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Cop Refuses to Shoot Man!


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I feel like if more cops thought about what they were doing before lighting someone up it would be a lot better. Too many cops shoot and kill unarmed people, people that "Threaten there life" when watching the video there was no way it was threatened, etc.


Cops are on a power trip and its getting fucking old seeing the biggest gang in the u.s. get away with murder. ESPECIALLY when they murder someone WITHOUT A WEAPON.


If it is so fucking easy, go become a cop yourself. That is if you can stay off the weed long enough.


Maybe then we won't see any of the gofundme shit on here from you again.

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ESPECIALLY when they murder someone WITHOUT A WEAPON.


If you're referring to the kid in Ferguson, MO, he was as guilty as they come so please.......dude was on video robbing a store and the cop in the SUV was clearly struggling with him over his gun as evident by the fact that he discharged it in the car. I don't give a shit was the local rats say they saw, the facts don't support their story. Dude charged at the cop, weapon or not, all those events add up to a dead bad guy and one less turd society needs to worry about.


Funny how everyone always claims their "little baby" was so special and innocent.....yet they are thugs knocking over stores and fighting with cops. Yeah.....perfect little angels they are. :rolleyes: Brown got what was coming to him. People need to stop trying to make a saint out of him. He was far from it.

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Not that I agree with him, but maybe he was referring to Freddie Gray or Eric Harris or Walter Scott? There have been so many since Brown who would still remember that one?


Meh....don't know much about the Freddie Gray case. Eric Harris appears to be an accident and even his brother said he didn't believe it was a racial case. Cop is paying his dues now. Walter Scott was pretty fucked up situation and that cop is getting what he deserved too.


Not condoning any of the above but in the end, but the one thing they all have in common is a history of crime and they were all running from the police. Pretty simple solution is don't run from the Police....but hey, Darwin awards get handed out both ways.

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If you're referring to the kid in Ferguson, MO, he was as guilty as they come so please.......dude was on video robbing a store and the cop in the SUV was clearly struggling with him over his gun as evident by the fact that he discharged it in the car. I don't give a shit was the local rats say they saw, the facts don't support their story. Dude charged at the cop, weapon or not, all those events add up to a dead bad guy and one less turd society needs to worry about.


Funny how everyone always claims their "little baby" was so special and innocent.....yet they are thugs knocking over stores and fighting with cops. Yeah.....perfect little angels they are. :rolleyes: Brown got what was coming to him. People need to stop trying to make a saint out of him. He was far from it.


TRUTH :thumbup:

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Pretty simple solution is don't run from the Police....but hey, Darwin awards get handed out both ways.


True, but is it bad that it would make a part of me feel better if I saw that more of the people killed like this were white instead of brown? (hopefully I'm not being too honest, lol).

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True, but is it bad that it would make a part of me feel better if I saw that more of the people killed like this were white instead of brown? (hopefully I'm not being too honest, lol).


odds are likely that more non-white commit such crimes and run from police?

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My #1 advice when dealing with the police is be white.


I've arrested 5 times white guys than black...... Just saying.


Non LEO's would say "super job because all lives matter" ,where as MOST LEO's would say "you were justified to use deadly force since he just killed two people and was advancing at you with his hand in his pocket".


Back on topic with CR's view of how they would have round house kicked him in the face.

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odds are likely that more non-white commit such crimes and run from police?


I think you're confusing your chicken and the egg story. ;)


Couple quick things. It's been proven by the numbers, and makes logical sense given population numbers, that whites commit as many, if not more, crimes.


Okay, so let's say your argument, then is that more specifically, a white person is less likely to attempt to flee. Well, then you'd have to make the assumption that each race views the risks of fleeing or not fleeing equally. That's simply not the case. I'm trying to keep this point brief, so if you'd like me to explain why, I can later.

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If you're a shady lowlife dumbfuck committing crimes and threatening an officer's safety, you're going to pay for it and rightfully so. Doesn't matter what color your skin is, stupidity doesn't discriminate. The media makes everything about race, but 99% of police offers don't give two shits what color your skin is. Criminals are criminals and when your life is on the line, it doesn't matter if you're black white purple or polka dotted.
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I think you're confusing your chicken and the egg story. ;)


Couple quick things. It's been proven by the numbers, and makes logical sense given population numbers, that whites commit as many, if not more, crimes.


I'll give you that point as overall numbers, yes whites outnumber non-whites in both population totals and crime totals. It would be interesting to see the stats on white vs non-white on who runs more often and who resists or fights more often when confronted by the police. I don't see either following the stats of pure numbers.

We both know a black guy getting shot by the cops draws more attention and most certainly more attention than a white guy getting shot by the cops.


I stand by my point that as a group per capita whites are more law abiding in terms of not getting arrested vs non-whites. The FBI Stats vs the US Population numbers show that. I also believe they are less likely to be running from the police. Face it, these events usually take place in crap areas of town where the population isn't exactly white and the odds don't follow the general stats. Ferguson, MO nor North Charleston aren't exactly Dublin, OH


Lastly, I also believe even a purple martian won't get shot if he doesn't run from or fight with the police. I don't need any statistics to prove that, just a bit of common sense.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Fubar231, you are what's is wrong with the outlook on topics like this. You're probably always the victim of everyday life, and things just aren't fair.


