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Run in's with the law


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Same thing happened to me and my buddy, he told us we couldnt be on the highway or be out at night, as we both have our endorsement, we argued with him for five minutes but my buddy gave him an f.o.p. card and he just said have a nice night, thank god.

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  JRMMiii said:
And that would be? I've always wondered what happens if you run and don't get caught - it might be your plate, but they can't prove you were riding it.

Do you promise non-ghey action and excitement on the mean streets of Mansfield?

With the "can't prove you were riding it" mind set, my answer would be...it depends. honestly from the law enforcement side i dont care who was riding it, if you want to take it to court thats cool, thats your right as a citizen, I will testify to what I saw and collect my overtime for court, by that time you have racked up enough court costs to get a ticket thrown out that probably would be about $150 if you would have just paid it, then you add court costs...laywer fees...etc that will run you 450+ just to fight for principal?

And aparently you havent walked most of the streets here in mansfield that will promise for "non-ghey action and excitement". Heck our cruisers get shot at on occassion! good times had by all. :cheers: - growing up in the area I never realized how rough "little Detroit" was, just always heard stories, but now that I have worked here for awhile I realized how sheltered and unknowning I was about how rough the city really is for its size.

Edited by OfcMav
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$150? Maybe from you. That's still a gamble not knowing if you're going to get a dick cop or a reasonable one. Assuming your in the triple digits, ORC says that's 4 points + impound (I'm pretty sure), if you end up with a dick cop on a bad day.

little Detroit? I have no clue where that is... little Kentucky, I know. I agree that Ontario kids are sheltered, but I've played basketball down on W5th at the 7-11 hall, and spent 4 years in Flint, MI - so I think I've been cultured.

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  NinjaNick said:

I find it funny too that a cop would have a sportbike too and say they've never been over the speed limit. I don't know how they can live with themselves and give a speeding ticket in good faith.:nono: Fucking hypocrits. That's just my citizen opinion. :D:popcorn:

If you want to have a debate, fine. But that isn't the way to open the door. You have no idea how I use my bike. Look at my tires, they are sport touring tires jack ass. I ride my ride. I also said I do not write a lot of speed tickets, not because I am a hypocrite, just because I don't. You do not know who I am so again figure me out and don't judge cops if you don't want cops to judge you.

Oh, and have a nice day! :D

Same goes here, for the ride along, but I my p.d. will only let me take so many in a period of time. I am Westerville.

Edited by bdruggan10r
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  Reimbrandt said:
I got a good one.... was driving a '92 civic sedan that was painted to the hilt. Had my company name and # on the back deck, rims, ect. The catch was that those danm cars the plate bolts (rear) seize up and you can't hardly do anything about it. Well, the car had only been done for about 2 weeks and I had the back plate jambed high left side of the back window, which was real visible from a long ways back. Not perfectly legal, but very visible. Twit of a Highway patrol man pulled me over, wife and kid in the car, you know what the first question this idiot asked me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS YOUR CAR? Well, Duh.......... no, I always take my wife and kid with me to hiest a car that couldn't hide if it had to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUMBASS..... That was his only question and or reason for pulling me over... never said anything else.

I would assume that the reason he asked you that is because there ARE people who drive other peoples cars. Your car could have been in the shop and you borrowed your buddies car to go out to eat with your family. I don't see how that makes him a dumbass.

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  bdruggan10r said:
If you want to have a debate, fine. But that isn't the way to open the door. You have no idea how I use my bike. Look at my tires, they are sport touring tires jack ass. I ride my ride. I also said I do not write a lot of speed tickets, not because I am a hypocrite, just because I don't. You do not know who I am so again figure me out and don't judge cops if you don't want cops to judge you.

+ 1 My brother got stopped by a cop who rides a gsxr1000 and he just told him that he needs to be more careful and gave him a warning. Just because a cop rides a bike and also issues tickets to bikes doesn't make them a hypocrite. If anything, they are probably more understanding and know the laws better.

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No record of any kind here. I'm down to get educated with a ride a long someday.

I was about to be a State boy back in the late 90's, passed all the test and everything, but family talked me out of it because they were afraid I'd end up in prison for beating someone. They're right though, I'd have a hard time controlling myself with the many encounters I'd have in my lifetime. I think I made the right decision to stay off any police force because of my short fuse when I get f'd with; which would be by a law breaker on the street.

