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Cavs against GS


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Again, the ref's were not that great but whatever


I think Curry is over hyped.


These both are LOL.


This thread is about as useful as other threads on CR pertaining to legal advice.


LOL @ Car guys talking basketball.


JP gets a pass as he is a Cleveland guy.


I take it you play?


If Lebron and the Cavs pull this off, most will have no choice but to announce him as the greatest of all time.


:lolguy: and those people would be retarded.


Lebron and company winning the NBA Finals is like the Buckeyes winning the College championship. Understaffed, Underrated, and Undisputed (if they win).


In an underperforming year, yep.

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This thread is about as useful as other threads on CR pertaining to legal advice.


LOL @ Car guys talking basketball.


JP gets a pass as he is a Cleveland guy.


And what NBA team do you coach/play for?

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It's freaking Cleveland!! They'll take any championship they can. That city need a spark.


Oh, I agree, and am excited for them, and Lebron. That is saying a lot because I'm not the biggest Lebron fan, but him coming back was something special.


And what NBA team do you coach/play for?



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If Lebron and the Cavs pull this off, most will have no choice but to announce him as the greatest of all time.


There are already plenty of people that consider him the GOAT. He isn't, yet...


If the Cavs can pull this off and get at least one more before he decides to retire I'll agree he will be the GOAT. He doesn't have to get more rings than Kobe or Jordan but he's gonna need to win 2 in Cleveland to get that honor.


That being said. It's hard to argue him not being the best. I mean he has been in the finals the 5 years now. If he play 7 more years my money he's in the final at least 5 more times.

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Jordan went 6 for 6 in the finals and not one series went to 7 games. I think he will alway be considered basketballs best, with LeBron being the best athlete to ever play the game.


Everyone forgets the Bulls went to the playoffs without Jordan in 94. Team was pretty good, Cleveland would not be in the playoffs without LeBron.

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Jordan went 6 for 6 in the finals and not one series went to 7 games. I think he will alway be considered basketballs best, with LeBron being the best athlete to ever play the game.


Jordan had a supporting cast of all stars and a bench of players that would start on other teams... Not to put him down, but LBJ is literally carrying the team on his shoulders this year. Jordan didn't do that, ever.

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Curry overhyped? Did you see the shots he hit at the end? I mean I think he is a little, but he is a player. He can shoot if he even has a split second. That release is so fast. He is overrated in the sense people say he is MVP material. He isn't. He doesn't really lead, he can't only be acting like an MVP when they are up 15-20, he needs to be an MVP all the time, even down 17-20. LeBron is a leader 24/7 and always embraces adversity so well in comparison to most players.


I think he is. You hit some of my points with the fact that he is not an MVP. He has made freakish shots all his life. He is not that good inside the arch and Delly has shut him down. Delly is playing out of his mind right now, but if Curry is a true MVP this wouldn't be a conversation.


He is a GREAT player, but he is over hyped by the media. Last night before the game during the pregame coverage they were talking about him as if he was a great like LeBron, Bird, Magic, etc.


BTW... Colin Coward said the Cav's would get blown out last night

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Jordan had a supporting cast of all stars and a bench of players that would start on other teams... Not to put him down, but LBJ is literally carrying the team on his shoulders this year. Jordan didn't do that, ever.


IF LeBron pulls it out this year he's a step closer. He had to go join up with Miami to win his first two, and still went %50 in the finals with an all star line up.


What he's doing in the playoffs right now is insane, but if he can't win it this year there isn't any debate left as to who is the best. So far he hasn't been able to show that he can do it on his own for the entire finals series. I didn't expect them to be winning the series at this point with Kyrie out.


He'll have half as many rings as Jordan with the same amount of finals appearances IF the Cavs even win this series.

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The general populous (USA) is clouded.


Jordan wasn't a leader by way of sharing and kindness - he won games, he was an asshole.


Lebron isn't an iron-fisted leader (people like him) - he doesn't have the killer instinct



Jordan is the best, LeBron has a LOOOONG road to even sniff Jordan's jock strap but unfortunately we live in a society consumed with instant-what-have-you-done for me lately millennials who weren't around to see Jordan dominate. Soup de jour is always easy to remember if it's same day. Lebron is great, he isn't the greatest. he hasn't earned it yet. Then again, our country is trending towards the "losers get trophies too" mentality.


Curry is gay

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IF LeBron pulls it out this year he's a step closer. He had to go join up with Miami to win his first two, and still went %50 in the finals with an all star line up.


What he's doing in the playoffs right now is insane, but if he can't win it this year there isn't any debate left as to who is the best. So far he hasn't been able to show that he can do it on his own for the entire finals series. I didn't expect them to be winning the series at this point with Kyrie out.


He'll have half as many rings as Jordan with the same amount of finals appearances IF the Cavs even win this series.


I'd love to debate all that is wrong with this statement, but then I remember you're the guy with the Grateful Dead helmet that never heard of WSP.

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The general populous (USA) is clouded.


Jordan wasn't a leader by way of sharing and kindness - he won games, he was an asshole.


Lebron isn't an iron-fisted leader (people like him) - he doesn't have the killer instinct



Jordan is the best, LeBron has a LOOOONG road to even sniff Jordan's jock strap but unfortunately we live in a society consumed with instant-what-have-you-done for me lately millennials who weren't around to see Jordan dominate. Soup de jour is always easy to remember if it's same day. Lebron is great, he isn't the greatest. he hasn't earned it yet. Then again, our country is trending towards the "losers get trophies too" mentality.


Curry is gay


Thankfully individual opinions don't matter and statistics do. To say Lebron is that far away from Jordan greatness is just crazy. Like hater crazy type shit.


Curry is gay tho

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Lebron is a great player, and w/o his original cast of all stars(love and Irving) he has proven he can elevate the play of his team mates.

Delladova has played like a man out of control. He has gotteninto currys head and nor curry is almost out of the equation.

I for one only thought this current line up was good a a win or2 but not I think they can win this if they take both in cleveland.

Jodon was a great player but before rodman and pippen the bulls were just a good team



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:lolguy: and those people would be retarded.


You would disagree? I'll be here waiting on the "Jordan is the greatest of all time" replies that are sure to come my way haha. I was a huge Jordan fan when I was a kid, but lets be honest, the dude played on stacked teams, had one of the greatest coaches of all time, he had better win! Hell even without Jordan the Bulls made it to the eastern conference finals led by Pippen (top 50 greatest player of all time). Lebron is doing this with who again?


^^ Most of this was said by others haha


The term GOAT is somewhat dumb honestly. I think greatest of a generation is a much better title to give a player. How can you say someone is the greatest of all time, when they only play 10-15 years? Do rings make them the greatest? Individual records? Because there are dudes with more rings than MJ and guys with more points but less rings than him (Karl Malone).

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