There are three things to look for in a threat situation. Howard, usually talks these in our classes. Intent, means, and ability. If you have two of the three in a situation, you are usually in harms way. Just one, and you should be able to mitigate the issue, without killing the other person. Careless, no consequence, for pulling the trigger just isn't out there anymore. It's pretty difficult to justify pulling a trigger without all three of the above mentioned, Cop or not a Cop.

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Fubar231, you are what's is wrong with the outlook on topics like this. You're probably always the victim of everyday life, and things just aren't fair.


There are three things to look for in a threat situation. Howard, usually talks these in our classes. Intent, means, and ability. If you have two of the three in a situation, you are usually in harms way. Just one, and you should be able to mitigate the issue, without killing the other person. Careless, no consequence, for pulling the trigger just isn't out there anymore. It's pretty difficult to justify pulling a trigger without all three of the above mentioned, Cop or not a Cop.


No he is just part of the "I am a progressive and we have to be offended and appalled at anything" crowd; we stand for nothing but opposition.

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I always hate commenting and judging videos like this based on these short clips...


That being said I study this type of thing quite a bit. Two things come to mind.


1. Reacting to a pistol being drawn from a pocket is extremely hard. It is almost unbelievable how fast it come out. I've personally trained it, and it's tough to win.


I was looking for a video where this happened to 3 police. All 3 got shot, one was killed and the perp escaped the scene.


Now this cop already had his gun out so he has a little bit of help there, but there are several things you need to remember. 1. Action beats reaction every single time. 2. Handguns suck at killing people. In all likelihood at those distances both people involved are going to take rounds.


The second thing that I see wrong here is mindset. That cops mind was not in the right place. He was most likely worried about all the media bs going on. he announced to the perp he wasn't going to shoot him.


This reminds me of a video of an officer i watched where he did not surivive. The officer had been reprimanded for excessive force the week before. So he was very hesitant to shoot a man after a traffic stop.... Even after the person got out of his truck and pulled a semiautomatic rifle. The office continued to hesitate and was subsequently killed because of this hesitation. The video is infuriating to watch.


Am I mad the officer didn't shoot the guy and everyone went home? Hell no, but it is my opinion that he was extremely lucky. Should he continue to use this method, eventually he will not be going home to his family.


Again in my option this officer needs additional training. You can even see he uses the older traditional "tea cup" grip.


Sorry for misspellings/grammar. This is a streaming consciousness post from my phone and has not been proofed.

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If you're a shady lowlife dumbfuck committing crimes and threatening an officer's safety, you're going to pay for it and rightfully so. Doesn't matter what color your skin is, stupidity doesn't discriminate. The media makes everything about race, but 99% of police offers don't give two shits what color your skin is. Criminals are criminals and when your life is on the line, it doesn't matter if you're black white purple or polka dotted.


+rep. Case closed.

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Cops are on a power trip and its getting fucking old seeing the biggest gang in the u.s. get away with murder. ESPECIALLY when they murder someone WITHOUT A WEAPON.


All of my WHAT!?! :confused:


The officer has no idea if that guy has a gun in his pocket or not and at that range both people are going to get hurt or killed. I'm sorry, but that guy should have been shot for 1. Charging the officer 2. Having his hand in his pocket, and 3. Asking to be shot. You simply can't take a risk like that in real life. Yes, the officer showed extreme restraint in that situation but the guy could have pulled a handgun out real fast and put a few rounds in that officer had he actually had a gun in his pocket.


I don't want to see anyone die or get hurt, but the media has really given cops a bad reputation and it makes me sick. Are there good cops that follow the law? yes! are there corrupt and bad cops? You bet your ass! but there are good and bad people in every profession out there and cops are no different. Cops are not just some "gang" as you put it that run around and do whatever they want. I know quite a few officers down at the police academy near the fairgrounds who bust their ass everyday to help people and try to do the right thing. I am extremely insulted by you calling the Police the "biggest gang in the US".


Someone correct me if i'm wrong here, but I always thought officers were trained to take a situation one step above with the suspect is attempting at that moment. "force continuum" I believe is what it was called.


If you're a shady lowlife dumbfuck committing crimes and threatening an officer's safety, you're going to pay for it and rightfully so. Doesn't matter what color your skin is, stupidity doesn't discriminate. The media makes everything about race, but 99% of police offers don't give two shits what color your skin is. Criminals are criminals and when your life is on the line, it doesn't matter if you're black white purple or polka dotted.


Could not agree with this more!

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Race or otherwise aside, the officer did not handle that well. I think we all agree on that. However, an officer like this is just as dangerous as an officer who overreacts violently to a situation. Humans are no different from you a wild animal or your pet dog, it's the fearful ones that are the most dangerous and unpredictable.
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This is not 007 on N64.


Anyone who can use a gun proficiently can put lead in the meat of a leg and never break concentration on the situation. But, its easy to say that from the sidelines.


My point

---------- :gabe:

Your head



Hitting someone in the legs during that situation is a very low percentage shot. Nor would it do a thing to stop them. That's why you train for center mass hits; its where you're most likely to connect and where you're most likely to hit something that will stop them in their tracks.


And you'd be wrong on your second point.

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