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There are different kinds of rules, right?


1) No harboring fugitives in my house.


Sensible rule, enforce with an iron fist, and if she disobeys it throw her ass out.


2) No wearing shoes in my house.


I don't agree with it but it's a simple matter to take your shoes off, so if she disobeys it feel free to take it as a sign of disrepect.


3) No talking in my house, even in your room.


Whoa, this is completely unreasonable rule, and if you catch her talking it's not a sign of disrespect, it's a sign that you're way too strict and need to lighten up.


4) Upon entering my house, you will eat 12 live lizards.


Umm, yeah, this is nowhere close to being about "respect," seek help.



So what type of rule is "no fucking in my house?" As a fellow atheist, and as someone who doesn't have antiquated prudish ideas about sexual morality, I think this rule is closest to #3. You're being unreasonable by asking horny 18-year-olds not to do something that is natural, moral, and biologically compulsive. And yes, I have 2 daughters (and a son) and would be 100% ok with all of them fucking in my house after a reasonable age.


If they fuck on your kitchen table, though, that is not OK. Only the homeowners are allowed to fuck there.

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  Diamonds said:
You are partially wrong.... Your wife's opinion is great... but you have the final say as the breadwinner.


Facts iz facts...


  Diamonds said:
Do you drive a prius? Do you vote democrat?


  Diamonds said:
Why atheist? (I can see this thread turning a corner soon)


PS - Independent is another word for liberal in my book because I think of Ralph Nader..


Jesus dude.

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  Geeesammy said:


No need to be a douche if you don't agree. Just simply give your opinions and don't be a fucking prick.


Allow me to state 3 facts:


1. I gave my opinions, there was a little back/forth on philosophical differences.

2. You'll get nothing but honesty from me at all times.

3. My "outbursts" werent worthy of being called "prick". I can be a prick, but it certainly wasn't displayed here.

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  El Karacho said:
I like to think I was raised as a progressive old school kid. My dad was raised in a very Catholic house (Portuguese) and my mom was a flower child sibling, so she kinda resisted the hippie movement. Their steadfast rule was I wasn't allowed to have girls over unsupervised (not that it stopped me) until I was 18, I wasn't allowed to have them stay the night til I was 21, and we werent allowed to stay in the same room until I was 25 or engaged.


I just dated girls whose parents were more lenient than mine so it was never an issue :dumb:. The few times it was close to being an issue it was a "my house my rules, get a hotel room if you wanna" type thing so i got a hotel room.


Pretty much sums up the respect portion.


I'm totally cool with your rule. I don't think I would ban them from staying as that seems like driving a wedge in your relationship but at least not allowing them to sleep in the same room and bed gets your point across. As it has been stated, they are 18. They will find a way to fuck in your home. But, at least you got your point across.


I would never be ok with my teenager having their significant other over for the week/weekend/night and staying in the same room. And I'm only 29 with no kids.


As Alex said, if they are so adamant about sharing a room then they should get a hotel room and show respect to you, your home and your rules.


This shouldn't be that big of an issue.


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It's all fun n games til you come home early from a Pizza Hut outing with your wife to see your daughter n her girlfriend scissoring on the living room floor while Sinead O'Connor is playing in the background.


But srs though, good luck with this situation. Tread softly but carry a big stick ;)

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So my high school long term girlfriend and her hippie parents had me over all the time. I was a senior, she was a junior. I was her first and we told her parents after it happened. They pollut her on the pill and told us to be safe. I stayed at her house almost every weekend and did the business all the time, all night, every night. It was around Xmas, and her and her mom were out shopping all day. They put the bags of gifts in her room until they got around to wrapping them. That night, when her and I went to her room to go to bed, we got on the floor to start our nightly fuck session. About twenty minutes into it, her mom knocks on the door and wanted to look in one of the shopping bags for a receipt. My girlfriend told her "not now mom"! Making it very clear we were having sex. Mom said cover up and that she would only be a second. She then opened the door, house rule was don't lock the door, the light from the hallway spot lighted everything about us. There was no blanket to cover up with. With my dick buried to the hilt as her daughter was riding me, mom stepped over my head to walk across the room to the bags. Mom rummaged for the receipt and was asking her daughter what bag she thought it might be in. Her angry daughter with my dick still in her, yelled at her mom that she didn't know and that they can look for it the next day. A frustrated mom left the room and casualy apologized as she stepped back over my head and closed the door on the way out. We laughed about what had just happened and then I finished fucking her.


To this day, I'm floored a family was that open. But if you're going to let me fuck your hot daughter and make me dinner too, I'll be right over.

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  BigOxley said:
Not following the rules, not staying in the house. Express to your wife that it makes you uncomfortable (or whatever). Have them go pay for a nice hotel .


This this this! Be respectful of my wishes in my house and i will respect you.


You are NOT in the wrong, your wife is in the wrong. You guys just need to find a common ground.

Edited by Paul
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I like how everyone here missed that she's ALMOST 18.


So probably a high school senior. Possibly (but doubtfully) a junior.


Kinda changes things a little, but not a lot.


For what its worth, I didn't agree with my mother's rules and how she treated me. My last year I lived there I saw her briefly one day a week, no more. I got out of there very quickly after high school, and moved half way across the state. My little sister moved to NYC within a week of graduating high school.


Her and I weren't really civil until I'd been out of the house for a couple years. These days I go visit maybe once a year (she comes up a couple times a year).


