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Job hunting


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On Tuesday I am going out looking for a new job. Still staying in the mechanic field, just need something paying more than 9/hr., and with opportunity to move up and learn new things. Sears has been a great place to start off and learn from, I have a nice foundation to work from.


What would you wear to put in apps and to interviews? In school they told us to "dress for the job you are applying for". For this line of work would jeans and a nice button up shirt work? Or would black pants and dress shirt be better? I'm applying at both dealerships and independent shops. Looking more at dealerships to get some different experience.


Also if anyone is working at a dealership that needs people let me know. Just keep in mind I am driving a tank with a 5.0, so nothing too far away unless pay will counter drive time.


Thanks in advance!

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Some people might disagree but...slacks, shirt and tie at minimum. I work in a semi-casual (slacks and polo) and everyone pretty much laughs at people who come in dressed in less than a suit for interviews. "Dress for the job you want" is how I have always heard it. First impressions are pretty much everything and the last impression you want to give someone is that your lazy or a slob. Put the extra effort in. Just my experience from hiring and staffing.
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I think as a mechanical spot should not where jeans but a tie is a bit overkill. Nice slacks and tucked in button up shirt with a belt and matching shoes. I have seen worse get hired and laughed and people who come in looking like they are selling a lambo when they will change oil.


And don't wear all black your not going to a funeral

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Tear the sleeves off a button up shirt and blast that Mountain Dew tat around like a boss badge carved by Satan. They'll be like Shit Fuck sorry for wasting your time with this interview you're the fucking boss of my family


then they'll bow and shit but you can just be like bitch fill that tire with air

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Tear the sleeves off a button up shirt and blast that Mountain Dew tat around like a boss badge carved by Satan. They'll be like Shit Fuck sorry for wasting your time with this interview you're the fucking boss of my family


then they'll bow and shit but you can just be like bitch fill that tire with air


Make sure to grow a mullet to properly pull this off.

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