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  little Detroit? I have no clue where that is... little Kentucky said:

Well I am not going to debate this with you because I work the streets here everyday, playing bball on w5th isn't really a good comparison. its standing at 4th/rowland, bulkley/johns, blymyer/1st, arch/mulberry, etc(many many more places)..buying crack and heroin might have more influence. Remember I mentioned per capita, Flint is almost 3 times as big as this city. And yes we do have a little Kentucky, half is in the city and half is out of the city, north on bowman by the steel mill, and out towards madison off of ashland road, yes we do have our fair share of hillbillies. :D

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Maybe I've just been down there at the wrong time of day/night? :dunno: My mom used to deliver mail in those areas (walking route, not in a postal vehicle) and she always came back in one piece.

I'm not saying it's not tough or dangerous, but it's survivable.

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  R6warpspeed said:
amen. And there was a article about 3 months ago some town in ohio was requiring their po po to get atleast 19 tickets each per month or something like that.


That's as close to a quota as you can get...

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If i would have gotten 1/2 the tickets I deserved , I would never be able to drive in Ohio again.

I have been let off 2 wreckless ops and one 91 in a 45 mph zone ! pluss countless other goofy antics too. Burn outs at stop signs, Jumping curbs and driveways. I'm glad alot of that is out of my system now, because the cops aren't nearly as lenient nowadays !!

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  NinjaNick said:
Once you decide to pursue a chase, then that's your problem if you die. It's the law that the runner is charged with murder because of it, but if you want to chase as an officer then you should be in charge of your own life if you get over your head and can't handle it. OH! I do not approve of running from the law either....well atleast in traffic. That's just my citizen opinion. :D:popcorn:

I find it funny too that a cop would have a sportbike too and say they've never been over the speed limit. I don't know how they can live with themselves and give a speeding ticket in good faith.:nono: Fucking hypocrits. That's just my citizen opinion. :D:popcorn:

It's just a job! At least that is how many view it. When I was in college I worked at what was then called King Kwik in Cincinnati, a convenient store. This particular one gave free coffee to police officers. As a result there were always cruisers parked outside and we were one of the few stores never to have been robbed on 3rd shift.

Anyway..Most of them owned bikes. I had just bought a new Kawasaki KZ750-4. The first year the 750 had a 4 cylinder, prior years were twins.

A couple of the officers from 3 different surrounding communities asked me to meet them on a backroad when I got off work. I let them take turns riding it down the road while I listened to them tell me stories of speeding etc... how to rig your lights so you could turn them off when approaching a cop etc.

All in all they act and behaved like you and I when off duty, speeding, drinking etc but when on duty it was strictly by the book.

They were like -" Look I understand the desire to speed..we do it as well.. but if you come past me when I'm on duty I'm obligated to ticket you. "

I blew past an officer that owned a Gym I went to in a 1986 Fiero GT I owned. I didn't even see him. Later that day while working out he told me when and where I was speeding but had let me go...

For the most part they're like us.. they have good and bad days.. it is only a job and they are not angels nor morally perfect..

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  balaormiga said:
It's just a job! At least that is how many view it. When I was in college I worked at what was then called King Kwik in Cincinnati, a convenient store. This particular one gave free coffee to police officers. As a result there were always cruisers parked outside and we were one of the few stores never to have been robbed on 3rd shift.

Anyway..Most of them owned bikes. I had just bought a new Kawasaki KZ750-4. The first year the 750 had a 4 cylinder, prior years were twins.

A couple of the officers from 3 different surrounding communities asked me to meet them on a backroad when I got off work. I let them take turns riding it down the road while I listened to them tell me stories of speeding etc... how to rig your lights so you could turn them off when approaching a cop etc.

All in all they act and behaved like you and I when off duty, speeding, drinking etc but when on duty it was strictly by the book.

They were like -" Look I understand the desire to speed..we do it as well.. but if you come past me when I'm on duty I'm obligated to ticket you. "

I blew past an officer that owned a Gym I went to in a 1986 Fiero GT I owned. I didn't even see him. Later that day while working out he told me when and where I was speeding but had let me go...

For the most part they're like us.. they have good and bad days.. it is only a job and they are not angels nor morally perfect..


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Indiana State Trooper pulled me over on the turnpike. I'd been speeding. He said he didn't want to have to scrape me up off the road, blah, blah, blah. BUT that he had been following me for 10 miles. If I had been that dangerous, why didn't he pull me over sooner? Looking for me to actually crash? Doing something really stupid? A-hole. When I pulled over he walked up and tapped my mirror saying, "You must not have seen me because of these little tiny mirrors." I said, "That's not it. It's that they vibrate too much when I get over 80." Got a ticket of course. Was going to get one anyway.

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Sitting in traffic in quaint little town in Michigan, 9 hours out of Chicago on my way around Lake Michigan, I wondered why the traffic was not moving. But I waited...and waited...and waited. I decided to pull up next to the vehicle in front of me to ask what the hold up was, thinking I'd park my bike and find a place to pee while I waited. In doing so, I had to stop so two people could jay-walk in front of me.

