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RIP to Another Great Friend and Family Member


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Some here have followed my posts about our Boxer who has been battling Lymphoma for the past several months.


It is with a heavy heart and more tears than I care to admit as a grown man, that we had to take Xena to the MedVet ER at 1am last night for our final goodbye hugs.


She battled strong and bravely through nearly 6 months of Chemo. A move that I'm very glad we took as it truly was a life saver for her on many accounts. There was never any side effects or problems and she actually enjoyed the attention and "play dates" with upwards of 6 other dogs, 5 of whom were also Boxers when she would go once per week for treatment.


Xena was also a life saver to our Beloved Male (Ares) who also battled cancer like a champ. After we lost his sister in December of 2008 he really needed and enjoyed the energy Xena brought him as a pup and no doubt helped him live on for another 16 months with energy that I never thought I see in him again.


Xena was always a body guard to my daughter and wife and never left their side when around. She fought off two dogs that broke loose once and never wavered when standing guard at the house. We jokingly said she was more pitbull than our pitbull mix (patches).


She lived a good life and was spoiled right up to the end. I'm so very glad we had some beautiful spring weather that she enjoyed and enjoy it we did with several walks and fun outside. Laying in the grass and smelling the breeze as she lay outside or in front of our windows was her favorite way of relaxing.


I'll miss her dearly and only regret that there was simply nothing more I could do nor resources around that could have saved her from this fate. Cancer sucks and it's taken way too many of my friends, relatives and loyal companions.


RIP my "Baby Girl": Taken from us way too soon.


Photo from yesterday as we spent all day with her:





Head Turn was common from early on: December 2008





Play time with Ares who's life she saved: January 2009




Body Guard to Sophia from early on: November 2010





My Beautiful Flashy Brindle Boxer: Xena, Our Warrior Princes (named by my wife) - June 2014



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Tim. Saddened to hear this. Take comfort knowing you gave her the best life and care a dog could ever want. You've shared great photos of her that capture her spirit. I'm not looking forward to the days I'm in your shoes with our pups.
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