If you want to have any kind of relationship with your daughter you need to learn to understand her. I'm not saying give in to her, but see if you can find a middle ground. I don't understand this respect thing you keep bringing up for one. Yeah, don't do the nasty in common areas, but what's wrong with the bedroom if its not bothering anyone? I'm sure very few people on here will claim to have been virgins on their 18th birthday. All that matters is being safe.


It really sounds like she's trying to hit a nerve with you, provoke you. And its working. Sounds like there's something deeper going on here. It might be time to talk to your wife before this situation drives a wedge there too.

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  beatercamaro said:
My opinion, they are young, dumb and full of cum. Just try to keep her from making big mistakes and don't sweat the small things. Just ask her to be respectful and lay down some ground rules, tell her if they don't follow them then the gf has to move out.


You cant make big mistakes, NEITHER HAS SPERM INVOLVED!!

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I'm trying to understand why everyone thinks being almost 18 makes it ok to do that in my house? To this day if my parents asked me not to (they never had to.. I respected them too much for that) I would respect their wishes... hell if my inlaws weren't such assholes and seem to think it's all ok, I probably wouldn't have done it in their house even though my wife and I were married at the time... I don't understand how anyone doesn't think it's not a respect thing... I feel as though I'm alot older than 34 with my belief systems after hearing everyone elses.


And there's alot worse things than me looking at her like she's still 7 years old.


I agree that they should go get a hotel room... unfortunately that's not an option right now.

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  Diamonds said:
but you have the final say as the breadwinner.





fuck that shit.. if nathan ever pulled "im the bread winner" shit on me, he'd be out a wife and paying me alimony.


That shit is stupid. You are an EQUAL PARTNERSHIP. ESPECIALLY when kids are involved.


So i have a question.. Is she good kid? Has she listened to you most of her young adult life? Gotten good grades? Followed the rules? Or is she rebellious all the time, youve fought her tooth and nail about all the rules? Do you have ANY issues with the fact that she's a lesbian?


I need more info before i can put in my two cents.


I can honestly tell you taht when i was 18, and with my boyfriend, I was a "good' girl, and yet, you still couldnt have kept us apart (this resulted in some not so savory places because our parents wouldnt let us be together at the house...) So think about that.. if they arent doing it at YOUR house and they arent doing it at HER parents house.. Where are they doing it? You obviously aent going to be able to stop it, but she IS 18.


Is she still in school?

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Im 20 and still live at home. No girls allowed to stay the night. I have tried to test it before but i respect the rules. I can see (now) being a parent and not wanting that and i can see how it can be disrespectful. I dont see your concern being "wrong."


The its gonna happen so cave in argument doesnt make sense to me. Most douche bags i know were raised like that.


Good news is she cant reproduce and spread her dis-respectfulness.

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Alamony is the biggest hunk of horse shit I've ever heard of in my entire life.. go get a job and make your own money... if you are a team then I'm ok with dealing with finances... if you are not longer together, go get off your ass and get your own job... Sorry that's just a huge sore spot for me.


I will answer your questions as honestly and unbiased as I possibly can.


Yes and no about being a good kid. She is quite possibly one of the most disrespectful people I have ever met in my entire life and thinks she is owed the world. Listening? Only when I threaten or do take her cell phone. Followed the Rules? Some, but most she doesn't until she gets caught and then still doesn't once she gets out of trouble. As far as grades, she's never been what you'd consider a good student and 2 years ago my wife (without my agreement or consent) took her out of school and put her in home schooling where she cheated the system to "graduate" with that being said, she recieved a certificate and not a diploma.


No I have ZERO issues with her being a lesbian... when she told us, I was more worried about what was for dinner than her sexual preference.


As far as finding other places... fine, just not in my home... I did it in the back of cars, hotel rooms when I could afford it, (hell even the locker room of the high school) so what? that was my prerogative... I'm not disillusioned thinking that she doesn't have a sex drive at her age.. again, it's about doing it in my house.

  damreds said:
fuck that shit.. if nathan ever pulled "im the bread winner" shit on me, he'd be out a wife and paying me alimony.


That shit is stupid. You are an EQUAL PARTNERSHIP. ESPECIALLY when kids are involved.


So i have a question.. Is she good kid? Has she listened to you most of her young adult life? Gotten good grades? Followed the rules? Or is she rebellious all the time, youve fought her tooth and nail about all the rules? Do you have ANY issues with the fact that she's a lesbian?


I need more info before i can put in my two cents.


I can honestly tell you taht when i was 18, and with my boyfriend, I was a "good' girl, and yet, you still couldnt have kept us apart (this resulted in some not so savory places because our parents wouldnt let us be together at the house...) So think about that.. if they arent doing it at YOUR house and they arent doing it at HER parents house.. Where are they doing it? You obviously aent going to be able to stop it, but she IS 18.


Is she still in school?

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The point of what i was saying is- I made exactly the same amount of money nathan did when we met. It was a mutual decision for me to quit my job and take care of our household, and children (which didn't happen because i am broke).


I work my ass off running our house, our car club, and my own business but ill never make the money he does. But if he were to treat me as a second rate citizen in our marriage- I would be out. No questions asked. 12 years in, things are still equal.


as far as your daughter goes... There seems a lot going on here that really comes down to no matter what you say you will be over ridden.


Bottom line, she's gonna do it, theres gonna be lots of yelling


Good luck.

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