Just after they passed, "Johnny Law" walks out into the street and motions for me to pull over. I was even moving.

He said I had illegally over taken on the right. I told him the story as above. He said that I might have passed many more than one vehicle. I suggested he ask the drivers in the vehicles sitting there, but he declined to put in the effort. I asked him if he didn't have anything better to do, and he replied that he did not.

He wrote me ticket. I called in the following week to see how much I owed. Then I had to wait another week for them to be able to tell me. It was $130!! WTF? I considered fighting it, but that would mean I'd have to ride another 9 hours, one way, just to go back to that shithole.

(It turned out that the bridge was up so that boats could pass.)



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Riding through Rocky Mountain National Park, my group left me at a stop. I was making my way up the mountain following a couple of cars. I couldn't pass because of traffic from the other direction even though it was a passing lane through a corner. Huh? Anyway, once the road was straight and there was no oncoming traffic, I passed the two cars in front of me. Probably went over the speed limit a little but not much.

As soon as I pulled out, I saw the law. He was on the other side of the road and wasn't even in his vehicle. He started running to his SUV. I figured the jig was up.

He had to pull a u-turn, scare the crap out of people, speed, cause drivers to pull off the road, and generally make a ruckus just to catch up to me at the next scenic overview.

He said I had passed in a no passing zone, I said it was not marked. He said that the little yellow things sticking up out of the pavement meant that it was a no passing zone. What?!? No solid yellow line? Who knew? He also said that passing more than one vehicle at a time was unlawful.

By this time, the rest of my riding group had wandered over to see what was up. This made the lawman a little nervous and told them all to back up. (hehe, nicest bunch of people you could ever meet.) None of them had ever heard that you couldn't pass more than one vehicle at a time.

So after all the public endangerment and harassment, I did not get a ticket.

Yippee for me.

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  KawayZ said:
Riding through Rocky Mountain National Park, my group left me at a stop. I was making my way up the mountain following a couple of cars. I couldn't pass because of traffic from the other direction even though it was a passing lane through a corner. Huh? Anyway, once the road was straight and there was no oncoming traffic, I passed the two cars in front of me. Probably went over the speed limit a little but not much.

As soon as I pulled out, I saw the law. He was on the other side of the road and wasn't even in his vehicle. He started running to his SUV. I figured the jig was up.

He had to pull a u-turn, scare the crap out of people, speed, cause drivers to pull off the road, and generally make a ruckus just to catch up to me at the next scenic overview.

He said I had passed in a no passing zone, I said it was not marked. He said that the little yellow things sticking up out of the pavement meant that it was a no passing zone. What?!? No solid yellow line? Who knew? He also said that passing more than one vehicle at a time was unlawful.

By this time, the rest of my riding group had wandered over to see what was up. This made the lawman a little nervous and told them all to back up. (hehe, nicest bunch of people you could ever meet.) None of them had ever heard that you couldn't pass more than one vehicle at a time.

So after all the public endangerment and harassment, I did not get a ticket.

Yippee for me.

How old are you? I haven't had that many run-ins and I've been riding motorcycles for more than 30 years.

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OK, last one.

I had my permit. I was wearing all my gear. I was riding in the daytime with endorsed friends. I was not breaking ANY law.

We were sitting at a stop light and I could see the police car across the intersection. He saw us too. He actually pulled into the median, left of the left turn lane. And as soon as the light turned green and we went through, he made a u-turn, blocking other traffic.

He followed us a mile or so, flipped on his lights and siren just as we were slowing to turn into a local biker friendly establishment. I was last in line, so I stopped. The officer came at me briskly and kind of made my hair stand on end, I felt my defense mode kicking in.

He said he pulled me over because I did not have a motorcycle endorsement. I said, "That's funny."

He asked, "Why do you think that is funny?"

I said, "Because I have my permit right here. I have insurance. And I am riding completely legal."

He asked to see one of my friends' licenses. So I had to walked into the parking lot to track one down and ask him over. The cop looked at my friend's license, saw that he had the correct endorsement. But, evidently, that was good enough. Since he couldn't get me/us with anything, he had to run my friend's license in his computer just to try and get something.

None of us had done anything wrong. There was absolutely no reason for the harassment. There was especially no reason for the officer's bad attitude, at least on our part.

Needless to say, I never returned to that town to spend my money.

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  balaormiga said:
How old are you? I haven't had that many run-ins and I've been riding motorcycles for more than 30 years.

I'm 42. I've ridden on and off all my life. But primarily since 2003, during which I have logged 43,000 miles and traversed numerous states on my Z1000.

I think it is the orange color. After most recent episode, I've decided that one more ticket and I will paint my bike black. :(

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