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Cavs against GS


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I don't watch the NBA very often, but holy shit the officiating is beyond terrible. if I didn't know any better I would think it was fixed


I used to ref basketball in college. I can tell you with absolute certainty there is no real rhyme or reason for their calls. Things go one way some times, then swing back the other way. There is ABSOLUTELY some emotion involved in the reffing. Some guys know how to talk to refs, and some guys don't.


I was always more likely to respond to "hey ref I know you couldn't see it but #25 is elbowing me under the basket, can you watch for it next time?" than "FUCKIN #25 IS ELBOWING ME REF WTF GAME ARE YOU WATCHING???"


You better believe if someone spoke to me the first way, I would have my eyes locked on #25 next time down the court, whereas the 2nd way I'd probably let #25 karate chop his throat before I called him for anything.

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The refs need to get this under control before punches are thrown.


Also big lol at LeBron pump faking someone(forget who) then throwing an elbow at them and getting a foul called on them :lol:


The entire third and fourth quarter was some of the worst basketball I've seen played, it seemed like 70% of the time the ball was loose and people were scrambling around like crazy. The rest the time it was either LeBron getting mugged or refs tripping over their own feet.

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I don't watch the NBA very often, but holy shit the officiating is beyond terrible. if I didn't know any better I would think it was fixed


The sport fan in me believing not, but the gambler in me screaming yes. Long time ago a coach wife once told me, in America professional sports are shows. So take it how you want. Why do game go in overtime? More betting for the gamblers.

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The amount of butthurt against LeBron is unreal. I just read through some of the comments on espn's pics and it is hilarious. Everything from "LeBron sits when he pee's" to "LeBron was foulin curry all night"


The GSW are supposed to win this championship. It's what the NBA wants and the referees are trying but unfortunately the Cavs with their no name team except for Lebron are getting it done.


GSW are showing that they are nowhere near as good as they appeared all year.


This is the fifth year in a row Lebron is in the finals. that's fucking crazy!

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I must be the only one in this entire state that couldnt give two shits about basketball. I dont even know who they're playing.



Yet, here you are posting ;)



Cavs are just all heart in this series, and the GSW's looked like Deer in headlights last night...I think the crowd and anticipation really got in their head last night....what an awesome game to watch, but they need to stop blowing leads at the end of the game!!!!!


Dellavedova was a freaking animal last night, and he replaced where he lacks in talent with pure heart and hustle, and he was MVP in my book for last nights game. He flat out annoyed the shit out of Curry all night and I loved it!!


But, damn, Curry is a shooter...everytime down, I was thinking 'there's no way that's going in'.....WTF!


If they can pull it off on Thursday, I think it will be REALLY hard to lose this one....Not usually an NBA fan, but here's to rooting for the home team

Edited by bmwohio
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Curry certainly made some circus shots in the 4th, and had me getting nervous after a mostly controlled game through 3. The depth issues are going to have an effect and I'm just hoping the good guys have enough gas in the tank.
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Delle is the small, white guy thats not supposed to be good at basketball. What he loses in form, precision and "skill" he makes up 10-fold in grit, determination and pure hustle. He's awesome to watch. So unconventional and obnoxious for other teams, but just so much fun to watch do well.
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I never give two shits about the NBA, but I like watching the finals especially with Cleveland playing. These games have been fun to watch.


Dellevadova is my hero. He is a scrappy son of a bitch and I love him for that. Call it dirty but I love his eye for an eye mentality.




I saw that and replayed it three times after it happened lol. Loved it :thumbup:

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Really pleased with last nights game besides blowing a 17 point lead to begin the fourth quarter. Again, the ref's were not that great but whatever because Lebron and Co. continue to get the job done.


Every time they show Curry chewing on his mouth guard I want to rip my TV off the wall.


I think Curry is over hyped. He is the MVP and people are making him out to be one of the greatest, like Lebron but he is not. Delly is shutting Curry down besides the circus shots and I'm just not impressed. GSW bigs got winded last night and we man handled them. It was just a great game last night and I'm glad we pulled out the W in front of an amazing crowd.

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Curry overhyped? Did you see the shots he hit at the end? I mean I think he is a little, but he is a player. He can shoot if he even has a split second. That release is so fast. He is overrated in the sense people say he is MVP material. He isn't. He doesn't really lead, he can't only be acting like an MVP when they are up 15-20, he needs to be an MVP all the time, even down 17-20. LeBron is a leader 24/7 and always embraces adversity so well in comparison to most players.
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car talk in ESPN article...


Dellavedova played so hard in Game 3 that he turned into one giant cramp after the game and had to go to the Cleveland Clinic to get treatment for dehydration. The former Mr. 61 is earning the lowest salary of any player in the Finals -- $816,000 for the season. His teammates drive Lamborghinis, Ferraris and, in James' case, a $60,000 Kia he gets paid millions to be seen in. Dellavedova drives a Mazda.


boo hoo $816,000.

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If Lebron and the Cavs pull this off, most will have no choice but to announce him as the greatest of all time. Dude is going to average over 40 points per game (last done by Jordan in 93) and is going to win a ring with a bunch of dudes that no one knew of until the last 2 games. You look at every championship team in the NBA and they all had 2 if not 3 superstar players on their teams. The Cavs currently have Lebron, that's it. I don't care that they have Love and Irving on their bench in suit and ties, I care about the fact that LBJ and a little white dude are 2 games away from bringing a championship to Cleveland for the first time in 50 years.


GS reminds me of the OSU team that lost to Florida in the NCAA tournament. That team lived and died by the 3 pointer, right now that is GS. Curry is far from over rated, he showed in the 4th quarter that he can go off at any point and make 99% of anything he throws towards the rim. I wouldn't count them out just yet, but I do think the Cavs take this series in 6. I can't imagine how insane Cleveland will be if the Cavs win the series at home.

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This thread is about as useful as other threads on CR pertaining to legal advice.


LOL @ Car guys talking basketball.


JP gets a pass as he is a Cleveland guy.


I've been watching sports for about 40 years. I've only been interested in cars for about 24ish.

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