signals? Did one passenger manage to operate a device that affected onboard electronics?
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I'm wondering what happened. Turbo prop planes are not as bad as jets when it comes to stall speed. Are we witnessing an example of loss of control due to stray signals? Did one passenger manage to operate a device that affected onboard electronics?


They lost the left engine on takeoff.

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Speaking as a multi-engine pilot who's gone thru a launch-related engine loss (albeit in a jet off a cat), when you lose power in a turboprop on takeoff you have like 5 seconds to execute a series of actions or you're in deep shit. Completely different animals than a jet which typically has a greater excess of power. Jet/prop has nothing to do with stall performance.


They had an engine flameout, and the plane was last inspected on Jan 26th. Expect some fallout. I'd hate to be that tech right now.


How'd you like to be the guy in the yellow taxicab? clipped its front bumper right off. wow.


On the other hand - thats number three. Are we safe now?

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CR translation for second video please.


I'm assuming lost engine somewhere after v1... Tried to climb out to steep for single engine takeoff stalled airplane... Plane is sinking fast with a pretty high pitched up attitude when it went into the river. But I fly cesnna 172, so I have no clue how to fly a twin engine turboprop

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Speaking as a multi-engine pilot who's gone thru a launch-related engine loss (albeit in a jet off a cat), when you lose power in a turboprop on takeoff you have like 5 seconds to execute a series of actions or you're in deep shit. Completely different animals than a jet which typically has a greater excess of power. Jet/prop has nothing to do with stall performance.


They had an engine flameout, and the plane was last inspected on Jan 26th. Expect some fallout. I'd hate to be that tech right now.


How'd you like to be the guy in the yellow taxicab? clipped its front bumper right off. wow.


On the other hand - thats number three. Are we safe now?



What carrier were you on?

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Super Sara


Haha, very helpful analysis, as I have no clue......... But I was talking about what the Asian chick was saying.

Well there was a little "no fucks given" going on there - they kinda kept driving. If I'd seen that my car woulda been parked and my ass out of that car so fast...

She was probably saying something "hurry up or you'll be late".

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It always amazes me when somebody happens to have their camera rolling at this exact time....what were they recording before this and why? Crazy


They are dash cams that run 100% when the cars are moving like Police cams. A lot of foreign countries do this for evidence and insurance reasons. It's getting more popular in the US though..



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